Monday, March 22, 2010

Sew Much Fun & Winner Of Giveaway


Thank you to all of you sweet ladies who joined in on the fun around here. We thank each and every one of you for making Duhgall’s birthday so very special and for entering the contest for the above heart giveaway. Thank you, too, for those of you who are making JACK a heart and to KIM for all she does and organizing this wonderful idea.


All of the names – some entered several times – were placed in my little thrift store bowl.


Being as Duhgall was the birthday guy, we thought it best that he drew the winner. Miss Fiona was so excited that she just could not contain herself!


Duhgall goes in for the selection….


…and pulled out the name…along with his dog biscuit in the bottom of the bowl. Ahh-ha – that is how we enticed his little black button nose to the bowl. Works every time!


drum roll….. Tales From My Empty Nest is the winner! Congratulations and Happy belated birthday, too!!


Duhgall and Fiona were such champs and are sitting pretty now for their reward – a little biscuit. Ok, so Duhgall got two. He deserved it!


I mentioned a few posts ago that a very special birdie was flying in from the east coast to spend a few weeks with us. This sweet birdie is my son’s girlfriend, Miss K, and we are having some fun doing some junking and sewing together. SEW….. today we are making peasant blouses…



…and getting in some good girl time. The guys made tacos for us tonight – they were awesome!

P1010151l SEW….. what are you up to? Oh, and yes, Miss Esther Sunday, that is the sweet pincushion chair that you made for me several years ago. Isn’t it just too cute!??? Love, love, love it!


  1. That is just too cute, sugar!! Actually, the dogs are too AND you take great photos. Some chicks just do it ALL great! ;-)

  2. I am so EXCITED that I won!! I can't believe it. I was just checking blogs one last time before going to bed and I saw that I won. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I can't tell you how thrilled I am. I have always loved handmade items and that little heart is just so precious!! It is one of my favorite birthday presents. Thank you so much!!!! It is precious! I can't wait to see it in person. Tell Duhgall thanks for picking my name! Love & blessings from NC!

  3. Funny - I was just gawking at that cute pincushion chair. Sweet of you to share your sewing skills -- hope you'll be modeling what you made! -amy

  4. Congrats to the winner! Have fun sewing ... that's what I have been doing too! In fact I had taco salad for lunch. Yummy!
    Blessings and Hugs,

  5. Duhgall and Fiona are so cute I just wish that I could reach through my Mac and give them both a big hug and a treat for each too!

    Susan and Bentley

  6. Dougal and Fionna are so cute and so polite! My dog would have grabbed the whole bunch of names. What cute fabrics and how great to enjoy time with your son's girlfriend. laurie

  7. Oh my goodness...I am so touched that you posted my Giveaway on your sidebar. Thank you very much! It put a big smile on my face.

    I was so delighted to see your winner for your giveaway. Indeed a belated birthday present for her!

    How fun you girls must be having sewing together! And how kind of the boys to prepare dinner for you both. I love the vintage pattern...I hope you will share the finished blouses!

    Fondly, Carrie

  8. What a cute heart you gave away! Those blouses are going to be so cute!

  9. Congratulations to the winner!
    Mom had her sewing machine out this past weekend and she was having lots of fun!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  10. Congrats to the winner!!

    Love seeing Duggs and Fi in their sweet Scottie stands. I don't have enough hands to get all of my standing at the same time!! LOL!!

    Enjoy the time with Miss K. It's great to have some girl time.


  11. Congratulations to the winner!!! Doogie and Fiona did a 'stand up' job choosing, even if there was a little enticement there.

    What fun you are having with Miss E! Nothing beats girl time and doing something fun. Will there be a fashion show later on???

    I zoomed in on Esther's pincushion the minute I saw it. I remembered immediately that it was her creation and how I adored that design. I still miss Esther's funny posts!

    I'll give you a call when your company is gone and we can have a good chat of our own.

    Miss you. Love you.

  12. Lucky Miss K!...and those doggies of yours! I'm a cat person, but every time I see Duhgall's & Fiona's faces, I melt a little!
    ps Thanks for posting my give-away!

  13. Did you misread that entry?!?!? I swear it said MARYDON!, chuckle! Congrats to the lucky gal ... what a lovely gift she will receive.

    Love LOVE the pooches ... they are adorable!

    Happy spring!
    Have a beautiful week.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  14. what a lucky winner! congratulations!

  15. Congrats to your winner! It will be great for you to "do things" with your guest. So many people just sit around looking at each other and talking. DOing something is so much better because talking and doing go hand in hand and memories are being made.

  16. Congrats to the winner!!! And what a fun thing for you to have a girl in your life now... and she SEWS! How fun for you two.

  17. Congrats to "tales from my empty Nest" WHOOOHOOO. Your pups are so so sweet. My son also has a dear sweet girlfriend, and I just love her to pieces. we love to sew and have girl time together as well, so I know your going to having some fun times together, and I look forward to seeing pictures of the peasant blouses when your done! Yeah to the men for making you some tacos, and allowing you to have more play time. Aloha Paula

  18. oh my gosh, your dogs are sooooooo cute!!!!!! thanks for stopping by today & being so sweet regarding my bedroom! Thanks for the slipcover info as well. love those!


  19. Such a bittersweet picture of Miss K sewing with you. That's what my dreams were. Someday..... I can't wait to see what you two have made. Quilts are easy for me, but garment sewing scares the bujeezers out of me.

    Maggie sends her love to her brother and sister. You were right, Miss B. A boy and a girl doggie is a much better mix than two girls. One minute they are playing good, the next they are at each other's throats.

  20. fun...congrats TFMEN!!
    what GREAT choosers you had :)
    eager to see the blouses

  21. Hi Becky,
    Oh my peasant tops!! I used to wear them all the time. How fun!! Do show us when they are done. Your heart for Jack is so lovely, really Becky it's just so sweet and so perfect.
    Take care and big hugs, Elizabeth

  22. Congratulations to the winner of your adorable heart! What fun to have someone to sew with, will we see the finished blouses?

  23. Congratulations to the winner! Oh, I love those peasant tops! They bring back memories....


  24. That little heart was so sweet - congrats to the winner!
    Isn't it nice to have a girl around the house? I miss my Lillypad now that she's in Vancouver, but look forward to the weekends when she comes home and we get cosy on the couch, sip tea and get caught up on life.

  25. Congrats to the winner,but I think
    we are all winners since we have
    you for a blog friend. I love the
    pin cusion chair,I remember those
    from years ago. That is so nice to
    have someone to sew with you. I
    don't have any of my kids or grandkids that is interested. Oh
    well maybe GREAT "SHIVER" grandkids.:O)

  26. Congratulations to the Winner. Now it is your turn ti enter a giveaway!
    I am having a Easter Candy Cup Giveaway.
    Stop on by for a chance to win!
    Join the Fun

    Hugs, Diane

  27. Cute little tops! I think I had this pattern in Home Economics! There's an old fashioned .....errrr .... I mean Vintage concept! :)

    Congrats to the lucky winner!


  28. Oh it is BEAUTIFUL...and it has sweet little you all over it!What a wonderful gesture..not surpried it came from you! I hope that you two are having a wonderful sewing fest this week!
    Peasent tops!What Fun!!!!!
    Do you know when I was cleaning out the closet today I found the Gunne sax dress that I wore the night of our wedding rehersal dinner.....YIKEs...almot 30 year agos.... am I vintage yet? LOL!!!
    Have fun angel, hug and kiss thoe beautiful furbabies for me & G-Dog..
    Love ya!!!!!!!!

  29. Mr Dugall is TOO cute! I think he has the hang of it :) Congrats to the lucky winner and happy sewing!!

  30. Oh, my gosh!!! I soooo love to see my little chair there!! Can't tell you how it does my heart good to know that YOU love it and enjoy using it!!! Although we have never met in person, I am so thrilled to know that a little bit of me is there with you!!!!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!