Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Oh JOY! and What is IT?

I am just thrilled to have received the news that I was the random number generator’s pick on July 17th!  (I’d kiss that RNG if I could!!)  Why you ask?  Well, I had the link to my blog friend Allison’s –( The Polohouse Blog )- giveaway on my sidebar for a few days – it is actually the photo below.  The giveaway was for two pieces of ironstone (pinch me) and a wicker covered bottle (another pinch, palease!)  Now I don’t hold my breath when it comes to giveaways because I usually am the blogger who doesn’t wins. I am more like the one who is reading the post announcing the winner of said giveaway and being excited for the lucky gal!  

I am so humbled to have won something beautiful from the lovely Allison.  In fact, just a few days ago I had the chance to meet my friend Cheryl’s good friend, Sabrina.  We were chatting about what decorating style she prefers and she said that she likes the Ralph Lauren look with ample plaid throws and equestrian decor.  Knowing that she reads blogs, I asked her if she knew of The Polohouse blog.  Her reaction went something like:  “Are you kidding?!!!!!  I love her (Allison’s) blog and her home is amazing!”  …small world we have with the internet, eh?  It’s like the six degrees of separation theory.

Thank you so much, Allison, for having such a beautiful giveaway.  I feel so blessed to have won. I know that many women out there had their fingers crossed like me.  I also thank YOUR readers who have been kind enough to visit my blog and have become “followers”, too.  Thank you, ladies!!  ((hugs))

I am going to have a giveaway in August, so stay tuned.  Something old, metal and vintage.  Hmmph?!
allison's giveaway

Ok, now on to the “what is it” part of this post.  My friend Barbara brought in this cool metal contraption – a little bit of rust included – a few weeks ago.  It is a super fun display piece with two doors and two wire racked shelving compartments.  She asked me if I knew what it had been used for.  I didn’t have a clue, but after a quick check online, we discovered that it is a steam canning unit that was used by the upper crust during the Depression Era. 


It would be cute up on a desk to hold computer paper and other odds and ends that don’t look great sitting out and about.  OR, how about using it in an art studio to hold papers and boxes of pens and other art supplies?  A cool piece, Miss Barbara!  You done good!


  1. Wonder if it is part of a safe?

    It's COOL whatever it is!

    And CONGRATS being a winnder, you lucky ducky!!!!

  2. Congrats on your giveaway win. I love ironstone pitchers...been collecting them for the couple of years.

  3. Yes, congratulations on the win. Alison certainly put together a fabulous gift. Enjoy!
    This is an interesting piece. Perfect on a desk

  4. Congrats on your win! Love your "prize" :)
    The contraption is something I have never seen either. Very interesting and love the way it is displayed.

  5. Congrats on the wonderful gifts you won! Lucky you!

  6. That's a great piece that Barbara found! We have an old metal bread cabinet of similar shape & size on our kitchen counter. We use it to store coffee beans & filters, etc. My husband calls it the coffee shack!

    Congratulations on the giveaway win...those pieces are perfect for your lovely home!

    Praying your life is filled to the brim with joy!

  7. Love that piece!! It's got such great character to it. And congrats on the win!

  8. Congrats on the win and I love the piece your friend picked up. A steam canning unit? Who knew:!?! Love it- xo Diana

  9. Congrats on a great win!!Those will look awesome in so many ways!!

  10. Oh, What fun Becky!
    What a wonderful friend Allison is to have such a nice giveaway!
    Carolynn xo

  11. Congratulations on your win! That wicker bottle is so cool! and who doesn't love ironstone? I know both of these will look beautiful in your home. I have never heard of a steam canner, very pretty piece and I can see so many ways to use it!

  12. Or perhaps it's really a teeny wittle vintage refrigerator. ☺

    Congrats on your win...that was a good one!

  13. You're right, that is a wonderful piece! I would have guessed that it was a fridge!
    It has alot of great uses! Thanks for sharing! karen...

    I am so happy for you. That is a really nice prize. I love the steamer, so darn neat. It would be so cute with a collection of white ironstone creamers in it or my "Elsie the Cow" collection. (just saying) If only I lived closer, I would be broke.

  15. What an unusual piece! Congrats on the win.

  16. Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner! Nice Job, Miss B! Are you enjoying our overcast weather this morning? I'm pretending I'm on the coast... enjoy your day!!!

  17. Yea for winning a giveaway! I love that metal cabinet!!!! It could be used in so many different ways!!!
    XO Kris

  18. COngratulations. It's fun being a winner and also being a giver.

  19. Congrats on your giveaway win. You gave me a great idea for a metal pie safe that I've had in the garage for a few years. If it fits, I love the computer paper idea. Why didn't I think of that? Well, I'm glad you did. Thanks!

  20. Hi, I'm a little late posting, but congrats on winning! Very nice! I do love the metal piece, anything old! Hugs, Lynn

  21. Hi, I'm a little late posting, but congrats on winning! Very nice! I do love the metal piece, anything old! Hugs, Lynn

  22. This is the nicest post Becki! I am just getting back from a week at my mom's and she had no internet access for my laptop so I have been dying to get some blogging time in and to thank you for this kind mention!

    So thrilled you were the winner~
    have the package all ready. Will ship out on Monday!


  23. I came over from Alison's. I love how you arrange things!! You are a GREAT stylist!! Your home exudes sweetness and is all that the name implies! I am just getting started with my blog. Im your newest follower. May you be blessed!! ~~~Annabell


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