Tuesday, March 6, 2012

For Good Measure

P1010089 Often times when I am out scouting for old things to buy, I hear folks talking about “how things just aren’t made like they used to be.” There are complaints about how their washing machine stopped running after having it for seven years or that some tool made in China broke after using it two times. The conversation will then turn to how their parents had household items for years and years and never gave up the ghost. Refrigerators would run for twenty umpteen years and hand tools would last for generations. The pride of craftsmanship was evident in the by-gone days and items were built to last for a good long time.

Every once in awhile I will join in on some of the conversations or just give a subtle head nod in agreement with them. Walking away, I chuckle and think I may be an old soul because I am so drawn to old things with character and beauty.

My recent quest for that “sturdy and well made old thing” landed me some wonderful scales – some household scales and smaller postage scales.

P1010090 I even found an old rusty metal gauge of some kind that has a handsome and rugged industrial look to it with nice numbers on the face.P1010087 Fun colors of green, rusty brown metal…P1010093P1010086 …and aged to perfection, like the freckled spotted face on the one above. Oh, and might I add, that all of these were made in the USA.P1010083Old scales look great displayed in a group or simply set something on top of them for a lovely vignette, such as shown in the photos below.

scale 1 Pinterest: acottageinthewoods.tumblr.com

scale 2Pinterest: heatherbullard.com

scale 3 Pinterest: Flickr.com

Lovely old treasures…wonderfully crafted and aged to perfection. So here’s to a measure of recognition for all of the good things that were built to last and withstand the test of time.


  1. Becky I am with you all the way. I have 3 of those scales and you are right all made in the U.S.A. That's the part I love the most then the rust . I use one of mine by my coffee pot to hold the cream, sugar and Sweet & Low. One is on my table with a small tarnished tray with birds on it and a small tarnished pitcher. The other is by my mantel shelf with faux herbs on it. I love to decorate with them and I really would like a couple more. :) I love all of the ones you found. They are so neat. Talk about things lasting forever, I had a freezer that was 30yr. old and it would not die. I hated it because it was so big and I thought I was going to have to shoot it to get rid of it. Finally hubby said just throw it away, so I did but it was still working. Gotta love those that were made in the U.S.A.

  2. Hi Becky!

    You are so right about things not being made like they used to be. These are great old scales. I sold an old baby scale on e-bay a fewe months back. Love your display. I went to the thrift shop yesterday, and found some vintage lace, still on the cardboard, made in France!!
    something about it I just love!!

    Have a great week!

  3. Great post!! I love all those old scales

  4. I love old scales. Actually, I love anything old with graphics. I've been searching for one for the cottage, but nothing so far!

    Your package will be on its way to you tomorrow, Becky! Thanks so much.


  5. Lovely scales. Tho now I am wanting Madeleines~

  6. Those are wonderful old scales. We have that little green postage scale and I used to have a pink baby scale that MyHero took to GW several years back. I wanted to shoot him but the laws here prohibit that! xo Diana

  7. I just love them ALL!!!! Aged to perfection...these scales have a charm that can't be duplicated :) I hope you are doing wonderful, hugs and love, Dawn

  8. I love old scales! The ones you have found are wonderful. It's so true that they things make things like they used to! New things aren't as sturdy and definitely not as lovely, to my eyes at least. I really enjoy my vintage scale. It's the last one in your inspiration photos! :) Thanks for using it. I'll have to try a birds nest next like your first inspiration photo!

  9. When we were in Kansas we went to auctions all the time... We found many old scales that were just too fun to pass up..... I wish we had kept them but we did sell them on Ebay for some Goooood money..... Anyway, love your picture, they are so Victorian...... Hope you are happy and well...... I am jumping back up on the blog wagon... last year was just too hard and I did not do a thing...... so hope this year to be creative........

  10. The uses of how they displayed those scales are DANG CUTE.
    I don't think I have seen any around.

    AND SPEAKING OF...our microwave that we have only been using for 2 1/2 years bit the dust. (Panasonic)
    Talk about frustrating.

  11. What wonderful old scales! I have had my eye out for the "perfect" one for quite a while. By perfect - I don't mean pristine...just perfect in size, color and rustiness...

  12. I so agree. Last fall I had to replace an 8 year old refrigerator. The compressor went out and was told that it would be too costly to repair, so we purchased a new one. Things were built to last years ago but that does not appear to be the trend today. Lovely images Becky!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  13. I too am an old soul.Today's quality is nothing to compared to that of the old...You have a nice collection of scales..blessings

  14. I love your scales. I'm watching more closely lately for items made USA. Makes me feel good to find them.

  15. I have two old scales and I love them. My bathroom is getting a makeover and I'm pretty sure one of them will end up on the toilet tank.

    We have a lot of my father-in-law's old hand tools. They have a bit of rusty goodness and they all work like a charm!


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