Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One, Two…Buckle My Shoe…..


…..goes the little mantra that pops in my head every now and again. It is like the ticking of a clock – the beat to the rhythm of the day ahead. The day could be filled with the usual house cleaning and chores OR it could be spent doing something totally fun – like making a quilt!!

The other day I spotted the current issue of Better Homes and Gardens American Patchwork & Quilting on the shelf at my local grocery store. The cover caught my eye – totally cute quilt – and it says “SIMPLE CONSTRUCTION.” Ok, says who?


Looks simple enough, right? Straight cuts, row by row construction, straight stitching. Sounds good to me!



I have plenty of fabrics to pick from to make the quilt!



Shut the door…..


….for now.

What do you think Fiona? Oh how I wish you could cut the strips for me!



Before we go, here is the information if you would like to order the kit for the quilt – or use up your stash like I hope to do. Note: The red and white quilt on my wall was made by my dear friend, Jean ( It is my favorite quilt of all time! The lampshade was a purchase from Home Goods.


  1. Look at all that fabric! Looks like my stash. (at least a small portion of it) I say cut that fabric and get to piecing!! That is a darling quilt. I love the red one in your background!!
    Happy Day!

  2. Making a new quilt sounds like fun ~ but I'd be perfectly content just looking at the beautiful red & white you have hanging up. It's wonderful! And that lampshade!! Did you make that too? It's so very cute!!

    Happy New Year Becky!

  3. Hi Becky! Hope you had a wonderful New Year's celebration. Are you going to make the quilt?

    By the way, that lampshade is calling my name - did you by any chance make it?


  4. Wow, makin a quilt must be so exciting. Momma is to lazy
    Benny & Lily

  5. Hey, that red and white quilt is my favorite one of all time too! Wow, I love that quilt. The photo is phenomenal!

  6. Oh, I can't wait to see what you come up with! Being a non-sewer, that grid/instruction/layout chart intimidates me beyond belief! haha

    I just love your sweet, cheerful cottage!... Donna

  7. Good thing that you reminded me of that lampshade find at Homegoods because, wouldn't you know, I'm looking at it wondering how you did that...again! (And the ridiculous thing is that you already have told me.)

    Hope you eke out some time to whip this little number up. I imagine that the cutting of strips is tedious. That's why I stick with crazy quilts in very small doses.

  8. Alas I am not a sewer. But I have to tell you I LOVE the quilt and I think Fiona could help you (probably by laying on it) ~ Just like Mindy! Go for it ~ start cutting.
    Have a great day!

  9. I am planning to make this quilt this year. I just love it. I will be interested in reading about you making it and what kind of fabrics you will use. There are so many possiblities. I could use my stash, but what's the fun in that when I could go out and buy even more fabric! Have fun.

  10. All that fabric made my jaw drop. You are going to have a sweet quilt, lady!!


  11. Becky you are so very funny and I
    do wish you would write a book. I would be first to buy. Your stash
    is about 1/8 of what I have....make that 1/16th. Five, six
    cut those strips. Seven, eight lay
    them straight and nine, ten sew them in. Eleven, twelve I know they will look swell. Cute post
    Becky, I may have to buy that book. That quilt does look easy
    and I would love another red and
    white one.

  12. That's quite the fabric collection.... WOW

  13. SO adorable...good eye! yours will be even prettier

  14. I should join you and use of some of my stash. I love, love your red quilt too. I also love the way you decorate. Come do my house!!

  15. love the red quilt and the adorable lamp. I thinkin I'll run right out and get that mag, I love that pattern. Happy Quilting Becky

  16. I have no doubt you could make that quilt! We should get together and quilt once a week. Then maybe I'd get some quilting done as well!!You could even help yourself to some of my stash!

  17. You, my dear, are such an EXCELLENT seamstress, that I am SURE this will be done post haste and will be even more gorgeous than the picture on the front of that magazine. I can't wait to see what you put together and the colors you use. This is the perfect time of year for such a project...cozy and comfy!
    (LOL@ 3, 4, shut the door! That's how my stash looks, too!!)

  18. hi becky,

    adoring the pics of this room! the quilt will be wonderful. how could it not be (= becky + fabric)!

    happiest new year


  19. The quilt that Jean made is my favorite. Those reds, that pattern. The lamp shade from Home Goods, what a lovely find!

  20. A darling quilt pattern, though it looks harder than I am up to yet and Miss Jean's has it beat! I tried to get a closer look at your stash, cause I'm such a fabric nut, and well, a little nosey, but the photo doesn't get any bigger:)lol. I hope you use your stash because from what I can see you have some real beauties in there!

  21. I have the same magazine. I look forward to seeing what you create ;-) And I love the red and white quilt. It's just so cheerful!


  22. I love this quilt too .I almost bought that magazine the other day myself.I can't wait to see it finished.

  23. First of all I love the red and white quilt and lamp shade. I'm sure your stash will make a beautiufl quilt. Good luck cutting strips. Too bad the puppy can't help. I'm sure he would love to watch though.

  24. The quilt sounds like a fun project. Just look at your wonderful stash of fabric! Can't wait to see it when you finish it. Hugs, sandi

  25. Beautiful...... and look at that beautiful fabric! What a stash!!!! Wishing you a very very Happy New Year my friend.....

  26. jeans quilt is lovely....

    i know your quilt will be just beautiful. i am envious of your sewing talents...

    nine ten a big fat hen.....loved that rhyme....

  27. You are very ambitious! I am very impressed! One day I would like to quilt. I think I would like to hand quilt too. Is that crazy? :)

  28. How exciting this is! Our mom loves new quilt projects! We can't wait to see how you're doing!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  29. I have that much fabric, but I don't have it stored as cute as you do - I'm inspired to find me an old cabinet and .........

    I was sure that was a handcrafted lampshade - it matches the room so well - and I love the little green shelves with the Scotties - please come visit me and help me decorate my house.


  30. I adore that quilt that Jean made and how if looks in that vignette!


  31. I have that issue also, and it looks tempting... and I know I could do it from my stash! I LOVE Jeans quilt. It is absolutely beautiful. So funny, I to bought lamps at Home Goods that match a quilt that I made:)

  32. Oh Becky !!! We know it will be beautiful! :)


  33. Looks like you could make a hundred quilts by the looks of that cabinet! I will take the red one in the picture! It is stunning!

  34. I'm always amazed at how beautiful a fabric stash can be. Your stash is so lovely. Mine is currently stored in a tote and I recently noticed that I must reorganize it again.

    I am working on my 1st quilt right now! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!

    You red and white one is very beautiful.

  35. Oh my goodness! That is so funny! I got that SAME issue for Christmas, and I have plans to make the SAME quilt! Ha! I have a basket of strips I cut for something years ago and never made and don't care for anymore. The pattern, not the fabric. The fabric I love. So when I saw that quilt, I thought, PERFECT! In fact, on my UFO list, the #9 is THAT QUILT. Hilarious!
    ~Angela :-)


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