Thursday, December 8, 2011

Prettying Up An Appetizer Platter

P1010040x With the holidays upon us and Christmas parties to attend, why not add a punch of color to that appetizer tray that you’ve been asked to bring? Phyllo dough triangles on a white platter is just – well, tone on tone.

P1010031sI have a beautiful Christmas camellia in my backyard that is pushing out dozens of bright red flowers that have a bursting bright yellow center. Why not make this the star of the show? Snip off a few flowers, back it with several freshly cut sprigs of Rosemary and tie the tiny bouquet up with twine. Place it to the side of the food on the platter.

P1010041v Pretty simple and it adds a bit of holiday flare to your appetizer plate and may even turn a few heads, too.

The recipe for the Spinach and Feta Phyllo Dough triangles can be found on my blog under the “Recipes” tag or simply click HERE.


  1. Very pretty garnishing! I wish I had a Christmas camellia. If you ever feel like sharing the entire camellia bush, I'd love to see what it looks like in bloom.

  2. Beautiful~I may have to come borrow a few flowers, mine are not blooming yet...going to check out your recipe!

  3. Come on down Becky! Hurry though...the blooms are nearly bloomed out!

  4. That looks so pretty, Becky. Your camellia is beautiful. I have them in pink and white, but they are done blooming. I do, however, still have a few knock out roses in bloom and a huge rosemary plant. Hmmm ... I may have to see if I could do something similar. Thanks for the good idea.
    While I'm here I'm going back to check out your green soup recipe. It sounds so good to me. I love split pea soup and lentil soup, but have never had them together in one bowl. Sounds delish.

  5. Both beautiful and yummy looking ;0)

  6. Yuuuuum!! And don't I wish I had blooming flowers up here inthe frozen north! Lol, oh well, I can always buy a few, I like the idea of a pretty garnish on the platter of goodies for a party.

  7. Becky, I just bookmarked this recipe under "Must Make". Thanks! :)

  8. Beautiful. Both the food and the flowers...smiles...Renee

  9. Very pretty! My camelias are blooming right now too.

  10. Beautiful Becky!!! I love your Christmas camellia. I wish I had
    one. I have a Christmas cactus, which was my mom's. Last year I almost lost it in the winter. There was just a tiny sprig left, so I prayed over it and treated it like it was my baby and now it has lots of sprigs coming out. I would have never thought to put a flower on my platter. Looks very nice.
    Love your music too.

  11. Lucky you! You camellia is gorgeous! My garden is brown & covered with frost this morning.


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