Tuesday, July 13, 2010

a sweet little farmhouse

We have always had visions of owning an old farmhouse with several acres of land. A place to grow beautiful flowers, vegetables and fruit trees. Enough land to let the Scotties run around and play until their hearts are content. The biggest dream is to have the farmhouse within minutes of the ocean. We love the coast and the cooler temperatures.

P1010126 Last week we took a much needed little getaway. At the hotel I found a stack of “What’s On The Market” fliers. I always grab these freebies to see what is on the market and what the going prices are for that particular area. Inside the flyer was information about this little home. We got out our trusty map and found the property. It is vacant, so – of course – I got out the camera. I just HAD to share this with you! The home is 100 years old, refurbished and sits on 3 acres of rural farmland. The property has 25 fruit trees, a huge yard, a perennial garden, sheds and a porch swing. Ideal……charming……and oh-so-sweet. Come along, let me show you……


Enter through the front gate and be met by the neighborhood watch cat, Mr. Bulldog. Duhgall and Fiona had to wait in the car because we did not want Mr. Bulldog to be chased by some wild and crazy Scotties.

How did I know the cat’s name? Well, this home is in one of those rural neighborhoods that everyone watches out for each other. A sweet woman came over and introduced herself and said that this is the very best area that she has ever lived in. A great sales pitch, for sure!


P1010130 A lovely perennial garden with vibrant colors of blues, orange, yellow, pink and white flowers. The flowers thrive in the cool coastal weather – and so do we! The beach is only a few miles away – as the crow flies.

Lovely soft buttery yellow paint, a red door and a perfect little front porch.


Mr. Bulldog wants to show you more….walk this way.

P1010132 If you look into the front windows, this is the family room and dining room.

****swoooooooooning**** over the paint color and chandelier! The wide molding is perfect and great contrast to the lovely wood floors.

P1010137P1010133 The side of the house with plenty of lawn area and fruit trees….

P1010134 ….and the back that goes into the garage/shop (shop? oh yes, hubby LOVED that one!) and up the steps to the mud room. The mud room is actually large enough to hold a washer, dryer and a sewing table.

back of house

P1010138 These photos were taken at 10 AM. The morning fog was rolling over the tree tops and the temperature was cool and pleasant.


One of the outbuildings on the property. I think that this one could be made into a lovely studio for me to create in – or NOT! It is a perfect spot to have a little flower and veggie garden. The shed could be fixed up and painted. Could you just see little flowers boxes on the outside and a little white frilly hammock next to it?


P1010145 Back to the porch….my favorite spot.






Time to sit and relax and tell a few stories as we sit on the swing. I think one of the reasons I love this home so much is that it reminds me of my Grandma Philpot’s home. She had a white swing just like this and I would spend hours on it just swinging back and fourth.

At this time in our life, we are not moving, however this is totally the home of our dreams. Simple, quaint, rural and coastal.

I sweet little farmhouse to dream about……sweet farmhouse dreams.


PS: some of you have asked what the listing price is, so I will share that...


...too much for my shallow pockets, but nonetheless, dreamy!


  1. That little shed HAS to be for some laying hens!
    Wouldn't your dogs be curious about them?
    A beautiful little house and acreage. I would take pictures of it, too!

  2. Hmmm..."Sweet Farmhouse Dreams"...sounds like a good name for a (someday) blog!

    What a charming home. I love the porch and the stone paths and I definitely can see that white hammock you mentioned! It's so nice to dream...

    Have a dreamy day Becky!

  3. Oh this is the sweet Farmhouse of my dreams! I would be as happy as a pig in mud there. "I" would use that little shed as a goat house! :) Thank you so much for sharing, blessings, Nan

  4. OOOOOH, so charming ! Thank you for sharing - I love the little outbuilding - so much character !


  5. That place has been loved and will be again. Hey, I love it and we just "met"!!!!! I can see your future in a pretty place like that.

  6. Becky, that is the home of my dreams too! I would love to live in the coastal area of Ca....

    The gardens and walkways....the out buildings....the color....perfect!


  7. Thanks so much for making me green with envy! LOL!!!

    But you forgot one thing...How much were they asking for it? I would say $500,000? at least.

  8. Becky, this is just beautiful - I can just imagine you there.


  9. Thanks for the tour Becky. I love the color ( somewhat softer than my house) and the way the foxglove seeded itself in the hydrangea!


  10. Oh how cute, it made me get butterflies, it looks so cozy, I just love it!! Can't you buy it so we can see you add your special touches to it, LOL :)

  11. I am green with envy here! Is that sinful. I love my home but that is just what I would draw if someone asked me to do a sketch of my dream home. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful place.

  12. me too me too I am dreaming. my wheels are turning as I scroll down and see this sweet cottage farmhouse. I am seeing chickens out their at that little shed...my oh my, and oh the acreage for my dogs to run woo hoo!!! Thanks for the dream vision post!!!! Loved visiting and dreaming, and swinging with you!

  13. I'm not very into the cottage style personally, but this house may make me a convert. So darling!

  14. Becky, thanks for stopping by my blog! Were you able to find out the asking price?
    PS: I think these little guys would be perfect for that shed!

  15. HI Becky,
    Oh Yes!!! A dream home, its lovely and I can see why you fell in love with it. Its good to dream.
    Your home is a dream too, perfect and charming in everyway..
    We are still on for sewing, I can't wait. I need to go to the fabric store. Talk to you soon.
    Hugs, Elizabeth

  16. Yes Becky it is perfect! What a quaint little place. Maybe your dream will come true one day!

    I love our farmhouse, just wish it was a little more rural sometimes.
    We did get the doggie. She is sooo timid and shy so have been just hanging around all day trying to comfort her.


  17. What an absolutely perfect little house and the gardens...oh, the gardens. I would never, ever, ever, leave. Thanks for sharing and keeping the dream alive sometimes I think that's half the fun!

  18. No harm in offering what you can afford. Who knows in today's economy what might be accepted. It certainly is a charming property!

  19. Oh Becky you were right, this is a wonderful little (not so little) cottage. Everything about it is perfect! I could live very happily in a house like that. At the beach too! An extra plus! To deep for my pocket as well, but it's fun to see the gardening ideas around this beautiful home.

  20. It's everything a cottage should be and then some. I think the price is a bit high, but it's 3 acres so having the extra land is worth a bit of $$ in itself. If we were ready to retire I would bid on it in a heartbeat.

    Thanks for sharing!

  21. Oh how I love the farmhouse. I like the cooler climate as well. The little outhouse would be great for chickens, just like Susan said. The flowers are beautiful. The house looks really loved.
    Any idea why the people moved out? It doesn't hurt to dream.

  22. It is posts like this that make me believe there is a place for me out there somewhere...is this not heaven on earth?????? I sure hope tht heaven is whatever you need it to be....and this is relly close to that! No real words for how perfect this is!!!!!!!

  23. What a lovely farmhouse and beautiful grounds! At least you have your pictures to save for a lifetime!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  24. I selfishly want you to buy it so that I can watch you decorate it! Absolutely charming, Becky. It is like a storybook cottage. My goodness, I would love living there. $499,000 is pricey, but not for California or New York and the East Coast where I live. When I was in SD, I peeked in a home in the neighborhood that had 2 bedrooms, a postage stamp sized yard and it was $600,000! I couldn't believe it - it was in great shape, but come on!


  25. I love that house and the colour..lol.. just like mine! I love how they did the paths with crazy paving and the moss growing inbetween. Just beautiful, I agree with Vee why not make an offer of what you can afford, these days the way things are you never know how desperate the owners might be to sell. You never know! take care, Maryann ps that would be our dream too to have property close to the sea aswell..

  26. Truly and absolutely dreamy! I would so love to live there!

  27. Such a beautiful farm house and acreage! This would be my dream home too, I think! I love living in the country.. but now we live in a neighborhood, with our neighbors living closeby.. Don't know if I'll ever find my dream on the plan of this home around these parts or not. I'm not going to give up looking just yet! Don't know about my hubby though.. he just might!


  28. Seriously....you should be in Real Estate sales...I was ready to buy the place. You made it so appealing with your photographs I wanted to move in next week. It's so charming.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  29. SOLD! LOL. Hey -- maybe with this market they'd take an offer. It's a fabulous place -- looks perfect for you and hubby!

  30. You had me at the stone path! Lovely! It's ironic that this little cottage had everything you have dreamed of. At least you now have more than the pictures in your mind!


  31. Absolutely dreamy! What coast is this near??? We love the beach as well...I just posted about it tonight! (We are on the East Coast, however)

    Beautiful. The yellow is the same color as my old home was, when I was just a kid! How fun to dream.

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  32. Oh my goodness, I'm drooling. This home is a dream home for sure! The price is out of our range but it never costs money to dream.
    I'm glad you posted this too because I've been debating stain colors for our front porch and I love the deep walnut on this one. Our new boards are still weathering but we'll be staining it in the fall. Thank you for the inspiration!!

  33. That is a beautiful farmhouse! I would love to live there as well! :) Price is a bit steep for me as well...but isn't it fun to dream? Thank goodness that is still free. I loved your guest room make-over. Very very cute!

  34. i thought i had died and gone to heaven...uh...until you shared the $$$. however, it is picturesque! those flowers, gate, kitty....wow.

  35. Hey Becky, that was a fun tour of the farm house. Love the garage doors and the porch swing. Yep, that looks like a fun house. I am sure the doggies would love it too! Blessings, sandi

  36. That's my dream house, too! Love everything about it!!

  37. Very charming indeed! I can imagine the fun you would have decorating the inside and tending the garden outside.

  38. Oh my...... Thanks for the walk through a dream.. What a beautiful place to sit and see things that are unseen....... One day ........ The word tell us that HE will give us the desires of our hearts...... For many years I have dreamed of a beautiful brick ranch house with lots of trees........ I now live my dream on 10 acres just waiting for my hoe and shovel.......

  39. Hi Becky, I love the sweet farmhouse too! I can just picture how cute it could be fixed up and with your touch it would be so beautiful! Isn't it nice to dream about moving to a new home by the ocean? Wishing that all your hopes and dreams come true!

  40. I have fallen completely, madly, in love...

  41. oh my, please tell this central CA girl where she might find this cottage! I am absolutely swooning!!! We were at the coast for 5 days last week and it was torture coming back to the heat. Let's see $499,000...hmmmmm I wonder if they'll take offers???


  42. I loved the shade of paint used inside and love the porch swing. The flowers are beautiful, keep dreaming they may come true!


  43. Soooo sweet..I love it too. We are looking for a new home and this one would fit the bill for sure..someone will be lucky.

    Hugs for a great rest of your week and thanks for sharing the dream .xoxo

  44. Be still my heart! Practically perfect in every way! Love it!!! :)


  45. Oh how dreamy. We used to live on a small 2 acre country home. You do have to get used to the mice and other critters joining you...and it is a lot of upkeep...but still something to consider. The house is so sweet and totally ready to move right in...your home is charming too!

    You never know what might be in your future? The porch is lovely!


  46. What a pretty dream-house. Right now yellow with a red accent is my very favorite combination (new kitchen colour in my latest post!) so I love it already!

  47. Hello Becky
    Thakyou for your comment on my blog. I am so sorry to read about your son, he looks such a handsome young man. On a lighter note, wow what a gorgeous place.
    Ruth x

  48. Thank you for the tour - how did you know I would want to see it up close :o) Someone loved the property and the home.

  49. Becky.
    Oh my goodness!!
    It seems like we share the same dream. I have always said I wanted to live in an old farm house that was painted a buttery yellow with white trim. I absolutely love this house. And the red door I never thought about but I love it. There is an old home similar to this one I drive past almost daily and I never pass by that I can help myself from looking and dreaming about living there.
    This is truly a dream home in my book. Forget about all the modern mansions out there, Why I would be as happy as a pig in the mud if I lived at place like that. The flagstone path, love it. The porch love it. It's perfect... every last detail. The flowers, the old fashioned foxglove how pretty. I'd love to see a pretty white arbor covered in New Dawn roses there how pretty would that be? Thank you for sharing this. I'm going to go back and look some more. : ) And I'm hoping and wishing that you fall into a large sum of cash $500,000 to be exact. And get your dream home.
    Swooooning big time!

  50. If you do ever move there do you think there is room for an English couple and their Scottie Dog?
    Totally gorgeous!
    Emma xxx

  51. I have the same dream as you. I long for a little farmhouse with some acreage where Bentley could run and play. A place where we could have chickens and maybe a horse too. The place you just showed us is heavenly!! I can see why you fell in love with it!!

    Susan and Bentley

  52. So sweet! I can picture how lovely you would make that house!

  53. that property is fantastic. we are glad we have 4 acres and older home with barn cost under 200,000. i'll stay put.

  54. Dreamy for sure! I love everything about it. I'm loving that fence door! Do you mind sharing what town that house is in? Not that we're in the market but I always like to know what houses are going for in different parts of the country. Thanks for the lovely post Becky!

  55. OH MY WORD, Becky, that is absolutely the sweetest dreamiest yellow farmhouse. I felt PEACEFUL just looking at your pics!!

    We can always dream, can't we?

    So glad you stopped by today neighbor :-) blogland neighbor :-)


  56. Beautiful little farmhouse! I miss the overcast skies too, I grew up with that. Thanks so much for sharing this adorable gem.

  57. Did any of your "Philpots" live in Oklahoma by any chance?
    Love the house near the coast. What a dream!

  58. for annonymous, i am not so sure if they were from oklahoma. may i ask why you ask?


  59. Oh my goodness Becky that is sooo
    dreamy. I love it. The little shed
    would make a good potting shed. The
    colors are beautiful. Look at the
    bright side, Doogs and Fiona may
    not have got along with Mr. Bulldog
    and it doesn't cost anything to

  60. Very pretty home. I like the stone pathway and gardens...and close to the ocean? That IS a dream house!

    Have a great day! La

  61. oh my! it is just so perfect! well, except for the price. :)
    thanks so much for sharing.

  62. Oh Becky, this is absolutely charming! The fact that it is near the beach is just an added bonus! What pretty flowers, and love that there are out-buildings. It's just perfecdtion. laurie

  63. Such a precious little cottage, but oh the price!!

  64. Dreamy indeed! I could live there in a minute! Thanks for sharing the lovely photos!

  65. I'm in love, but almost 500G?! Too rich for my blood:>{

  66. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...........that just could NOT be cuter. LOVE it... And, the landscaping is totally stunning.


  67. ooooooooooooooh.
    this home is so YOU.

    So so so so so so so so so so YOU.

    One day Beckers.... one day.


  68. Oh Becky, it's perfectly perfect isn't it????? What a dream home. The yellow and reds are such perfect colors. The flowers--oh my! Thank you for sharing the farm house with all of us.

    I hope your trip was refreshing and restorative. Kept thinking of you. I'd love to hear about it!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!