Monday, February 13, 2012

Cottage Charm


Nestled in a quaint little town, where Charlie Chaplin’s movie The Tramp was filmed, are a string of antique stores. This shopping destination is Niles Canyon, located in the San Francisco Bay Area. Niles has that Mayberry-Americana feel to it with American flags displayed on every store front. There is even a fabulous Pizza parlor there that has



homemade crust that just melts in your mouth. A “piece” of pizza is not a “piece” but more like a half of a medium sized one. (Bring your appetite!)


A friend of mine told me about a wonderful shop, Cottage Charm, and that I should make the trip sometime to check it out. I am so glad I did, too. Not only is the shop filled with wonderful vintage and antique treasures, the ladies of the shop are sweet as can be.

P1010109 It’s just right up the street here…so let’s go have a look.

P1010114P1010115P1010116P1010117P1010121P1010119P1010120 This is just a small example of the wonderful treasures to be found a Cottage Charm. You will always be treated kindly by the ladies of the shop (left to right) Diane, Debbie, Carol and Alberta.

P1010126P1010112 If ever you have the chance to visit the shop, here is the information. The shop has a blog, Cottage Charm Niles.

Congrats to the girls for celebrating their 1st year anniversary!


  1. What a fun place! Thank you for sharing ;0)

  2. I think I must go there.. Me and my sweet husband are talking about a two week vacation to San Diego one summer.. Maybe just maybe have to make the trip north to see this place.. Hope you are happy and well and the new year is bringing you much blessings... Things here moving right along... Check out my blog if you get a minute.. I had a sweet dream...


  3. We lived in Hayward, just a few miles from Fremont. Niles has lovely tea shops my daughter and I used to visit. I love going there when we drive down to visit the kids. I've bought many things from their little shops. Ooooh, sugar, your website is one of my favorites! Your photos are exquisite.

  4. You know there's a cute fabric shop in Niles, too, right? ;)

  5. Looks like such fun to browse through!

  6. Looks like such fun to browse through!

  7. You had my immediate attention with the salt box!!!!

  8. Looks like a wonderful town and a very lovely shop....have a blessed Valentine dear Becky.

  9. Hi Becky,
    Oh yes, I have been there. I love Niles, my Aunt and Uncle had a restaurant there for many years. There is also a wonderful tea shop there that I held my Sister's shower at. Niles also has a Vintage Car show every year. Gary and I showed our 56 Chevy when we had it.
    Love, Love, Love Niles.
    Happy Valentines Day to you and your sweeties..
    PS. I bought two lovely heart banners from a sweet little shop in Town...I wonder who the owner is...hehehe.
    Big hugs, Elizabeth

  10. Oh yes that looked like a wonderful spot. Love finding great little stores to go to.

  11. Becky California is beautiful. That shop looks like so much fun.
    I love that salt box and just about everything you posted. Fun, fun,fun!!! You are always giving me junk fever....sigh.:)

  12. OK..first off, the palm trees and green grass kinda had me going.
    AS..I am sitting here during a blizzard at my house.
    But, we needed the snow, so I guess I shouldn't complain to much.

    What a cute shop. I'D LOVE TO SEE IT.
    and what a great name..ALBERTA
    since I live IN the province ALBERTA

  13. Such beautiful things! I swear, nothing made today has the beauty and detail of the older items. I would love a few hours going through this shop:>)

  14. What a great shop filled to the brim with treasures! Happy Valentine's Day :o)

    PS.I am now following you on Google...hope you will follow me back :o)

  15. I read your comment on Brenda's post and I wanted to leave you some ((((((HUGS))))).

  16. There is also a street fair annually in Niles, never been but I hear it is great. Don't quote me however, I believe it is the first weekend in August (may only be one day)
    I however used to go to Niles often to visit the shops, haven't been recently so will need to stop by to visit this new business.

  17. Niles is my all-time favorite stop-and-shop destination every fall during our girls' get-together. Charm describes it perfectly! And the shopkeepers are so sweet as we oooh and aaah over their treasures.

    I never come home empty-handed!

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