Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Jotting and Prayer

Do you ever jot something down on a piece of paper and stick it away only later to find it waded up in a drawer, a pocket or a purse?  I've been cleaning out my closet this week and am going through my purses.  Inside one of my purses I found something that I had copied down many moons ago (don't ask me where I got it) and I think that finding it is perfect timing for me for where I am at right now, this moment, this day and just two days from the year anniversary of losing my sweet and precious mother.  I like to think that I was to have this message be discovered today.  Here goes:

Humility....Humility is perpetual quietness of heart.  It is to have no trouble.

It is never to be fretted or vexed, irritable or sore, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing against me.  It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised.  

It is to have a blessed home in myself where I can go and shut the door and kneel to my Father in secret and be at peace, 

 as in a deep sea of calmness when all around and about is trouble.

My thoughts and prayers today are on two families, both who had sons serving our country, both who have been brought back home - to our town - their caskets covered by our nation's flag.  One of those young men is the son of a friend of mine; the other young man came from the same AFB that my son, Jordan, last served at.  A heavy heart sits in my body for these precious young men and for their amazing families.  May God be with them during this most difficult of times.


  1. I'm so glad you shared your "jotting" with us...I'm praying too.

  2. What a beautiful bit of sweetness you have shared here. Anniversaries of parents are always hard to get through. Prayers going out to those that lost their sons. I can't imagine----xo Diana

  3. A very meaningful piece for you just surprise that it was tucked away and that God had you find it today. For the sorrow that your friends face in the loss of their sons...much comfort. May they know that the Father is very near. Gentle hugs to you for I know anniversaries are times of remembering and often tinged with pain. And always love...

  4. This is really beautiful and I'm so happy you shared it with us. Yes, I'm sure you were meant to find this again just at this time. My prayers are with the families of the soldiers who recently lost their lives.

  5. What an absolutely amazing post.

    I am taking it to heart - and need to work on having much MUCH more humility.

    Thank you for this reminder.

    I shall be praying for the soldier's families - how I hope they know how m uch we appreciate their courage and dedication to keeping us FREE!

  6. Beautiful words, beautiful tribute...

  7. A beautiful post. My heart goes out to you and all the others who are feeling your same sense of loss for their precious loved ones.

  8. Sending prayers for both you and the families of the young men who served our country.


  9. Beautiful and timely. Thanks Becky for sharing. Thinking of you at this anniversary time.

  10. Beautiful and timely. Thanks Becky for sharing. Thinking of you at this anniversary time.

  11. How precious is Life...and the humility to move through it with grace. Well said.

  12. I don't even know what to say. My heart breaks for all of you. So so sorry. (((((HUGS))))) and prayers.

  13. Beautiful post...thanks for sharing it with us. Sending up prayers for the families that lost their sons.

  14. Such a beautiful and inspiring post! Thanks you for sharing! Keeping you and all the families in my prayers! xo Heather

  15. Thinking of you as the one year anniversary of your Mom's death approaches. And my heart goes out to those families...there really are no words.

    xo Kat

  16. Not sure my comment went through last time...

    I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you as the 1st anniversary of your Mom's passing approaches. And my heart goes out to those families who have lost their sons...there are no words.

    xo Kat

  17. Beautiful post!
    My thoughts and prayers go out to those families and all the families who have lost a loved one.

  18. Beautiful post! Keeping all the families who have lost a loved one in my prayers!

  19. Beautiful! May God's give you peace.

    Amy JO

  20. Thank you for sharing these words with us. My heart goes out to those who have lost their loved ones in the service of our country.


  21. Becky I am praying for you and the families that lost their precious sons. My heart is heavy for all of you. Oh how I wished I could give you a big ((((((((HUG)))))))).

  22. I'm sorry for those that lost their children and I know it is difficult to be without our mother's. I pray all of you will feel the presence of God.

  23. What a lovely post. Isn't it amazing that we "find" inspiration that is just perfect to our situation at the time? The Lord knows what we need and he knows you and your friends need comfort today. Prayers and Inspiration to you all, V

  24. Thank you for this beautiful post.

  25. thinking of you today

    may God's peace embrace your heart.

    ~ Violet

  26. Dearest Becky,
    My heart is aching having read your post. Your tragedy has touched me so deeply. Jordan was a dedicated patriot and now he is joined by two other fine young sons.
    I am so deeply touched by your abiding faith in a God who understands and cares.
    Your sacrifice goes beyond my feeble ability to express my thanks!
    Fond blessings and prayers to you and the families of the two who recently perished.
    Carolynn xoxo

  27. Beautiful pictures


  28. Just popped glad. Thank you for sharing your "find" Becky...This line was my favorite. ~ "It is to have a blessed home in myself where I can go and shut the door and kneel to my Father in secret and be at peace" ~ (that inner home is truly a haven from the world, and I do visit it many many a day!) I WILL say prayers for these two families. My Justin is on his 3rd deployment, and it NEVER gets easier. Bless you as you pray from your heart, for you KNOW...your words before the Father will be precious for those families whose hearts are so broken right now...- My mama's 2nd anniversary of leaving here to go home will be Thanksgiving this year. It is a hard time, but knowing her presence is where I will be one day.. is comforting. God's grace is sufficient. {{{hugs}}} thank you! *and yes I DO jot things down and find them stuffed here and there. Amazing how God works in His timing of messages...:-)

  29. Dear Becky,
    Oh No, my heart goes out to the families. Such a sad time for them and for everyone that knows the families. I wish I could wrap my arms around everyone and make things all better.
    Our family has had another passing a very dear Aunt. Life just keeps throwing us curve balls, but I think it keeps our faith strong in knowing we "Will" meet again.
    Sending you Love and big hugs, Elizabeth
    I will be thinking of you and your Mom....XO

  30. What a beautiful thought! Our prayers go out to the families of these young men. Mimi

  31. Beautiful words, from a beautiful soul. XoXo


  32. A fallen soldiers funeral will take place on Friday in our neighboring town. It has been reported that he was a strong Christian so his reward is just beginning. However, the hurt and loss is still very real. Prayers go out for the loved ones, including you as you again remember your loss.

  33. This was a beautiful and thoughtful post. I really loved those thoughts on humility. I know you know this more than most... But what the heart has owned it cannot lose. I am thinking of you and those families... Blessings!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!