Friday, January 27, 2012

The Color Of Love

red 6 Hello everyone! Well, I’m not feeling too yippy skippy today and thought I could use a virtual pick me up through the internet. Red always gives me that endorphin fix – well, not quite that much – not like running five miles – but it just makes me happy. And the part about running five miles, that is history. Not with my gimpy back. But I so miss running.

Most of the photos are, once again, from Pinterest. I swear, I really don’t sit at the computer all day and look at pictures. Golly jeepers, I’d get nothing – and I mean NOTHING done around here for sure, for sure.

Of course, ya might recognize the heart below. I made this for Hearts For Jack that was a sweet and loving gesture orchestrated by my sister-friend, Kim (Daisy Cottage Blog). Some of you may remember the story, but if not, just click here to read about it. Be prepared for a good cry……

red heart

Here are some lovely photos with red – maybe to cheer you up if you are feeling blah today. Now take a close look at this kitchen – look up, look down, look all around. Are you loving it? It is the iconic white kitchen equipped with a restaurant sized gas stove and island. Check out those paprika colored floors! Just the perfect pop of color. Loving that fabric under the sink, too.

red 3 And this perky little number below has my brain thinking how cute it would be with folded quilts inside – behind the glass, of course, so all the world could see.

red 2

red 1

We have a red door on our home and I love it. Red says welcome to my home….or, hey, the door is over HERE! Kidding….but a red door does make a statement in a lovely way. Red is such a happy color. happy……

red 7

And speaking of making a statement, you probably could find this house if you are lost in a snow storm…. just look for the red house on the hill! Cannot miss it!! Not even with blinders on.

red 9 Six…no, I give you a ten for cuteness, Mr. House. Who lives behind your white framed windows? I spy two African Violets on your window ledge. I bet you are just as pretty on the inside as you are on the outside.

red 4 Well, this is it for my red post. I think I will find me an apple to eat – perhaps to make me feel better. Not much else sounds good. Definitely one way to lose weight. Today I will stay in my jammies and watch some television – something I don’t do too often. But trust me, I’d rather be kicking it at the sewing machine! Have tons to make before our big store event in March. Some Sophie’s Bloomer bags and Hobo Bags are in the plan, as well as some pretty pillows. So Miss Deb, if you are reading this post, I am going to make some purses. :)

red 11

xo…well, no kisses but how about just a hug from afar?


  1. {{{Becky}}}! See that? I can give them right back. I don't know about that music, but it had me bouncing in my seat. Or maybe it was all the red!

  2. Gorgeous red photos. Lovely inspiration. Hoping that your weekend is a happy one!

  3. One of my very favoritest colors in the world...yes - it is happy - and such a changeling - it can be moody and dark, muted and understated, or happy and screaming all the way. Love those red doors...oh, and No. 6....Hope this week has been good to you....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Hugs being sent your way, Becky along with get well wishes. No fun to be sick, but your cheery pictures certainly help to lift the spirits.
    I do remember when Kim did the hearts for Jack. The one you made is so pretty.
    Take care and feel better soon.

  5. Oh I would love to get inside that house with the African violets in the window just for a peek.
    The red doors are all so enchanting and inviting.
    Have a wonderful weekend Becky.
    Susan x

  6. I love red. Our red shed makes me smile. We always mention the red shed when we're giving someone directions to the house. Feel better!


  7. I'll take that hug! I love brightens my mood! Sending you some warm sunny hugs! ♥♥♥

  8. HI...I am over here visiting you from Mimi Sue's Cottage. I like to visit new blogs and new people.
    all those Reds are wonderful. Red is also a color of Power I heard someone say.
    That kitchen is to die for. I have the teeniest kitchen in the world I think (my whole house here in the country is only 950 square feet)
    so I DREAM of having a big kitchen to work in.

    sorry about your son. I read your tribute to him. Sounds like he was a wonderful young man.
    I too lost a 2010. He will be 37 this month. My heart is healing oh so slowly.

  9. Red is my favorite color. Hope gimpy goes away
    Benny & Lily

  10. I too love RED!! I have a barn red front door, and lots of red in my home. I think that gingham heart pillow is darling, and just may have to make one of those.
    HOpe your in the pink soon.
    : ) Kris

  11. Well my friend, i hope you feel better soon. Loved your tribute to 'red'..i love it too. (check out doc martin on netflix)

  12. Becky I sure hope you get to feeling better. I have a red
    door too. I love red and your
    pictures are beautiful. You
    always find the best pictures.
    Love the retro music, felt I
    was back in the 70's. Thanks
    for all the red and music,you
    made my day.

  13. Well you know I'm in the red fan club :)

    I remember the hearts for Jack at Daisy Cottage. I miss Kim.

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Rött är inte min favoritfärg, men efter att tagit del av din blogg så kanske man kan ändra sig lite !! Kram från Daisy Gunilla

  15. I,too, LOVE red. Personally, I think every room needs a pop of red, no matter the color scheme. I adore your heart. I remember it from Kim's original post. Didn't realize you created it. Hope you're feeling over-the-top soon. Thanks for sharing.

  16. I,too, LOVE red. Personally, I think every room needs a pop of red, no matter the color scheme. I adore your heart. I remember it from Kim's original post. Didn't realize you created it. Hope you're feeling over-the-top soon. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Hello sweet Becky!

    Oh girlfriend, I get those days too.A jammie day is always nice! Love your reds today, and just love that little heart with the scottie on it!!! (squeel) Feel better, and have a great weekend!


  18. Hello sweet Becky!

    Oh girlfriend, I get those days too.A jammie day is always nice! Love your reds today, and just love that little heart with the scottie on it!!! (squeel) Feel better, and have a great weekend!


  19. Becky,
    All that red rubbed off on me. I'm feeling terribly romantic all of a sudden~
    Pretty Pintrest Pictures. Say that 3 times fast.

  20. Couldn't agree with you more. I will never give up my touches of red.

    Um, if you ever want to give up that Pretty is as Pretty Does frame let me know. :)

  21. Woow,,,,,,,,just Lovley RED :)
    and do not miss...




    It is fun :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  22. Be still my heart, you know how I love red. And barns, and every photo here just speaks to me.

  23. The power of red! My little gramma was a short little woman with enough sass to make her fierce and lovable. M She had a few, dear sayings to live by.... One was, "go paint something red!". She taught me that to combat anything bad in my life! Loved this post, and she would have adored it!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!