Friday, September 23, 2011

Rise and Shine!!

Wake up! Morning is here! Stretch, breathe the cool morning air in and run down to start the coffee pot. Nothing like the softness of the morning light and the smell of a freshly brewed pot of coffee.


Tomorrow starts a new season for all of us. Hard to believe that today is the last day of summer. Summer brought a lot with her this year, including my recent find of the red and white antique quilt. All handmade, tiny little stitches and in nearly perfect condition. Quite a find for $25.00. Bright and cheerful!

More posts to come of my visitors, Sadie Mae, Toto and Rufus. Stay tuned..but till next time, see ya!


  1. Good morning to you too! love all your beautiful bedding. Especially the quilt folded at the end of your bed. This fall/winter I'm going to be re-doing my bedroom a bit. New paint, bed, less clutter (hopefully). Can't wait. When we moved in 10 years ago it was the first room I wanted to paint, but never did. Thanks for your sweet note yesterday. I was a little worried that my daughter's Misfits shirt might scare some people. I'm so glad you "get it." Love to you today!

  2. What an amazing buy! Love all the red, white and beautiful blues. Have a blessed weekend Becky.

    Jocelyn @

  3. Happy Autumn Becky...I am so happy it is finely here....I love that room...blessings

  4. that was a steal. Beautiful bed, I'd like to take a nap with a Romantic Country magazine atop your gorgeous quilt. Glad that hand stitched treasure ended up in such good hands, that grandmother would be soooo happy to know her quilt is much loved and cared for.
    Have a blessed and relaxing weekend Becky. Sweet thoughts on Gold Star Mothers Day Sunday, thinking of you.Hugs

  5. I`ve risen, but I`m not shining just yet - too early and the sun is just starting to get in through the trees. Your quilt is lovely - what a find!

  6. Love the bedding and what a deal on that wonderful colorful quilt.

  7. What a cozy bedroom! Love that red and white quilt. Have a great weekend!

  8. That is one fabulous swoon-worthy red and white, good for you!

  9. You are a lucky girl!! I love the quilt...what a bargain!


  10. What a beautiful quilt! The fabrics remind me of a quilt that my mom gave me that was made by my great grandmother. That was a lucky find!


  11. Good morning Ms.Becky and you sound so cheery this morning. Oooo I smell the coffee too. Yep don't get any better than that dear. Love your red and white quilt and I can't believe you got such a bargin, you lucky duck.
    You always get the good bargins, gee I wish I lived closer so I could go with ya. I can't wait to see Sadie, Toto and Rufus again. Have a good day!

  12. Becky,
    Although I LOVE your entire home, I'm always delighted when you post about this guest room!! I don't have a room like this but red is my favorite color and I live vicariously through you! Thanks for the sparkle in a grey WI day!! V

  13. Becky,
    Although I LOVE your entire home, I'm always delighted when you post about this guest room!! I don't have a room like this but red is my favorite color and I live vicariously through you! Thanks for the sparkle in a grey WI day!! V

  14. good morning! only 46 minutes of it left for me before afternoon...
    love your FIND
    it's a BEAUTY
    what a GREAT deal ;)
    bet you were dancing when you found it!

  15. So cozy looking and inviting! Love the quilts and the comfy looking pillows! Happy Fall!

  16. Wow, that was a great find! I just love that bedroom the colors are so cheerful. I need a few more bedrooms in my house...boy would I have fun! Red would be on the list of "have to" decorate with!
    I'm with you Becky, early morning, sun shinning, coffee brewing...pretty awesome!
    Have a wonderful day!

  17. Love, love your bedroom! You so scored with that quilt!!!!!

  18. That bed looks so cozy and beautiful. Twenty-five dollars for a hand-made quilt is unheard of! What a find. I call that a God-wink. Autumn is today right? I'm a little worried as I could be wrong. I do lose track of time.

  19. I love your new quilt and I LOVE that room! Have a happy weekend dear friend!

    Lots of love and hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  20. $25!? Wow, what a deal, and we love our red don't we? This whole room is so beautiful!

  21. Good thing I wasn't there. I would have had to arm wrestle you for the quilt. Great find!!

  22. I am so super duper jealous as I am looking for a red and white quilt that is not hundreds of dollars. Boy what a score.

  23. What a beautiful bed...the colors are all so cheerful and pretty! Happy Fall! ♥

  24. Lovely quilt and lovely pillows in a lovely room.


  25. Wow, what a find, well done! Happy Autumn.
    Ruth x

  26. Your bed is amazing!!Great quilt and what a deal!

  27. Good thing you can't see me right now dear Becky, as I have turned a very uncomely color of green. That quilt is GORGEOUS - at any price! LOVE it! Lucky you!!! I so appreciate the sweet email as well - and will be responding soon - time has just gotten away from me these past few days....Hope you have a blessing-filled weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  28. That quilt is DIVINE! I can't believe you only paid $25! There's nothing like red and white to cheer up a room.

  29. You have combined all the colors and patterns so well. I love it all, it is so colorful and cheery. The quilts are fantastic!!!

  30. LOVE this look and colors Becky! You inspire me to make changes! Fresh and bright! Love your darling quilt find!


  31. Oh I love it! What a wonderful buy!!

  32. I just love your blog and have been following it. But on Pinterest I saw that adorable Roses are Red pillow. Do you know where you go that?I'm sure it's not around anymore but thought I'd ask you. I love it so much!!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!