Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Just Pour Some Sugar On Me!


Being in love with Def Leppard, an 80’s rock band from Sheffield, England, the song Pour Some Sugar On Me (from the 1987 Hysteria album) came to mind as I was sprinkling these lemon bars with some powdered sugar. Note: the song is the first song on the playlist (sidebar) today.

My son and his sweetie-pie girlfriend wanted to learn how to make lemon bars and how could I possibly say no. Sunday evening the house smelled first of a delicate shortbread crust baking in the oven and then later the hint of tart lemon wafting through the air. More kitchen love for the family!!

P1010009o Let’s just say there was a lot of sunshine in our kitchen that night. These little treats just bring on a smile and an “mmmmm” with every delicious bite after bite.

My version of Pour Some Sugar On Me:

So step inside, walk this way, a lemon bar for you and me, hey! hey! They’re hot, sticky sweet, from the top to the bottom – what a treat! Just pour some sugar on me, in the name of love!

Note: This recipe is doubled for a 9 x 13 inch Pyrex baking dish.

Lemon Bars:

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup butter, softened

1/2 cup powdered sugar

2 cups granulated sugar

4 teaspoons grated lemon peel

4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (or you can use the bottled lemon juice)

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

4 eggs

additional powdered sugar for the top

Heat oven to 350 degrees F. In a large mixing bowl, mix flour, butter and 1/2 cup powdered sugar. Press dough in an ungreased 9 x 13 inch baking dish, building up a 1/2-inch edge. Bake for 20-25 minutes, till golden brown.

In a large mixing bowl, beat granulated sugar, lemon peel, lemon juice, baking powder, salt and eggs with an electric mixer on high speed for about 3 minutes or until light and fluffy. Pour over the HOT baked crust.

Bake 25-30 minutes, or until when you press the top, no indentation marks remain. Cool the bars for about one hour. Sprinkle with additional powdered sugar on top. Allow the bars to completely cool down before cutting into 2” sized squares.

Now take a bite and smile!!!


Gayla said...

You know how we are! I have heard that song SO many times... (I have been a chaperon at tons of dances for High Schools during the last 36 years).... but I never knew that's what those lyrics said at all... I dunno what I thought (probably didn't think...) but it's funny to hear it associated with lemon bars! Yours look and sound delicious.. I can almost taste them today!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hello new friend!
Thank you for your visit to my blog!! Your lemon bars sound great but I gave up sugar a year and 2 months ago and have never looked back.
I am so alone without my sweet Bambi!!!!! I miss her every minute of the day and over half the night!! I was always with her. We were never apart!! We spent 13 years and 3 months together everyday and night. I know she misses me too!!!
I am a loving old lady that lives in the woods and I need all the friends I can get. Would you be my friend??
xx, Fern

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Oh gosh, my WEAKNESS. I love these and will try this. It is funny, but somehow, (convoluted brain), I don't feel guilty when eating these the way I do when I eat chocolate!!


Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

Sunny Simple Life said...

Okay you keep making me want to eat my computer screen. Stop already but my hubby would love these. He adores lemon bars. His favorite.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh does that look good
Benny & Lily

Musings from Kim K. said...

Lemon bars are definitely a favorite at our house too. Thanks for the beautiful reminder. I have a drawer full of lemons right now too.

Julie Harward said...

I LOVE Lemon bars...they are always a favorite dessert to me..i think I could eat a whole watch! Yours are beautiful. :D

Bring Pretty Back said...

Your version of the song is much "sweeter" !! Heehee!! Those lemon bars look sooooo good !
Have a pretty day and thank you for the recipe!

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh my Becky, lemon bars are one of my favorite things and do you know it has been AGES since I made them! These look so sunny and delicious:>) I may have to break out the lemons!

Patina said...

Becky, those Lemon Bars look just wonderful. I was hoping you had put the recipe up too. I just need a lemon and I'm set.
Your picture is so bright and clear, I can taste it already!
Gotta make those things!
Big Hugs,

Stitchfork said...

Humming along and staring longinly at your lemon bars!
xo Cathy

Blondie's Journal said...

I love lemon bars but have never made them. These look delicious and I'm happy you posted the recipe. They sound cool and refreshing to eat during our Midwest heatwave!


Mona @ la la by mona said...

Mmmmm, lemon bars! So easy to make, usually have all the ingredients on hand, and taste so good! Def Leppard rocks!


Lemon Bars!
Thanks for the recipe.

Elsie said...

Becky I love that song and I also love those lemon bars. I was dancing while I was reading. I enjoyed your post. I remember listening to that with my kids and dancing with them. I love sugar!!!

Pondside said...

Those squares sure look and sound like my recipe - aren't they yummy? Do you think your son and his sweetie will be surprising you with a plate of them one day, out of the blue?

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

I am very, very hungry...the last several post helped! Thanks for the recipes and sweet memories Becky! You always make me smile. :)

Love ya,

Lululiz said...

LOL, had to watch a youtube video of that track to refresh my memory of the lyrics, what a great blast from the past. I like your version of the lyrics a lot though, lol, and if I can manage to convert the cup measurements into grams, I'll give the recipe a go.

Duke said...

Our mom has made these before and they are VERY yummy!
Your photos are always so perfect!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Vee said...

Hmmmm...I tried DL and then zipped right on to Cat Stevens. ;>

Simply Shelley said...

Yummy........blessings sweet Becky.

Pam said...

My mouth is watering. The lemon bars look yummy!

Deborah said...

Mmmmmmmm..I would love to try these and share them with two of my favourite men...both lemon hubby and my Dad :)
Thank you Becky..I can just smell the fragrance now!!!
What is it with lemon and men?
I work where there are sweets and men always seem to go for lemon!

Deborah xoxoxoxo

Brenda Pruitt said...

You've made so much good food lately! Mouth-watering!

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

Lemon Bars are just about the best thing ever...I haven't made them in a while. Thanks for the inspiration and the reminder! I'm laughing at your reference to Def Leppard. My brother used to blast them from his room. Can't remember if it was a record or 8-track. Great post!

goodrbadwitchryou said...

The lemon bars look yummy I will try them next.Wanted to tell you while in the grocery I found California peaches even though they were 1.99lb I got 4lbs. I had remembered once upon a time seeing a recipe for Peach Long Cake on your blog, I made it and it is sooo good everyone should try it!
Take advantage of peach season and make that cake.
The cake crust part is so good , not to sweet and then when you add the spoonfuls of buttery sugar topping over the peaches yummy.
Also I can definetly appreciate some "Pour some sugar on me in the name of love".
That cracked me up I did'nt expect that with the lemon bars.
Bless You Dearly!