Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pssst……Care to hear a secret?


Really care? Really, really now…..really!? We even stopped playing so we could share this with you because our Maw IS SO EXCITED TO TELL YOU!! Why is she pacing? We ask ourselves why we haven’t had much time lately to sit on her lap, too. Well, this is why! And we will let Maw ‘splain to you now…

Miss Fifi and Doogie P

Our – yours and mine – gracious and beautiful MISS KIM and MISS MAGGIE have invited us to be their guest blogger for December! At first I was a bit reluctant to do so because I wasn’t even sure that one single Christmas decoration would make it out of the boxes this year. After some serious soul searching, prayers and contemplation – I decided to accept the invitation – that of which is like being invited to a Presidential Ball. Yes,it is THAT much of an HONOR!!!!


I have had the pure joy of visiting Kim, Maggie, Laura and Daisy Cottage in June of ‘08. I wrote about it here. Do you remember the giddiness that you got in your stomach when you saw a really cute boy or having the anticipation of going to the first day of school? When I was driving up to Daisy Cottage, a huge nest of butterflies began to flutter in my stomach – pure giddiness and so surreal all in one lump. I was nervous & excited – actually in utter disbelief that I was reallllly pulling into the driveway to meet, in person, two adorable blog friends that live clear across the country from me. We had such a beautiful day together and shared good stories, ate fabulous food, did some shopping and treated ourselves to a great pizza pie for dinner. A day to always cherish ~ always.


Miss Maggie stole our hearts – then and now! She is one little character as you can see. Maggie was waiting in anticipation for a good belly rub here. We were blessed with sweet Maggie kisses throughout the day. Spencer swooned over Maggie - or was it the other way around?!



I want to thank KIM for giving me the gentle nudge and persuasion to persevere through the very most difficult of Christmas times. A lot of Christmas decorations remained in their storage boxes, however I did pull out some of our family favorites, such as the woodland Santas above. They sit beside the old mantel clock that once graced my Nanny’s mantel. She used to decorate around it for Christmas, too.


Thank you, thank you, thank you, KIM! I am humbled like you would not believe!!! You make us all feel special in all that you do for us through your blog and friendship. Thank you!

Now I am having a little giveaway, so if you are interested in winning it, just stop on over to Kim's post to enter to win there. I made up a few burlap things to give away along with a fun book, socks, gift/food containers and a bookmark of my favorite word, FAITH.

Sending warm wishes to all.....

......peace to you.......


  1. Sweet Becky I just read your guest blog post at Kim's and it was inspiring and so wonderful. Thank you for sharing your heart, and your beautiful Christmas home. May our Lord continue to bless you and your family especially through this holiday season. Last year, after the loss of my husband in Oct, I was numb. This year, however, I feel everything. It has been difficult, as you well know, but we must go on and He will give us the strength to do so each step of the way. ♥

  2. How wonderful....I hope you really enjoy your "Guest" spot!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  3. Saw your post on Kims was beautiful.

    Your home is delightful and I would love to see it in person some time.

    Betty and I both want to visit.

    How on earth do you keep your carpet so white....I am contemplating ripping mine out and painting the concrete.....too many children and animals~lol

    My son, Jarred.....takes his asvab test next week. If all goes as he hopes......he will be entering the Air Force soon.

  4. Oh!
    Delighted to find you!
    Of course I popped over from Daisy Cottage!
    Your furry critters are just toooo adorable!
    Fiona...Dughall...and Miss Socks! I know they are so much fun!
    Doogan is our Wheaten Terrier!
    We call him The Doog too!
    I'm glad you found the strength to decorate this year.
    How comforting to have friends like Kim to give you little love nudges.

  5. Everything is so warm and beautiful and inviting, just like you! A wonderful and inspiring post at Kim's!

    You inspire me to be better...on so many levels!

    Peace and love to you...

    Lou Cinda

  6. You have a beautiful home. I read your blog alot and you have a inspiring way about you. I know that you have been through a rough year, Im glad that you found the strength to decorate this year.

    My sister lost her hubby in August and I have been helping her, it so nice to know that there are people like Kim in blogland that are there for others

  7. Becky, I had just read Kim's blog and then noticed that you had updated. Your candor brought tears streaming down my face. You will never know how much I admire your strength and faith.


  8. I rushed over to the Daisy Cottage and what a treat! The tour of your home and photos of YOU were a treat indeed! Just you! ♥♥♥

  9. Greetings Becky!
    I came over from Miss Jean's blog and I instantly remembered who you were when I saw your blog title and your precious son's picture. It's been awhile since I've made a visit here and I look forward to many more again. Your post at Kim's blog is beautiful. Soooo glad to see that God has brought some healing to you and your family. You're loved!

  10. Hi Becky,
    I was just over and Kims and read your guest post. Your home is decorated so lovely for the holidays....thinking of you and your family this holiday season and keeping you in my heart.

  11. Hi Becky,

    I've just visited your guest post over on Kim's blog and it's wonderful and beautiful. I'm sorry I haven't written to you for so long. May God bless and keep you, my dear friend, during this festive season.


  12. Becky,

    Read your wonderful post. I am so proud and happy of the way you have gone about this past year. You truly are an inspiration. The part about the ornaments made me want to cry. You are incredibly strong and your faith has been unshaken.

    I wish you & your family a wonderful holiday season.


  13. I too have lost a sweet son. It has been 23 yrs, and the holidays are still hard. I know your pain and heartache. It does get somewhat easier, but the hole left in a parents' heart never heals completely. But we must continue those traditions that our sons loved so much and we much rejoice in the times spent with them and know they are rejoicing in heaven. Hugs and Happy Holidays to you and yours. God Bless you.

  14. Hi Becky, I'm going to go check it out, your home is always so beautiful, Merry Christmas!!

  15. Becky, I read your blog guest interview posted at Kim's and I want to tell you how precious and sweet you are. Thank you for pouring your heart out to all of us and for opening up and allowing your pain to ease through words and the loving kindness of those that love you and care about you.
    God Bless You and Merry Christmas.

  16. bless your family this Christmas, a year of the firsts are always the hardest! Rachael:)

  17. Dear sweet Becky,

    I left you a message over on Kim's blog. Your post was so moving, and so honest. Thank you.


  18. I am happy you made the decision to do some decorating....hard as it is for you this year. Please know I am thinking of you.

  19. Becky,
    I told Kim I almost made it through her blog without crying til I got to that last photo. Well, You are da girl ! I'm glad you are handling this Christmas so bravely, and with Jesus in your sight! He would be pleased, and of course Jordan is applauding you.
    I will cherish this Christmas with my Marine before he goes to Afghanistan in February. May God keep them all ....every military His care. Jordan was a brave and nobel and honorable man. He was rewarded with the "good and faithful servant" welcoming hug from Christ the Warrior Himself...I am sure!! God bless you and have a very very wonderful Christmas as you indeed "breathe" for Jordan. Love from a sister in Christ. Love to visit here...and of course love your furry babies. :-)

  20. Flew over via Kim at Daisy Cottage. Your guest post is beautiful, as is your gorgeous home. You are a living testament to Philippians 4:7. Thank you for sharing your heart and by doing so, glorifying God :)

  21. I just read your guest blog at Kim's and it was very moving. I pray Christ gives you strength to enjoy your holiday and celebrate his birth along with your family. Ladybug would love to come play your Scotties. She is due for a grooming and hopefully will look just as good for Christmas.

  22. Well it's only natural that two sweet, special ladies would meet. You and your family are in my prayers every evening.

  23. Dear Becky
    I just read your guest blog post over at Kim's and was so blessed by your words. You are a special lady with a sweet heart and gentle ways. Your profound words in your post moved me to tears and brought the real reason of Christmas to the foreground. May you and yours get through this Christmas together with the love and peace that only God can give.
    Blessings to you

  24. Oh Becky...... you are so on my heart this Christmas season..... I read your guest blog post and I cried.. You have the sweet spirit that only comes from the Father God and a gift of peace in your words. What a sweet gentle spirit you are and I know that the Father God will pour out HIS peace in a greater measure for you and your precious family this Christmas season..... It is because HE came that you will once again hold that son and kiss his cheek........

    I sooooooooooo love you girl even though I have never met you......

  25. Becky, your post brought tears to my eyes. It was so beautiful and heartfelt -- what a lovely, lovely post.

  26. Becky, thank you so much for sharing of yourself on Kim's blog. I know that God will use your writing and your faith to inspire others, and reach out to them, or plant a seed. He always does. May God continue to hold you and your family in his loving arms. Thinking of you and your family, and praying too. xoxo Lidy

  27. Becky
    Just read your guest blog over at Kims and so enjoyed it that I had to come by your site and loved your post just as much.
    Like Kim mentioned you are such a wonderful lady and I am so looking forward to being one of your many followers.
    I pray for all of our soldiers every night before I turn in and my heart is hurting now thinking about your precious son Jordon. Oh I wish I could say something that could help. God Bless you Becky and thanks for sharing your lovely home with all of us and your sweet beautiful memories and pictures of Jordan.

  28. COngratulations! I think you made a good choice to be a guest blogger. You have a gorgeous home. Thank you for allowing us in for the tour.
    I wanted to give you this poem. I send it each Christmas to those who have lost loved ones that year. I think it's beautiful. I want you to know that I still pray over you and your family.
    God Bless. BIG HUGS!
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

    The poem...

    I see the countless Christmas Trees around the world below,
    with tiny lights, like heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow.
    The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away that tear,
    for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
    I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear,but
    the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.
    I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring,
    for it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.
    I know how much you miss me. I see the pain inside your heart,
    but I am not so far away. We really aren't apart. So be happy for me dear ones.
    You know I hold you dear,
    and be glad I'm spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.
    I send you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above.
    I send you each a memory, of my undying love.
    After all "Love" is the gift, more precious than pure gold.
    It was always most import in the stories Jesus told.
    Please love and keep each other, as my Father said to do,
    for I can't count the blessing or love he has for each of you.
    So, have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear.
    Remember, I'm spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.

    ~Copyright 1999 by Wanda Bencke~

  29. Oh Becky, I just read Kim's blog. How I feel for you! You know my family's pain this time of year. We miss my Amber so much! I just went to her closet about an hour ago looking for something and found items she had purchased last year after Christmas...I completely broke down :( I like you have decorated for Christmas this year because Amber would have wanted me to. So many of my decorations are things Amber gave me and they mean the world to me. I have decorated the tree in her room as we always did with snowangels and snowflakes. My first ornmanets on the family tree were Amber's from the time she was born. I made "Merry Christmas from Heaven" ornaments this year and gave them to family and friends.
    It was meant for me to visit Daisy Cottage in the last few minutes to read your guest post. I was feeling so down and crying so hard and then I read what you wrote. You don't know how comforting it is to see how you are dealing with Christmas. (I was probably the blogger who asked you how you were going to make it thru the holidays.} I know we don't walk this walk alone..there are so many mothers who have lost children. A huge part of my heart is broken and I will never be the same person.
    People in stores have asked me if I have finished my Christmas shopping. I have no desire to shop this year. I have bought my daughter Jennifer and myself an Angel necklace with hearts for Christmas to wear and always remember Amber. She will always be a huge part of our lives and the memories we made the years we were together. Oh how I could just brush her hair one more time.
    Your post has brought me comfort this evening and you are an inspiration to me.
    Please visit my blog I began after Amber passed away...I would love for you to see Amber's pic and the ornaments I made to remember her each Christmas.
    God Bless and HUGS!!!

  30. Becky, I visited Kim's blog. I enjoyed your tremendous testimony of God's work in you and your families lives. You are an inspiration. I wished you lived closer, I know we would be good friends. I will keep you in my prayers this holiday season. I'm so glad Kim was helpful in you decorating for Christmas. I can see why your family loves and enjoys all your special touches that only a mother can bring to a home.
    Big Hugs!

  31. How fun for you Becky....I'm so happy for you girl...I love those fur babies...Many Blessings to you girl...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  32. Kim is just so sweet and so are you Becky! I'll have to go read your post. I was talking to Sheri today and she reminded me that we need to go see you. That would be so much fun. Maybe after foggy season though!

  33. Hi Becky

    It's a while since I visited but having read this post and then popping over to Kim's I wanted to send you my best wishes for what will be such a difficult time for you this year. You will all be in my thoughts this Christmas.


  34. Becky, I read your post at Daisy Cottage and it was beautiful. The house is lovely, but I think it really just reflects the beauty inside you. Your family must be very happy that you made the effort to go on with celebrating. God bless each of you in new ways this year.

    Much love

  35. Becky, I can't help but think how Jordan would be so proud of you. May his presence be with you through each moment of celebrating the birth of God's Son. Your post at Kim's was wonderful. Perfect. I left my comment there, but really you left me speechless.

    Last night I put out some of my Christmas things, and my heart skipped a beat as I set out my treasures from you. You are ever present on my mind--every single day. I love you so much!

    Traveling to Georgia this weekend to check on the in-laws.


  36. Becky,
    It was 22 Christmas' ago, but my heart still twinges when I look back.

    It would have been Jayson's first Christmas, but he never even left the hospital when he was born. He never even got to take a breath. Not once.

    That first Christmas was excruciating.

    I am not going to try to 'cheer you up' by telling you that Jordan is 'celebrating Christmas with Christ and the angels, a celebration far beyond what anyone could experience on earth'. Even though he is. Instead, I am going to tell you that you need to allow yourself to feel however it is that you're feeling. It is the only way to really take care of yourself and to deal with the holidays.

    My prayer for you is that you do allow yourself to feel the intermingling of joy, pain,heartache, and sadness, and somehow find beauty in the season, and that God will continue to give you the comfort in the years to come that only HE can give you.
    And may He bring your family closer together to bridge the gap that losing your precious Jordan has left if in your soul.
    Much love,

  37. I am a new reader and found you through Kim's lovely blog. I am happy to add you to my daily "collection" of blogs to visit. You have a beautiful home.

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I wept as I visited your archived post about your son. Please know I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you today and everyday.

  38. Hi Becky,

    I just came from Kim's and wanted to come by to give you an extra big hug and let you know how much I admire your strength. You are beautiful inside and out.


  39. Becky~ I want to know how you got
    Doogs and Fiona to sit that still
    on the mantel..LOL>>LOL. I love
    those and it looks just like them.
    I love all your decorations,looks

  40. We love Miss Maggie's collar! What a great name! hehehe

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  41. I am so glad that you decided to do it! :) We love you Miss Becky and seeing your lovely Christmas Cottage is a Highlight of the season.

    I was reading the whole post and was fine. Just Fine.Then I saw the precious picture of you hugging your Jordy. I tell ya, I just had to look away. It broke my heart.

    I wish you a wonderful Christmas and I VERY Happy New Year.
    God Bless you!

  42. yeah, becky!

    i am so excited for you and i can hear your excitement throughout your post. how fun for you and for us!

    thinking of you


  43. Hi I read your post on Kim's blog. I want to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas. What a difficult post to have written, but a blessing to many.
    Your home is lovely. I have visited you before, but I never followed which I will take care of today. So many great blogs I "LOSE"!
    By the way, your dogs are fabulous!

  44. Dear Becky, I just came over from Kim's blog after reading your beautifully done guest post. I haven't been reading yours but my heart hurt after reading about your coping with the loss of your Jordan. God bless you and keep you as you pick up the pieces of your life.
    I love the pictures of your beautiful dogs and that picture of Maggie laying upside down makes me laugh out loud. I will be back to look in on you. Blessings, Diane

  45. Thank You for sharing your lovely home at Christmastime with us. It was a joy to visit.

  46. Hahaha Those Scotties of yours are so cute! I love visiting your blog and enjoy your posts very much. I also love Kim's blog. You ladies are awesome!

  47. Loved your Daisy Cottage post. It seems like during the hard times just taking one moment at a time helps to get us going and before you know it you're through the rough patch. Our prayers are still with you and your family. Mimi

  48. Kim,
    Thank you for such a wonderful post about one of my very favorite bloggers ever! In fact, Becky's blog was the first I ever read. I found her home via 'the old painted cottage' and I've been hooked since. I wept when she lost her Jordan, I was going through my own loss at the time and could certainly feel the pain she had. I had the pleasure of receiving 3 adorable tooth fairy pillows she made, I bought them for stocking stuffers for the kids. Her workmanship is impeccable. But most of all you said it best, her spirit and the kindness in her heart is what makes she so special to me. Lisa

  49. Becky,
    You can bet I jumped right over to Kim's to enter the giveaway. What beautiful and true words she spoke of you. I am so happy I took a chance and wrote to you, I felt a connection the first time I read your blog. I am feeling loss this Christmas too, and I'm grateful I have my children to distract me. Every ornament & decoration I unwrapped seem to remind me of my parents. I pray this holiday will bring joy and peace to you, Spencer and the rest of your family. Lisa
    PS The pillows are AMAZING! I can't wait to give them to the kids. Thank you so much.

  50. Becky...Thank you for sharing with us what's in your heart. I think of you often.

  51. Hi Becky
    Thanks for sharing your home and your heart with us. Hugs, Rhondi

  52. Hi,

    This is my first visit. Not sure how I landed here but I am so glad I did.
    Your blog and spirit is very inspiring.
    My son Is in the Army (currently at DLI in Monterey learning Indonesian).
    You have been through so much but have come through with grace.
    Your blog has been a blessing to me this morning.

    God bless you and yours this season.


  53. I went over to read your 'guest appearance'. There are no words that I can offer, except that you are truly brave, and blessed with something special to help you through this bitter-sweet time of year.
    Thanks for the lovely tour - it's all beautiful!

  54. Becky, I just now read your wonderful post on Kim's blog, and I left you a message there. Not being sure you'd see it, I copied it for here, too...

    Becky and Kim, this is one of the most moving things I've read throughout the entire season. My aunt lost her 19 year old son when I was 15 (we were all very close cousins, like brothers and sisters), and that loss was keenly felt throughout the family. He, too, went home to be with Jesus in February, and I think he actually died on her anniversary.

    While I have never lost a child, I have lost people I love more than life, and I know how brave you are, Becky. Kim is right... you are breathing for your son, and you're also breathing for God's son, as a living testimony to what Jesus did for us on Calvary. That is HUGE!

    I may be late to the party, but I still want to wish you much, much love. I'm going to post this on your blog as well in case you don't see it here. For some unknown reason, I did not see this on Google Reader, but I'm SO glad I did.

    God bless you and fill your heart with joy unspeakable this holiday season and always...



    P.S. Your Christmas decorations are FABULOUS! If you want to do another house, I'm always up for help! Hint! Hint! :-)

  55. Hi Becky,
    I found you when I saw Kim's blog today. My heart broke..again I read of your loss. I lost my 17 year old son 24 years ago and my 36 year old daughter almost 2 years ago. And I know we are not alone. Bless you for the wonderful thoughts and please keep Jordan's traditions alive each year. It's the loving memories that keep us going. Along with our faith in God...
    Have a blessed Christmas Season and hold tight to the ones you love...
    I'll go follow your blog now.

  56. Dear Becky... I just wanted you to know that I loved the photos of your warm, cozy home so much over at Kim's Daisy Cottage. What an inspiration you are! And you've been in my thoughts and prayers since I read about the loss of your dear son. I can't even imagine such a loss, but I am blessed at the way I see God sustaining you and your family at this time. The photo of you both is such a treasure and it brought tears to my eyes. God bless you greatly as you continue to be such a blessing to so many others. Hugs, Debra

  57. Dear Becky,

    I just went over to Kim's blog and read the post and looked at all of the wonderful photos of your home. I see Jordan everywhere....the last photo broke my heart, both your sons are very special people. I can't even imagine how hard this is on Spencer....your family is very special and the love really shines thru. I lost my Dad 9 days before Christmas years ago and it is always a hard time, but I know he is with me, as well as Mom and that has become a comfort. I wish there was something I could write that would help....but know that you and your family are in my thoughts this Christmas.

  58. Hi Becky, I'm afraid it took me a while to get over to Daisy Cottage but I finally made it today. Your guest post was wonderful and I'm so glad you decided to do it.

    I know it's difficult to find the spirit to celebrate anything just now but I'm sure Jordan loves that you were able to do it. It's important for all of you to keep tradtions going and maybe add some new ones as well.

    I hope this Christmas brings you peace and love and joy.
    Christmas Hugs,

  59. Congratulations Becky! I am so thrilled you were asked and did it! Your home is as sweet as can be! You are my insprration.

    Thinking of you, especially during this time of the year...


  60. Dearest Becky.
    I am just now catching up on my blog reading when I visited Kim's blog with your post. You are in my prayers this Christmas, as you take steps forward in your healing process. Your strength and faith in the Lord overwhelm me! You are such an inspiration!!
    Thank you for sharing the deep places of your heart.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!