Monday, May 9, 2011

Conjuring Up Thoughts Of Gardens Past and Present

Have there been years that your garden has just been your favorite and maybe even kept a gardener’s journal – documenting what grew best where and what did not?

One of my favorite flowers to look forward to each year are my climbing roses – always a pure joy to see their first pops of gorgeous blooms. Strong, fragrant and the bees just LOVE them!

Another flower that just pops up where ever it pleases are the Shasta Daisies. I like to think of them as God’s sprinkles of icing in the garden, being as they are unplanned by me. Then there are the forever faithful Begonias that seem to get better with each year – kind of like us girls….only get better as we get older. Now isn’t that the truth! :)P1010029oP1010023m

Years ago I bought this old garden sampler on eBay. It was one of those pieces that just spoke to me – such a sweet saying coupled with soft and old fashioned colors. The piece also made me think of my mother. Mom always had a lovely flower garden and I recall how much joy her flowers brought to her.


Remembrance IS the sweetest flower that in the garden grows. Sweet memories. Unlike the fading of the flowers that come and go in the garden, my memories of gardens past are as fresh as the flowers that bloom today.

I would like to extend a warm thank you to all of you who were so sweet and left comments on the Parade Of Homes Tour. Your kindness is like a fresh bouquet of flowers – sweet and full of sunshine.




  1. I have enjoyed the tours of homes so much! I never get tired of seeing other folks homes. And yours is just stunning! I drool every time I look at photos of it. You just have that special touch to make a beautiful home that is stunning to look at but at the same time is so cosy, warm and inviting. What a fun day looking at all these beautiful homes.

  2. This is such a sweet post, Becky. I feel the same about so many of my garden beds that turned out pretty in the years I've been gardening. Sometimes it is just the right combination of plants an other times it is just luck! Daisies are one of my favorite flowers, so simple and pretty.

    I love your sampler, I have something like this that I made many years ago. It's so old fashioned and sweet.

    I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, my friend!


  3. You know I'm going to have to consider Shasta daisies and roses for my garden now. You always share the sweetest thoughts. I agree, memory is the sweetest flower in any garden.

  4. I SO enjoyed your home tour!!

  5. Oh, love the flowers! And the sampler, awesome to have that! It is so cold here today, I am beginning to wonder if flowers will ever bloom here! ;D

  6. I enjoy stitching samplers. Yours is very nice. Wouldn't you like to know more about the history of the one who stitched it? It's amazing to me that it was made in the middle of the Great Depression.

    Thanks for sharing!
    ~Ricki Jill

  7. Becky, I know yesterday must have been hard for you. Remember the sweet fragrance of flowers. They are here and then gone, but their fragrance lingers in our minds and hearts. Love you.

    Jocelyn @

  8. Thought of you Sunday..... said a little prayer..... Seems that time is stealing me from the blog but wanted to stop by and say hello.... This was my first mothers day in 25 years to have a card and a call from my oldest son.....God has restored our relationship after so many years of prayer.... I thought of you after I talked to him and knew that your heart was speaking in a language that we all long to hear.... there will be a day that heaven turns into a great big reunion......

    I think of you often....... and love coming here to see what you have been up too........

  9. Becky, That is the sweetest sampler ever,and how true it is... I look forward to my flowers each year like old friends coming back for a visit.


  10. Jan, thank you so much! You brought a smile to my morning!!!!


  11. I'll have to check out the tour of homes!

    Some years are better in the garden than others. I think this is going to be a good one. Love the sampler!


  12. I missed the tour, so I'll have to go looking!
    I was outside today, in my garden beds, planting and tidying. We've had no warmth yet, but a girl just has to get her hands into the soil!

  13. Becky I did enjoy the tour of homes. It is so nice to see how other people decorate. I only wished my roses looked as good as yours. Here in Louisiana the cool morning and the (((HOT)))days makes for a good case of black mold and mildew on mine. My seven sister that is on my arch going into my courtyard bloomed beautifully this year. I use to have a lot of different kinds when I was younger but not now. I love your garden sampler and that is so true. Hope you have a good day.

  14. In 1998 myself and a friend were antiquing in MN and she purchased this same sampler, only to give it to me as a Christmas present that same year.

    How is it that God knows to "plant" some memories in our hearts while others fade away...


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!