Sunday, February 7, 2010



…..of you today.

This is for you….

Friendship ~

I think that there shall never be a friend as dear as you to me;

A friend of whom I’m always sure,

Who’s faith and loyalty endure.

Through tears or laughter, loss or gain,

though days be fair or drenched in rain.

A friend who's glad heart-warming smile,

Has cheered my way for many a mile;

Who magnifies the good in me,

Yet overlooks the faults there be.

Good friends are often found, ‘tis true,

But Heaven sends a friend like YOU.

…from the writings of Maurine Hathaway


Thank you for sharing your hearts with me this week.



  1. This is another beautiful post! I feel so very blessed that God led me to you by way of our blogs and blog friends..


  2. Thank you for sharing Jordan and allowing us to...


  3. Thank you for having an open heart and for being you. I count you as a friend too:>)

  4. Have a wonderful week this week, Becky. Hope your days are filled with warm and loving and smiling memories, cherished and sweet of Jordan as the year continues to pass swiftly. I will continue to visit and enjoy all of your wonderful posts. God bless.

  5. I want to acknowledge what Jordan did for his country, and for me personally. You have been in my prayers for several months, and today I couldent leave with out telling you that we still care...I still care, and I know you still hold him in your heart!

    Blessing to all,

  6. Oh Becky, they don't come much kinder than you my friend!


  7. That's lovely! Who is Maurine Hathaway? I've tried googling her name, but don't come up with much. Thank you for sharing this.

  8. Bless you, Dear One. Love the poem and fo course little Doogs!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Dapper Doogs in his it :)

  10. Becky,
    It is all of us who should be thanking you for being such a wonderful inpiration of faith and courage. What a joy it is to be able to call you friend, even if we haven't met in person. You have been in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Take care dear friend.

  11. What a sweet person you are dear Becky. I am happy to know you!

    Susan and Bentley

  12. Lovely. I was just thinking of you while I was out today. Funny, since we don't know each other.

    Hugs to you today.

  13. Did you know what a special person you are? An inspiration to all! I found you last year, actually, when I read about your loss of your handsome son, Jordan, on someone else's blog. I have thought about you and your family everyday and remembered you in my prayers. I look forward to reading your post everyday and LOVE your pictures. God Bless you. I love the poem and your lovely post.

    Dixon, CA

  14. What a wonderful picture. Our hearts are with you and the family. We all love you and hope and pray you are fine. Love Kathy Sue

  15. We're always, always here for you.

  16. How beautiful~ sending you love dear friend!
    xoxox NEBS & ANgus

  17. What a beautiful poem and what a wonderful photo!
    Have a joy-filled week Becky!

  18. Dear Becky,
    After Patrick's death, I don't know what I would have done with my little Winnie. She was always there beside me no matter where I went. When I cried for endless hours she would press against me and nuzzle my hand. You could tell she knew something was terribly wrong.
    Watching her those first weeks sit at the door waiting for Patrick was awful.
    Years later when I lost Frank, I had Mele with me. Winnie had passed away by then leaving me heart broken and a year later I was presented with Mele. At first I didn't want a dog...and then came the Mele! :)
    Mel was the same way Winnie was. I don't think anyone has a truer friend then our dear pets. Always faithful...always there.
    I'm sending my love and warm thoughts to you, Becky.
    Seldom a day goes by that I don't think of you at some point. We don't visit each other often you and I, but I hope you know I am always here.

  19. What a great photo!!!!

    We've been keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

    xo martine

  20. A beautiful poem from a beautiful lady! Thank you for sharing your heart, your joy, your pain, your son.... with us.


  21. Dear Becky,
    You are the one who shares her heart, her kindness and friendship.
    A sweet and lovely poem.
    Big hugs,

  22. Becky~ XOXO (((HUGS))) That is a
    beautiful poem. Your model is
    very handsome in his plaid cape.
    Very debonair...:O)

  23. Hi sweet one,
    You can touch my heart like no other .. Your faith and trust amaze mee .. hoping you have a good week, and some sweet Valentine surprises waiting for sweet you ~
    hugs ~tea~xo

  24. Becky, What a beautiful and meaningfull poem. You are such a wonderful and caring person and a great friend to all.Thank you for sharing your home, your heart and your family. I have no doubt that Jordan is watching you and thinking how proud he is of his MOM .
    Prayers , peace and love to you sweet Becky and to your family.
    Jean in Virginia

  25. A more touching tribute there could not be...from Mother to Son. I loved your words and thoughts. The transparency of your heart meant so much to me. They impact all of us mothers!

    Blessings, Carrie

  26. (((((((Becky))))))))))

    Love you my friend.


  27. Becky,

    My thoughts and prayers have been you this week and will continue to come your way.


  28. What a beautiful post and a lovely picture!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  29. Hi Becky.....
    Thanks for all the comments you left on Ash's blog.

    Thinking of you and your family.
    I will email you in a few long to leave a comment via the blog :)

  30. What a beautiful poem..of course I just love your pups :)

    Becky, Thanks so much for putting up the link when I had the giveaway! Now, can you explain to this blog girl (who still knows so little!) about how to do that? I have tried using a gadget in HTML/Java by using the link I copied and pasted, but I am not getting anywhere! If you had the time could you email me at

    If not, I certainly understand :)


  31. Remember:Angels sing ever so softly and remember to breathe/xxoo

  32. beautiful poem.. thanks for making my day

  33. Speaking of friends, I just saw Mona's post a little while ago. Thank you for the sweet comments. The whole lot of you had me in tears! These friendships were a completely unexpected benefit of blogging! I was also by Penny's earlier and her bowl of croquet balls inspired by you looks wonderful in her new home. Another gem in blogland!

    I've notice so many pretty country photos when you're out with the dogs. Is this a view from your fence? It's amazing!

  34. You are a sweetheart Becky and loved by so many!


  35. Your poem is lovely, and your Scottie is precious. I have one who lives across the street from me, and I love him dearly. His name is Barclay. :-)

  36. I know you wrote this post about 5 months ago. I just found your blog and was scrolling through. I found this post and just wanted to let you know that it touched me. Thanks for sharing it and thanks to your son for service! I am constantly amazed by the men and women that serve our country! It makes me nervous as well since my son is wanting to do it as well.
    Again thanks and my thoughts are with you and your family.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!