Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Just Because….From The Heart


Sometimes – when we think that nobody understands what we are going through – there is always someone else walking a similar road that we have traveled on. Sometimes very parallel to our journey, and other times just a tad bit different. But, nevertheless, any rocky road that is happened upon takes a great craft of honing in on the understanding of such a feat – learning from the pits and cragginess of the path. We may not want to know why we had to journey down such a road….however, in the end, it may become perfectly clear as to why we had to go there.

As I sit here and ponder about what so many of you are experiencing in life – at this very moment – my heart carries a burden for you. I try to find positives in my life, but there is the unavoidable truths that knock at so many of our doors. Sometimes we don’t wish to answer that door – afraid of what waits for us on the other side. But, my friends, stay strong. We can take the reigns of our life – and by this I mean grasp what is important – at this very moment. If you can only do ONE thing for yourself, remember to love who YOU are and to RESPECT YOURSELF. Can you do that? Sure you can!

When I am down and need a little pick-me-up, I buy a $4.00 bouquet of flowers and put them in a little vase. This is a HUG from ME – for ME…..Sometimes we just have to focus on ourselves, for a change. I think that, as women, we tend to nurture those around us and forget about taking time just for our own needs.

So there….from me – to you.

A little girl talk…from the heart…..

And for those of you who know that I am talking about you….love you with my heart and soul. Be good to yourself….Know I love you.



Julie Harward said...

Thanks for the good idea and thoughts...I am going to do that, I would love to buy me some flowers anytime I want to. ;D

marie said...

What a sweet post Becky!
Thank you for sharing those precious thoughts!

Into Vintage said...

You are the sweetest! Thank you for this :-)

Catherine said...

I feel like my particular burden is probably different than yours and yet your words ring so true as I go through my journey. Thank you for the encouragement and the reminder to take care of myself.

Pondside said...

I think lots of women know what you're talking about - so good of you to put it into words.

Rebecca said...

You are so precious to me! I am blessed everytime I come to visit your blog!

Hugs and Blessings,

Comeca Jones said...


Duke said...

The flowers are just beautiful and a wonderful idea for a smile! You are very wise, Miss Becky.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I wish $4 could buy a bouquet like that around here. :) Sending hugs and blessings your way, Tammy

Kathleen Grace said...

You are so right Becky. Nurturing myself doesn't come naturally or easily for me, but it is something I am getting better at:>)

Vintage Gal said...

That you for that important reminder to take care of ourselves ~ for if we don't take care of ourselves, we cannot take care of others ~ have a great day ;-)

Lululiz said...

Thank you for the dear and thought provoking post. x

Stacey said...

Great idea. I also just love a collection of mismatched flowers from my yard. :)

Elsie said...

Very well said Becky and beautiful flowers. Thank you so much for both.

Connie said...

This is so true, honey. We need to just take some time out to smell the roses sometimes. Life is hectic but beautiful when we step back, take a breath and REALLY look at what is important. I did that several months ago and decided buying all the things I lusted after just wasn't cutting it for me. I'm happier and have more money now. But that's just me. My daughter spends like a drunken sailor and still isn't happy with what she has and trust me, she has a LOT. I have my hubby and for me that says it all...

Kris said...

Awww, a warm hug your way. Indeed, a bouquet of flowers always cheers the spirit! I buy them each time I go to farmers market, and I clip my roses and other flowers all the time. It really does lift the spirit.

Denise said...

Oh so precious to come here this morning........ I just posted on my blog something from the heart...... hop over there if you have a minute...Life teaches hard lessons but as you say, at the end of it all we see backwards to the beauty HE saw from the beginning...... This past year (it has been about one year since Dad died) I have been still and let HIM teach me a plethora of things...... I am thankful for the learning but not the technique that it needed.....

Sunny Simple Life said...

Flowers always make me feel better too. Very sweet post.

Linda said...

Such sweet words of encouragement...we all need to hug ourselves sometimes and knowing we are not alone in this feels wonderful:0)

Sinta Renee said...

You are incredably sweet Becky. I'm going to go out and get some flowers for me right now.

yarger gal said...

beautiful post, thanks for speaking so honestly and encouraging others!

Jocelyn said...

You are a beautiful person Becky. Pain is never asked for, but often endured. Your heart has been refined by the fire, and your love is a reflection of HIS Face.

Jocelyn @

Blondie's Journal said...

This is so sweet and thoughtful. I have never read a post like this! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Becky!


The Green Pea said...

Hello Becky, God sure made some beautiful things for us to enjoy didn't He? The best to you sweet lady. Hugs, sandi

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

Sending you a big thank you - you touched a spot in my heart. Tomorrow I will buy some flowers. I am so touched by your post - I am going to link to it from my blog. Thank you from one heart to another.

Linda A. said...

Hugs and love to you sweet gal, from
a friend in Modesto who thinks
your very special!
This was very encouraging to me.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

thank you, miss linda a. yes, from one mo-town girl to YOU back. thanks for being such a dear friend.


Thimbleanna said...

What a sweet post! Sending you big hugs to go with your gorgeous flowers!!!

dianne said...

thank you, especially for making Gran feel a bit better...

Vee said...

I receive this from one who truly knows... Thank you!

Ann at the Handley Bungalow said...

Right back at you! What a great post. I try to remind myself that the people around me are struggling...either with something now or with the past. Life is wonderful but at the same time can be filled with such pain - the kind many people just carry around with them and live with. Just be kind to everyone - you never know what that little kindness can mean to someone in need. Hugs, Ann

Jules said...

Hi Sweet Lady,
I wanted to thank you for being so kind to my cousin at Jury Duty! She told me that if all my friends were as awesome as you then she wants to meet them all! You are such a shining example of Jesus to all you meet. You inspire me!!! Love, Jules

GranthamLynn said...

Thanks I needed a hug. Such beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing them.
Have a wonderful weekend,

Donna, The Decorated House said...

Sweet Becky~
From the first moment I first met you, you held a special place in my heart. Whether I get around to you blog to say hi, know I think of you often and just how special you are.

Glinda said...

Your post cleared the cobwebs in a corner of my mind. I was reminded of those Friday evening commutes from Chicago's Southside where I taught school to Evanston where we lived in a tiny little apartment in grad student housing at Northwestern. End of a long week, exhausted but excited about the prospects of the weekend. My special treat each Friday night at the same congested street corner - a $2 bouquet from the street vendor. Rain, snow, or summer heat, thousands of us passed him on our daily commutes. When he saw my car on Friday, he brought my bouquet to by car window. To me it always looked like the most beautiful one in his buckets.
Sweet, Becky, thanks for the memory. Glinda

Lois said...

What an absolutely touching post.I can relate in a minor way in what you have written and my love and heart goes out to you.
Shall of course buy the flower just because i can. xx

Anonymous said...

Becky, What a sweet post! I am passing it on to my younger friend who is really in the need of a pick-me-up right now. I think she will appreciate your thoughts.

I hope you have a bright and beautiful week-end.


Mountainmama said...

Hi, I just read your blog for the first time. I am compelled to write because we have so much in common. I too am a Christian and have lost a son, 16 years ago this month (although it seems like yesterday). He was 19 years old at the time of his drowning.

I don't know how people can live through a loss like this without the peace knowing the Lord brings.

I have determined that the following saying is my guide when I really get down: "Pain is a part of life, but misery is an option".

How are things going for you? I have enjoyed perusing you web page.

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Dear Becky,
I know...Love you. I hope you can feel my really big hug.
God made women strong,so many times I have thought to myself (I don't want to be strong) but then I take a long hard look at myself in the mirror and (can) do this and you (can) go on. I think sometimes we are strong for eachother.
Have a sweet and peaceful day,

sue said...

Your post is just what I needed today. I tend to let things build and then hit the wall. I should know better. Thanks so much.

grandmarockton said...


Daisy Cottage said...

I love you Becky.


Lallee said...

Thank you for the sweet post and bouquet of flowers. My world is brighter than the other day. God has been good. XO Becky!

LeAnn said...

Hi Becky,
I've missed you and think of you often. After a several month sabbatical, I am back to blogging, this post was what I needed to read cuz I have been on quite the journey. Hugs to you my friend.

fiberdoodles said...

You are such the sweetest!

Debbie Kay said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you for lifting me up.

Debbie Kay

GranthamLynn said...

Have a Blessed Day,

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Hello sweet Becky! This is such a wonderful and encouraging post. Thank you for touching a special place in all of our hearts!


Susie Q said...

You are such a precious and pure to you dear heart. Blogging has taken a back seat, for me, over the last few months as I deal with my mom;s ill health and the stress of my brother's impending divorce. So yes, you spoke to me loud and clear today! Love to you my sweet friend...I don;t always leave cmmenst as I make my way around bloggy world, time is not on my side lately. But I had to stop a moment today and tell you I adore you...

Pretty Things said...

You're such a sweet person... thank you.

twinkle said...

I prayed that I would receive some flowers this weekend from God's hand. I'm celebrating a very hard two years of faithfully standing for my marriage. Two years of separation, but no divorce. Only God knows what tomorrow holds, but today it feels good to still hope for the very best healing to begin.
Thank you for the flowers! And for the sweet words of encouragement...

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Becky I just found this post. Just what I needed, a little fix of Becky's love! You know how to touch hearts!

Lots of love,

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

Thinking of you - hugs. I need to re-read this post every once in a while.