Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hibernation Mode

P1010129d The coolness of the mornings makes me want to sink myself further under the mounds of quilts, blankets and squishy pillows – feeling quite like The Princess and The Pea. Alas the smell of coffee fills the air and beckons a lazy head to rise and shine.

P1010125f Time to set the clocks back – “fall” back, as mom used to say – and “spring forward” for setting the clock forward in spring.

P1010120f Gone are those long summer days and warm nights…

P1010121d that seemed to linger until the moon arose to remind us that the sun bid us adieu for the day. Now that the skies turn dark sooner, it really feels like winter is soon approaching.

I feel the hibernation mode kicking in as I hear the pitter patter of the rain hitting the windows and the coolness of the house air soaking through my jeans as I type this post. Time to gather the sweaters, woolen blankets and stock the cabinet with hot cocoa, puffy marshmallows and stack up the books to read at night under that warm and cozy blankie!


  1. You've made me want a warm blankie and rain in the night. What a sweet little bottle and key with a photo framed by same. Sweet little details...

  2. I totally agree with you! I've already got a quilt and a throw in the den and they have been used. I don't know that it is really that cold, but we too are in the hibernation mode. Your pictures, as always, are beautiful. Lori L

  3. Let's all enjoy the extra hour of sleep. Have a Happy Tuesday, and thank you my dear friend.

  4. Hibernation, along with the sweaters, blankets and books you mention sounds lovely. Adding the hot cocoa makes it sound just about perfect! I've developed a nasty cold. I think I'll add chicken soup to the mix!

    Your bottle with the key is so pretty!

  5. Lovely my friend. Welcome to all things cozy~

  6. Ohhhh, me too! I have been drinking hot chocolate with cinnamon marshmallows like crazy, and the warn throw blankets and flannel PJ's feel so good! :D

  7. It's been in the twenties here in the mornings lately! Cozy, I am under a quilt right now....and a stack of books are standing by!

  8. Ah yes, it is chilly indeed! I have put my electric blanket on the bed, and added quilts to the rest. Time for the winter jammies, and robes, and soft fluffy slippers. Fuzzy socks to pad around the house in, and popcorn in the evenings by a roaring fire! I do so love winter!!!

  9. I agree, I find myself slipping into my flannel jammies sooner and looking for something hot to drink. I still wake up early but it is sooo much harder to jump out of the warmth of bed!
    I love the red and white quilt on your guest room bed, I have it in mind to make a plain red and white quilt for my next quilt project:)

  10. Such a beautifully written post. Now I want to get under a soft throw and sit by a fire and drink hot chocolate.

  11. You set a wonderful scene - don't forget a candle or two!

  12. looks like a comfy stay at home day
    Benny & Lily

  13. You've really captured the mood of the upcoming winter! Time to load up on the firewood and stock up on candles! I love the quilts on your bed, it's fun to change them out with the seasons!


  14. Becky sounds good to me. I am so cold natured my hubby says I have ice water for blood. Those blankets and hot chocolate sound really good to me. If you could just send us some of that rain my flowers would deeply appreciate it. It is still so dry here.

  15. We're having the same kind of day in northern MN. Gray skies, wind, and light rain that will soon turn to snow. The best time to snuggle under a blanket with a fire ( ok, it's been converted to gas ) burning in the fireplace and look at old Christmas magazines while sipping eggnog flavored coffee.

    Great minds think alike. :@

  16. I think this is one big reason why fall is my favorite. :o) Hibernation. :o) Warm jammies and socks, hot drinks, and cozy warm home. :o)
    Have a lovely week.
    Sincerely, Trish
    ps. I adore your room! :o)

  17. hi becky!

    let the cozyness begin! i just put flannel sheets on the bed today and changed over the clothes.

    enjoy ~


  18. oh how I enjoy your blog ... the pictures ... your way with words ... the music ... it's my favorite. :) Thank you so much or sharing.

  19. Hibernating in that lovely bed sounds nice! I have a hard time with the time change and coming home when it's dark! Tis the season I suppose! So that means it's time to make our home cozy nest with warm blankets, candles, fireside reading, etc.

  20. It is getting very cold here in Northern Utah. We've already had some snow last week. So cozy to sit in front of the fire and snuggle with my honey. Have a great week. Mimi

  21. PS I have a friend in Patterson, Calif. She wants to know where you have your antique booth. She loves that little white tree with the crocheted dresses. Mimi

  22. Becky I love this sweet post of coziness! I have that same quilt that I need to take out of my little trailer! Have a wonderful day my friend.


  23. Very cozy post, Becky! You make me want to go to the kitchen and make some cocoa.

  24. Hello sweet Becky! Ah, yes, the hibernation mode is indeed upon us. I've already gotten the fuzzy blankets out, and the hot cocoa ready. We had 4" of snow last Sat before Halloween. Our power also went out for 3 days. Although that part wasn't fun, I love the fall. To go with the warm cozy blanket, and hot drinks, I need to stock up on candles. I LOVE candles. Yankee candles are my favorites, and did you know they make the most awesome fragrances. I just got the new flyer with scratch and sniff pages. Oh my, the new fragrances such as Warm Woolen Mittens, Blue Satin Sashes, Bright Copper Kettles, and Raindrops on Roses!!! Oh yes, these are all some of my favorite things indeed!! Stay warm and cozy!


  25. What a cute clock! That extra hour of sleep felt sooo goood!


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