Monday, August 27, 2012



Before I get to the discombobulation part of this post, I’d like to focus on the beautiful bouquet of flowers that my son’s friend brought over for me.  Such a nice surprise and she could not have picked out a more perfect bouquet to match our decor.  Her words were this:  “I love flowers because they make a room feel happy and fresh” and she could not be anymore spot on than that!  Now if only the room WAS “fresh” looking….


…..if you pan to the right of the room, this is how the other side looks.  My handy husband tore out the original mauve tile around the fireplace and is prepping the wall and measuring for the new tiles.  A bit wonky, eh?  Well, like I said, it’s the planning phase.


We chose a neutral porcelain tile from Home Depot and it blends nicely with the color of the wall.  We are finally getting our laminate floors so we had to get the tile work done before the floors are installed this week.  I am so looking forward to ditching the 18 year old carpet – though it has been a really good carpet, it just has to go bye-bye.


While my hubs was busy working away on the tile, I was in the kitchen sewing up 22 ruffled burlap runners that were a special order for a friend.  Between burlap fuzz and tile dust, the house is a bit out of sorts. 


These runners took me about 20 hours to make, all said and done. 

For you girls that sew, I know that you can relate to how much time it takes to make something by hand.  Each ruffle is frayed top and bottom, hand gathered, and sewn onto each end of the runner.  The customer was pleased with her order and will be used on the tables for a wedding this weekend. 


And little Fiona….well, lets just say that she didn’t get her ball tossed as much as she would have loved to have had.  She is doing the Jedi mind trick here and hoping that if she looks at the ball long enough, it will move on its own.


Now who could resist that face?  I’ll make it up to her by taking her for a day of pampering at the spa.  A girl has to do what a girl has to do, right Fiona?  Where’s Duhgall? As usual, he is by my husband, his buddy, but he did come over for some camera action.


Now to find my dust rag….
Till next time…..



  1. Poor Fiona... My dogs never figured out the ball game. You can throw it, they will run over to it, and come running back to you. Without it.

  2. House transformations are so worth the work and dust!

  3. What a pretty and thoughtful gift those flowers are! They look right at home amongst the pretty paintings too.
    There is no end to the talent coming from your sweet cottage. The fireplace surround is going to be gorgeous and those table runners ... oh my, fabulous!! I don't sew, but I can imagine the work that went into making them. What beauty they will add to the wedding.
    Poor little Fiona. I have a feeling a day at the spa and all will be forgiven.

  4. I have just come from Susan's (Branch) where she is in a bit of a mess to find you in a bit of a mess. Why does doing something worthwhile always create a mess? Can't wait to see your new floors and tile.

    Those runners are scrumptious.

    You'd better take care of that little gal of yours or she's going to pull the heartbroken routine. What a sweet face!

  5. Love the photo of Fiona willing the ball to move!! Living through demo is always a mess, but it's always the worst right before it's finished. Oh, I can't even imagine the mess left behind from all that burlap! Hopefully you'll post some photos of them on the tables. I'm sure they'll be the hit of the party!

  6. That's a lot of work, Becky! Those burlap runners are lovely. My blog has moved - still at but it's on WordPress, so you may have to update the feed - no longer available through Google Friend Connect.


  7. I can sure relate to the burlap runners! They certainly do make a mess - fuzz everywhere!

    Good job and good luck on all of the changes going on this week.


  8. Those flowers ARE perfect for your home, and I love the arrangement of the paintings on your wonderful
    We're working on multiple projects at my house too...and fresh is not a word that would apply there either. But the end results also make it so worth it! Like your runners....simply divine!

  9. Your poast has so much to it!

    Your runners - to die for, lucky wedding gal for SURE!

    Your new tiles for surround - rocks!

    Your new laminate - you are gonna be a very happy camper~!

    And Fiona and her Jedi Mind Trick?
    I howled with laughter, that is EXACTLY what that picture is saying! Hahahahaha, cracks me up!

  10. Love the flowers!! They look great with your flower pictures! Can't wait to see your fireplace completed. And oh, what great pictures of you pooches!!


  11. The flowers are so pretty. So sweet of her.
    Love the ruffled table runners. Wont that be pretty at the wedding. Fiona is so adorable.

  12. hello !!! Can't wait to see your finsihed room !!!! But, in the mean time I am lovin the display of old floral paintings and the fresh flowers, beautiful !!!

  13. beautiful runners there, girl!
    and no, i couldn't resist her little presh!
    hubs is going to be pleased with the tiling, and you, too!
    it's wonderful being remembered by a sweet friend, especially with those bright and happy flowers.
    God's blessings! ;)

  14. Becky that is going to look really spruced up. I can't wait to see the end results. Poor little
    Finoa, I guess I will have to buy her one of those bumble balls that move on their on...until the battery runs down. You need to teach Doogs to throw the ball for her.

  15. Nothing wonderful was ever made without a little dust my friend. I should know, dust is my constant companion! lol. Great runners, and yes, I know how much time went into those! With some new flooring and tile the house will look fresh soon enough:>)

  16. I think your fireplace will look wonderful. We put in a new(old) mantle and redid our tile surround and I love it. The burlap runners are so cute-what a job that must have been. I'm sure they'll be beautiful for a wedding!

  17. Oh Yeah!!! new floors, I know you have been wanting them and you are getting new fireplace tile too, how fun and excieting!!!
    Last month when we had new carpet installed(of course) we had to move all the furniture out of the rooms. It was like moving out and moving in again stuff was everywhere all over the house. I am so happy for you and I can't wait to see your new floors and fireplace.
    The table runners turned out so pretty, it sure was a lot of sewing.
    Sending love, Elizabeth

  18. What beautiful burlap runners!! Isn't it funny how dogs just stare at their toys waiting for them to move. My 2 yorkies do the same thing.
    Your new floors will be wonderful. We are taking up all of the carpet in our house...and it turns out that there is hardwood floors under the carpet. Not sure if we are going to leave them old looking or have them refinished.
    Have a great week.

  19. Your runners look so beautiful!! Have a great week! xo Heather

  20. You have lots of projects going on. Those burlap runners would be AMAZING I think.

  21. Becky- Wow~ That is a lot of runners to make-especially with fringing and gathering! Love the new tile. You can't go wrong with neutrals. Have a good week-can't wait to see your new floors-xo Diana

  22. What a labour of love those runners must have been! You are really a good friend!

  23. Isn't fun to be busy? Especially when you are looking forward to all the changes in a room. I don't envy you the work for the runners though. I would be sneezing a lot (because of the fuzz).

  24. The runners are awesome and will be so perfect for a wedding! The fireplace will be wonderful...and I LOVE your sofa...reminds me of mine, even the checked pillows...great minds right?

    Now go hug Fiona and throw the ball! Have a great day!

    Lou Cinda

  25. Love the floral canvases. Sounds like lots of work going on. That is a lot of runners. Burlap does make a mess. Bailey has that same ball in purple and I tossed it a few times this morning, but not as much as she would have liked. We have had rain all day from that storm and are so far away from it. I sure hope those in the path stay safe.

  26. Remodeling is always worth the mess! I've spent many weeks doing dishes in the bathroom and wiping drywall dust off my furniture. Have fun it won't last forever. Mimi

  27. I have a dog that does the same Jedi trick with his ball. lol!

  28. Your home looks gorgeous Becky...can't wait to see it with the reno's completed. Great choice on the tile.... And, yikes - what a project with those runners. I don't like doing gatherings.... :o Bet that will be one gorgeous wedding....sounds like the bride has incredible taste! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  29. PS....sweet Fiona....LOVE that photo! (And you're pretty dang good at captions yourself!) ;o)

  30. I can't wait to see what you do with your (already) gorgeous home! It will all be worth it! What a dear boy to bring you those sweet flowers!
    The them! I know lots of hard work go into an hand crafted pretty! You always have such beautiful things!
    Poor Fiona! You know, Kipper never liked to play ball...we tried and tried. He just looked at us like we were crazy! Winston does but not for long...silly doggies!
    I am so sorry I have been such a bad blogging friend! Even when I get around I don't always leave comments. I apologize for that! Have a sweet Labor Day Weekend!

  31. Oh, poor little Fiona! She does look a bit dejected. "Just a little more and it will be you're turn, little pup."

    Yes, sewing does take a large chunk of time...but, oh, it's so much fun! Your table runners are wonderful and have the most important feature...They were made with love! How perfect for a wedding. I have yet to make one and yours have inspired me to get busy and make an Autumn runner for my harvest table.
    Thank you for each one of your sincere posts, dear Becky!
    Hugs across the miles,
    Carolynn xoxo

  32. (((Becky)))
    I just left a comment on your other post but I don't know if it went through....

    I could say so much but I will say this:




  33. You have a beautiful collection of flower paintings. They're so charming. Makes me want some for myself...or I'll just have to start and paint them. And such a sweet doggie too :)

  34. I just cannot believe it! I really really cannot! Me and my sweet hubby have moved my business into my mom and dad's little house so that left a huge room empty. So we are turning it into a family room with an antique wood burning stove that we bought last summer. I went shopping yesterday at home depot for tile to use for the base and the wall behind the stove. WE PICKED THE EXACT SAME TILE that you put around your fire place! When I first looked at the picture on your blog I had my husband go and get the sample tile that we just brought home... same tile! I am painting the room this week and then Dennis is going to build the base and tile it and the wall behind the stove.. I will take a picture and send to you!!!! How funny.... You have GOOD taste!


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