Monday, April 25, 2011

Cottage Florals


One of my favorite corners of our home is the wall of old floral pictures. Recently I found the top piece, that of which is a vintage oil painting, for $15.00 at an estate sale. It is just what I was looking for in order to complete the grouping on the wall. Needless to say, I was doing a little happy dance when I found it!

The flowers are a mix of yellow, orange, pink, green and red and blend nicely with the colors in the old wool blankets that are draped over an antique ammo basket.


Florals are carried through with the red needlepoint bench that sits below.


Years ago I found this Victorian pillow on eBay and fell in love with the little cottage in the woods. Though it has a wintry theme to it, it sits out all year long. I believe I put in the search words: Victorian Motto and the pillow popped up! So happy it did - and for only $75.00. They sell for triple that in antique and specialty shops.


You may recall that I shared with you about the little embroidered piece above (Dogs Should Be On Sofas) – you can read about it HERE.

Miss Fiona reminds me each and every day that “dogs should be on sofas.” I am looking for new sofas that would go nicely with the floral pictures, however the choice of fabrics will need to be conducive to having dogs on the sofas. Perhaps something in a tweed with a durable fabric…and definitely NOT a loose pillow back. Right Fiona?


  1. Becky,
    Love your floral picture you found. It goes perfect with the other ones and a great steal for $15.
    I wish I had a real cottage like the one on the pillow to escape to sometimes :)
    And yes our animals are welcome on our furniture around here too!
    Thinking of you!

  2. I love that romantic look. What a great find!

  3. The pillow is gorgeous and a rare find! I love your wall of art...and that clock in the background is beautiful, too! You have a lovely home! ♥

  4. My dog is on the sofa right now. I've gotten used to it. Oh that wintery pillow is so charming with that sweet yellow cottage in the woods. Simply darling. And I like your wall of vintage florals, too. Very pretty.

  5. Such a pretty cottage!
    Love your "Home Sweet Home" pillow.
    And agree with your "Dogs should be on sofas" mantra :-)even though our Ernie refuses to get on ours! Fiona seems very happy to be on yours :-)
    Happy Easter ♥

  6. I love each and every one of the paintings...what a beautiful theme to have on your wall!

    Fiona looks quite comfy on the dogs love it there as well. That's where we do our best cuddling!!

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter, Becky!


  7. Oh, little Fiona is so cute. I believe she thinks the sofa is hers! :)
    Love your wall filled with the olden florals!
    Hope you had a wonderful Easter.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Hi Becky,
    I love your vintage floral pictures! They look so pretty all grouped together. The old ammo basket is awesome and I love, love the pillow with the cottage in the woods..
    It's all so delightful..
    Have a sweet day and big hugs,
    Miss you, Elizabeth

  9. What a lovely corner. Those florals are just wonderful. Fiona is just sooo sweet. Mindy says she should be on the couch (Mindy's favourite place ;-)

  10. I love your vintage paintings...and of course I love Fiona...

  11. This room is beautiful and peaceful. It would be my favorite place as well!

    Susie at Puddle Jumper Creations

  12. I love your florals!!
    Oh and that adorable fiona of yours!!
    Emma x

  13. Such a sweet face that Fiona, and I agree about them on sofa's..they are there to comfort us. I love the old floral pictures too, very pretty! ;D

  14. I love florals as well. Your collection looks beautiful, Becky!


  15. I get those pieces of furniture that look like leather but aren't. Blocking on what they're called at the moment!

  16. Your house looks beautiful and your blog is so cozy. When I visit you here I really feel like I am visiting you at your home :) Great thrift find.

  17. Fiona is adorable!! I love your wall of cottage florals! I would most definitely leave the embroidered wintry scene pillow out all year, if I owned it! It is too pretty to hide away until winter comes around.

  18. What a sweet corner! I love your collection of florals. :) Good luck with the new sofas. Can't wait to see what you get.


  19. Good luck with the search for the perfect fabric!....and let all of us dog-lovers know what it is, please.

  20. Becky I love your florals, they are truly beautiful. That's not a
    dog on your sofa....that's a sweet little innocent baby girl. She is holding that end of the sofa down.
    I know it's a hard job, but someone has to do it. Heck ya don't see Doogs up there. Feed that baby a good snack, she's working hard. "teehee"

  21. I love it! I think I could cozy up with Miss Fi and spend hours and hours there. Can I ask you the name of the paint color on the walls? We're wanting to paint the spare room for grandbaby to be (it's a Jungle Jill theme). Thanks!


  22. Of course dogs should be on sofas! Where else would they be??? I love florals too. They are like dog prints. One is never enough!!!

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  23. The pillow is beautiful. I love it. And what a great deal on that picture. And as the your sofa, my daughter Tambi has a doggy door for her 3 little ones and they run in and out all day. So when she went to look for her new sofa she asked the guy if they had a sofa the color of dirt !!! ha. She found one and bought it and laughs and says she pays house payments for her dogs a home. Have a good week. love Kathy

  24. Miss Fiona looks like she knows exactly the kind of sofa she wants you to get for her, lol.

  25. Becky I love the pictures.Your home alwys looks so nice,I am sure you will find the perfect couch.I love the Pottery Barn and would love to have one of their slipcovered couches.The idea of being able to wash my couch seems perfect.
    Enjoy the Spring!

  26. Oh Becky, you sure do have an eye! I love all your florals. That pillow is so gorgeous. I love when you give us little peeks of your sweet cottage.

  27. I collect those paintings and prints too...but...mine aren't on the wall yet! I just have them leaning here and there. I love the way yours look altogether with the books, the chair and of course the cutie below them.

  28. Becky,

    Love your floral grouping and that pillow is adorable. Thanks for sharing your wonderful home!

  29. I just love your house, Becky! Those pictures are so pretty and your groupings are lovely. That pillow was a find and I don't blame you for keeping it out all year! Hugs, Ann

  30. Gorgeous photos Becky!
    And of course, dogs should be on sofas...mine loves my chaise best..they take turns..but mostly Bella is the queen of that chair :)

    Deborah xoxo

  31. Lovely. What a great buy! Love the pillow. Good luck on the new coach maybe you should take Fi shopping!
    Have a B lessed Wednesday,
    Sherry and Daisy

  32. Beautiful post Becky! I too love old floral pictures. There is something nostalgic and homey about them. They cozy up a home and make it so pretty and charming. I especially love the victorian pillow. Fiona is too cute. There is on turning back once they own the sofa. hee! hee! Hope your Easter was lovely! XO,Jenn

  33. Beautiful! You have such a touch of putting things together......

    Thinking of you.......

  34. You really know how to do a grouping! Love the florals. I'm crazy about anything with a little cottage on it. Love that pillow. Mimi

  35. Oh, I just adore those floral paintings -- so lovely! I haven't found any yet, but I keep looking!

    Also, I e-mailed you about permission to use one of your photos in an inspiration post round-up on my blog--it's one of your guest room that is just so cute and really captures the feel I'm hoping to achieve for my daughter's room. I'd love to include it (with a link of course), but I want to make sure it's okay with you first! :-)



  36. Your florals are all so pretty. I really love that old pillow your found. The colors are still bright and vivid! Amazing.

  37. You have a truly beautiful home, I just love those flower paintings. Good luck with the sofa hunt, my brother has Red Setters and all his furniture is a sort of red/brown colour so the hair doesnt show up! Lots of love Jane xx

  38. Oh my... your house looks amazing! Your attention to detail is fabulous :-)

  39. I totally agree that dog's should be allowed on sofas.
    T x

  40. The different frames make each painting/picture so unique! Such a pretty wall.

  41. What a beautiful corner of your home! Your floral pictures look just right.

  42. Hi Miss Becky -
    I love florals and you have a beautiful collection. I have a few rose paintings that my MIL's sister painted. I treasure them. Miss Fiona is looking as sweet as ever :)

  43. Becky....I love, love your floral prints! Lovely job displaying them and that pillow just says it all. Doesn't it?

  44. Nice find Becky. Your wall is beautiful. Fiona, if you marry Barney, it's the floor (no sofas). If you and Barney live with your mommy, Barney will think he is in heaven. Fiona, you will have to teach
    him how to get up on the sofa....

  45. Fi is certainly agreeing as she glances to her it!
    beautiful pictures.

  46. Oh loveliness everywhere! I love your floral find... so perfect Beckers! What soft and inviting beauty you have created for your home. You love your home and it loves you back!

    And yes ask Marley... Dogs belong on sofas.


    Kisses to beautiful you, your fam, and your furbabies too.


  47. The floral concept makes the place look so beautiful and comfy.

  48. I so love the concept. Flowers bring light and joy to any room.


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