Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Simple Christmas Crafting


In a land long ago and far away…..well, NOT that far away, but a long time ago…lived a young woman who was just married two months before Christmas. Having always loved Christmas decorating with her mother, she was looking forward to having her very first Christmas tree to decorate with her husband. They did not have a lot of money to go out and buy store bought decorations, so she opted to make her own to mix amongst the very long homemade popcorn and cranberry garlands. Also tucked in the branches of the tree were pinecones that she added glitter to. It was a humble tree, but one that she and her husband were very proud of.

The young bride sewed by hand these Yo-Yo Christmas wreaths using Christmas fabrics along with red and green polka-dot fabrics. Each night, as she watched TV alongside her husband, she hand sewed thousands of Yo-Yo’ & stuffed each Yo-Yo with a cotton ball and strung them together to form a little fabric wreath. The Yo-Yo’s were 2” in diameter, so the finished wreaths were only 2 1/2 inches in diameter.

Over the years she gave them to friends and family but still kept a few for herself. I know this young bride very well, because she is me. Each year when I pull out the little wreath ornaments, I remember our humble first Christmas tree and just smile over the memories. Little did I know, but our next Christmas would be blessed with a sweet little baby boy – and more precious memories to cherish for an eternity.

For directions on how to make Yo-Yo’s just click on THIS LINK to take you there. For making the wreath, just add a small size cotton ball to the Yo-Yo before gathering up the edges. Using a strong thread, string 14 Yo-Yo’s together and form a circle. Add a little bow and a loop to the top and there you go! Something very simple to make and you can say you did it yourself! Nothing beats something made from the heart.



  1. I used to make these a long time ago. Those first Christmas memories are the best aren't they.

  2. Very sweet....What special memories they must bring....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Such sweet memories and the little yo-yo wreaths are darling. I'm glad that you keep the reminders of humbler Christmases. I'm afraid that I've dispatched so many of mine. Thanks for the link...that was a nice set-up for a tutorial.

  4. That was such a sweet little "Christmas story"! It made me smile.

  5. Sweet, sweet memories are made by hand Becky. I does seem that the dearest things come from our hearts and imaginings and not from the store:>)

  6. Such a sweet story!
    And I love the little yo yo wreaths.

  7. The best holiday decorations are like these - with memories attached!
    xo Cathy

  8. What a sweet memory. We were the same way. No money for much, but still sweet memories.

    P.S. Jordan had another surgery today. They are still trying to get the bone in his shorter leg to attach correctly. He's got such a great attitude though.

  9. What a sweet post. I imagine that the young bride must have been very excited over that first, handcrafted tree. I, too, have some of the handmade ornaments from our first tree.

  10. Those are adorable and would be so cute strung together for a banner for the mantle! Thank you for sharing. I just found your blog and love your beautiful vintage goodness. Have a wonderful week, Kris

  11. The first glance at your yo-yo's gave my heart a leap! I used those very same fabrics to make my first Christmas ornaments when I was first married in 1980. I made little stuffed ducks, pigs, and cows! Then we cut circles from the fabrics and "punched" it into a syrofoam ball for a quilted look.

    I miss that 80's style country decorating.....



  12. I made some of them years ago too. They are still my favorites.

  13. I know where you are coming from Becky. We married at the end of Sept. and our first Christmas tree
    was sparse to say the least. It had more icicles than anything else. They were cheap,LOL. I do have a Vogue pattern for that wreath you made from the late 70's. It has several different patterns in the pkg.
    That young girl that made those wreaths was a very talented young lady and still is. I love your wreaths, very pretty.

  14. AWE! Sweet! I'm thinkin' Christmas too. :) Love it! :)


  15. How cute! I still have our 1st year decorations also. All handswewn. A little material from the 5 and dime...and some stuffing.

    I have always loved homemade decorations.

    Ps. I will be announcing soon a swap you might like!

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  16. Very fun and sentimental! I have a little wreath made with a styrofoam ring and little fabric squares pushed into it... it was made by my DIL's grandma. Sweet.

  17. Christmas ornaments always hold special memories! It's a fun journey to decorate the tree and remember how/where each one arrived in our home. Your wreaths are very colorful!

  18. Becky,
    I love your story! How adorable those wreaths are! I must look at the link. I enjoyed strolling thru the earlier posts & seeing your awesome Christmas decorations. I remember ages ago when blogging was an exciting new world & discovering your blog. Seeing your house all holiday'd out for 4th of July. Your home always looks beautiful for holiday's and every-other time. (your stash closet must be huge!)

  19. Love the story! I love homemade ornaments and the stories that go with them. The yo yo ornaments are adorable and what treasures!

  20. Oh Becky I have to share..I made dough ornaments for our first tree so many years a go. I molded all the cats,made little dogs,after firing and painting, I hung them proudly on the tree to surprise my hubby. He made a fuss over them and the tree, and took me out to dinner.
    When we returned, the tree was on it's side, on the floor...and my little animals were scattered about...I was so shocked that I didn't know if I should laugh or cry... I laughed ! Kath

  21. Oh Becky I have to share..I made dough ornaments for our first tree so many years a go. I molded all the cats,made little dogs,after firing and painting, I hung them proudly on the tree to surprise my hubby. He made a fuss over them and the tree, and took me out to dinner.
    When we returned, the tree was on it's side, on the floor...and my little animals were scattered about...I was so shocked that I didn't know if I should laugh or cry... I laughed ! Kath


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