Sunday, May 22, 2011

Oh Baby, Baby!


One of my favorite things to look for when I am out scouting for old treasures are these silver plate baby cups. Some of mine are Victorian (bottom right) and others are newer. A few have names engraved on them while others are plain or say “Baby.” They are just super sweet and don’t take up too much space in a cabinet either.

The little white cabinet (below) holds many of my smaller collections, including the baby cups. My collection is slow to grow, but there sure is room for more!


Did you have a special cup to drink out of when you were a baby?

My special cup wasn’t silver plate but rather a lovely bone china tea cup with flowers on it. My Nanny would serve me the best oh-so-chocolate hot cocoa, homemade of course, with a smidge of fresh whipped cream on top. MMMM…oh baby, baby!

I was surfing through etsy and found some lovely baby cups for sale. Here are the links:

Victorian cup

“Jessie” Cup with a Stag

Victorian “Baby” Cup


  1. Che meraviglia!!!!Bellissimo!!!Rosetta

  2. I didn't have a special cup, but my children did. I use an old christening cup to hold my tiny sterling coffee spoons, or sometimes, a tiny nosegay.

  3. How precious! No, I didn't have a special cup that I know of.

  4. What a precious collection. I have two special cups that were mine growing up now on display in my craft room. I always enjoy seeing pictures of how you've displayed your collections. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I didn't have a silver baby cup but my Hubby did and my MIL saved it for us. He has two baby silver spoons too. One with his initials on it. They are adorable. I think that is a nice collectible to have. It's sad in a way that the cups haven't been passed down in their own family but at least they have found their way into a loving home.

  6. Just sweet and lovely! I think I drank out of Tupperware. ha ha

  7. I have the baby cups that my sweet mother gave us at each daughter's christening and I treasure them. You have a wonderful collection and I hope you keep adding to it! I love your cabinet, too, and the window frame on top is gorgeous!


  8. I have always loved the cups and baby spoons. Love your photo.

  9. Cute collection Becky..
    I didnt have a special cup that I can remember, but I sure love cups now!
    When we go on holidays I almost always buy a new one :)
    Have a great week dear!! xo

    Deborah xo

  10. Those cups are just darling little pieces of history!

  11. Yes, I did have a special cup and my children had special cups...not as special as these, though. I didn't know such cups existed until this post. What a sweet gift for someone with the "right" name.

  12. Your baby cups are precious!!

  13. I just love your dining room. Lovely photos. All that white just pops.

  14. I didn't have a special cup that I drank from that I know of. Your little silver cups are precious.

  15. I love your silver baby cup collection! My great grandfather brought me a silver cup and matching spoon/fork set for me from France. My initial M was engraved on it. I loved that cup and would ask my mom for it all the time to drink juice. Once day the cup was gone, it was stolen! Can you imagine... stolen and thrown away! Awful. Thankfully, my mom has given me her silver baby cup and my uncles, so I sort of have a collection. Their cups also have matching baby spoons and poached egg holders. They are displayed in baby boys nursery room. So cute! Now I want to start collecting these :)

  16. your home always looks so comfy cozy
    Benny & Lily

  17. Becky you're going to laugh....yes I had a special silver cup but the only thing was a tin yep tin measuring cup and yep I still have it. My sister who was older had a special cup but all I got was the measuring cup.LOL. I love your collection of "Baby" cups. I do have a couple but there not silver, just china and pink glass.
    I might have to start a new collection. I really like your Victorian one.

  18. Our mom says that she and her brothers all had special drinking cups!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  19. hi becky,

    what a sweet collection.

    i don't think i had a special baby cup but my boys' grandmother had cups engraved for each as babies, which got used as nursery decor.

    your home is so lovely!


  20. Ours were plastic cowboy boot cups. I think mine was red. :)
    (sometimes plastic can be special :) )

    Love your collections. My boys don't have silver cups either but they do each have a small silver rattle courtesy of a family friend.

  21. I love the baby cups! I have mine (I think it's vintage now)LOL. Also my baby spoon.
    I have the girls cups too. They really are sweet and such a treasure. Its windy and cold today in the bay area. I can't wait to get home tonight.
    Have a sweet day and big hugs, Elizabeth

  22. Those are lovely! I may have to have some baby cups myself. I am SO envious of your arched window. I have been searching for something similar.


  23. What a cool collection. And a great idea to share the links.
    Have a great week.
    Sherry and Daisy

  24. Such sweet baby cups....I love the old baby things...nothing today compares to them! I have got a Scotty here now...shes a little girl,black....I don't know a lot of them,if you don't mind maybe you could email me with some info about the daughter found her wondering on a near by Hwy,no tags,collar..nothing. She is the sweetest little dog but,she doesn't like Duke to much she keeps trying to boss him around and take over... lol ...He's not to happy about having her here :) Blessings dear Becky.......


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