Friday, July 23, 2010

with love, from violet – and she is having a giveaway!

Awhile back I received a special gift from my beautiful blog friend, Violet. It is such a personal gift – done with extreme detail, love and compassion. Because this is such a personal gift, I wasn’t quite sure if I would share it with all of you. (Infact, I really get embarrassed about sharing what others have lovingly given to me). HOWEVER, this would be a lovely present for you to give to someone you care about and Violet’s work is impeccable.

The gift is a precious digital oil painting of our late son, Jordan, tightly hugging me. You see, this photo was taken by my husband, unbeknownst to me, the morning of Jordan’s 25th birthday and his wedding day. My husband took it with his 35mm camera (I know, who still uses film?) and had it developed after Jordan’s passing. When I first saw it, I just broke down. However, I felt that it was a pure blessing to have and felt God and Jordan giving me a gentle hug at that very second. The photo took me back to that joyful moment in our life.

P1010021c I have shared about this photo before and Violet had read the story on my blog. She later contacted me and said that she had made the photo into an oil rendition and asked if it would be okay to send it to me. When I read her words, I wept. Of course, dear Violet, of course. Violet asked me to choose a Bible verse to go with the photo. There were several that came to my mind, but I chose Exodus 33:14 - “My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.”


Violet’s gift came wrapped in beautiful paper and tied to the bow was a little card with this special message…..a reminder that Jesus loves us.


The back of the painting has information about Violet’s fine art and contact information.


“Because Life Is A Work Of Art” ….. so true, so true!

This is a painting of sweet Violet and her beautiful dogs.



Violet, dear friend, thank you. Your loving heart has touched our family so deeply. We opened the package together, too. I knew it was coming, but my husband and son did not. We all cried – tears of joy, tears of missing our Jordan, tears of appreciation.

……and here I go again…tears welling up in my eyes.


to bring a SMILE to your face, please go over and visit Violet. Her blog is inspiring and she is also having a FANTASTIC giveaway! She is sharing great news, too! Congrats, Violet!!

AND….. like so many of you, she has an AWESOME studio where she creates!!!!!!!

So…. happy day to you all. Happy weekend and best wishes to you from me.

I will be back next week for more of our garden walk. That was fun, was it not?

love ya!

be sweet and be good to you.


  1. What a sweet friend dear Violet is! And a beautiful remembrance of your dear Jordan.


  2. No act of kindness ever goes unnoticed. It's obvious that she is a fabulous person. This was such a sweet gesture.


  3. What a special gift. Not only has it touched your family's has touched all of us that you have shared it with.
    How wonderful thoughtful friends are.
    Thank you for sharing with us.
    ♥•.*.Thank you.*.•♥
    ♥•.*.from Vicki.*.•♥

  4. That is such a precious gift. It is so beautiful- that moment captured on fim and then to have your very talented friend turned it into an amazing work of art. (You will always have your arms around each other.)

  5. What a loving and precious gift! I have tears in my eyes as I read this Becky. Many blessings to you and your dear family.

  6. Good Morning,
    I remember that I discovered your blog about the time that your Jordan passed away. Being a mother too, I could not even imagine. I could not finish reading your post through my tears. see this most precious piece of a treasure.

    I think of you often. Take care ~Natalie

  7. Such a precious gift. She knew it was something you would love and treasure.

  8. Oh Becky.
    I am so touched that you shared this. How very sweet of you.
    God wraps His arms of love about you today and always.

  9. What a beautiful gift and an emotional post.

  10. my heart has swelled with all the love that was put into that digital painting; omgoodness...words CAN'T describe.

  11. This brought tears to my eyes Becky. It's a beautiful gift, and one I'm sure you'll treasure always.

  12. What a wonderful gift! And a sweet reminder every time you see it.
    I have a picture of my youngest son that makes me smile every time I see it...the baseball cap, the ever-present twinkle in his eye. I know how you feel!

  13. This is truly beautiful!!!


  14. Oh Becky! What a wonderful gift to receive from Violet. I have tears in my eyes right now too. I am off to visit this lovely lady.
    p.s. have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Oh Becky!
    I am speechless.
    I have cold chills running up and down.
    I was touched by so many things about this post.
    Frist of all...
    what a GIFT.
    What a sweet treasure that picture is.
    It was so meant to be to capture that MOMEnt...that magical...intimate moment between you and your Jordan.
    That picture will carry you through a lifetime.
    How perfectly sweet for Jordan to be embracing you like he is in this moment.
    And sweet sweet Violet.
    The first time I popped over into her world I just sank into the tranquility of her work.
    So inspired.
    What a tender HEART she has.
    What a gentle soul...reaching out to you in this intimate way.
    And the packaging...oh so sweet and wrapped with so much love and care.
    Kisses to you both!
    Life is just so fragile.
    You are both an inspiration.
    Thank you.

  16. I have visited your blog many times and just read In Memory of Jordan for the first time. Being a mother myself your story (and his) fills my heart with memories and future dreams of my own children. Simply put:
    your strength is beauty.
    Thank you for sharing. -Hilary

  17. Your post put a lump in my throat. How sweet of you to share this beautiful work of art with us. You have added to the many gifts that you have to remember Jordan by. Many blessings, Becky.


  18. Oh that was the most beautiful gift! I even wept when I read the scripture passage, how perfect! Thanks for sharing...loved it!

  19. What a keepsake Violet has given you Becky. Thank you for sharing it with all of us:)


  20. Oh Becky, that is such a beautiful gesture from your friend. You will treasure this always.


  21. Oh sweet Becky, that is a wonderful
    picture. Jordy, I bet would love for you to have it in remembrance
    of him. That is truly a special
    gift for you. Violet is a beautiful
    person and God bless her.":O)
    P.S. tell hubby I still like my
    35m camera with film too.

  22. Just about the sweetest thing I've ever heard of!

  23. This was a very touching and moving reaches out and touches every one of us in a certain place...Thank you for sharing something so personal and beautiful. What a wonderful gift she has. When I read about things like this, I consider it a blessing to be a part of the bloggy world and see all the love and kindness passing around in it. I know that portrait means everything to you Becky...a hug for you ...from me.

  24. Hi Becky, Violet's work is amazing she is so gifted. I had tears in my eyes reading your post and looking at the beautiful picture of you and Jordan. It's amazing how so many people can reach out and touch our lives through blogging. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift from Violet, it really is so nice. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  25. I too, am touched by the beautiful photo and the gift from Violet.
    How loving and kind of her.

    Blessings to you and your family dear, sweet friend.


  26. Thank you for sharing your gift from Violet. I'll go over to have a look at her site - you're right, someone among us may find that a painting is the perfect gift.

  27. Dear Becky, you are such a sweet lady. We all love you so much. When you hurt we hurt with you. When you are happy with are happy with you. Violet's gift is so thoughtful and made with so much love too. Thank you for sharing with us. Blessings, sandi

  28. a terrific story to shareand what a great friend to do this for you God Bless both of you.

  29. How very sweet. My heart breaks for you.

  30. Oh, I think that is one of the sweetest stories, ever...such a heartfelt gift, given with love and compassion. What a beautiful woman with a beautiful name, Violet!

  31. Oh, I think that is one of the sweetest stories, ever...such a heartfelt gift, given with love and compassion. What a beautiful woman with a beautiful name, Violet!

  32. What a precious gift from such a caring and sweet friend. I love it! And I know it means so much to you. I want to go and visit Violet's blog. Have a wonderful weekend. Love & blessings from NC!

  33. Dear Becky,
    Wow! I don't even know what to say.
    A truly amazing gift from Violet's heart. Her talent and love sings out in the painting. Just as you and Jorden's love for eachother will sing in your heart forever.
    Big, Big hugs~Elizabeth

  34. This is overwhelming...
    your son is beautiful and what a precious to treasure until you all meet again to embrace forevermore...
    Your friend has a heart of gold..blessings upon her ..
    Thank you so very much for sharing this heartwarming post with us...we are blessed beacause you did \0/

    xoxo Deborah

  35. Violet is indeed, a true gem. She and I have been corresponding for months now, and she is truly my great friend and cohort in all that sparkles....she is well known for her art, her love of beauty and all things that "sparkle", but she will forever be remembered as a person who sparkles with the great love and care of Christ. Her gifts are used with just precision and great detail, and she is indeed a great steward of all that God has given her to use for His glory and OUR edification. I truly stand with you in lifting up this fine human being and thanking God for such a soul. How sweet life is, especially with Christ in our hearts. God bless you dear lady. Anita

  36. Oh Becky. That is the most beautiful gift. How precious to have those memories so beautifully displayed. And so incredibly kind of Violet to create this for you.
    Hugs to you.

  37. Oh Becky, I have no words...what a truly beautiful and thoughtful gift.

    Love and hugs,

  38. All who read this are probably left with tears, but peaceful tears, and gentle feelings, and a certain sense of surrender, too. I will visit Violet's site...what a special gift. Thank you, Becky, for deciding to share this with us.

  39. What a wonderful gift! Violet is a true friend!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  40. What a beautiful picture. We never know when we will not be able to give another hug to our loved ones. Hug them everyday!

  41. Oh Becky, I'm so thankful that you decided to share this. I'm sure this beautiful gift means the world to you.
    And when you share these personal moment's of your life and the loss of your precious son I realize how difficult it must be for you as you are sharing so much of what is in your heart and soul with us all... I'm also so thankful that God spoke to the kind and loving heart of your friend Violet and she was so blessed with this remarkable talent and was moved to create this special gift for you. I somehow feel that it has to be a gift from above. Knowing that God speaks to us in oh so many different way's and he just may have used your friend to send a very special message of love to you through her. The bible verse you chose "perfect".


  42. What a wonderful gift Becky! It brought tears to my eyes. I've been on vacation so I haven't gotten much internet. So it's good to read your blog now that I'm back.

  43. What a beautiful post and friend to have in your life. It touched my heart.It is a wonderful memory to have when you look at the painting to feel God's embrace.

  44. Truly a precious gift on so many levels. Mimi

  45. Such a beautiful gift and a lasting tribute to your dear Jordan and the love you shared.
    Sunday blessings,

  46. What a beautiful picture! Is she talented. So precious. I know you will treasure it forever. Thanks for sharing. Violet is so thoughtful to do that for you.

  47. Good Morning Becky...girl I have something I have been wanting to give to you...Now I just talked with Dawn and I will see you on Oct 9th for the blogger get to together and will bring it to you then...Can't wait to meet you in person my Calif. friend...May you have a GREAT day...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  48. This is a beautiful gift and a lovely remembrance of Jordan for you. A camera and an artist have captured what you hold deep in your heart- the love between a mother and son. It's a very special bond ...

  49. Sweet,sweet Becky,you have a wonderful friend in Violet.Thank you for sharing this with everyone.I never met you or Jordan,but because of you he is in the hearts of many people.Love to you and your family.xoxo-Ruthie

  50. What a wonderful gift Violet gave you.
    What a perfect scripture you chose.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!