Thursday, November 12, 2009


Nothing beats a good baked rice pudding.

It not only warms the belly, but it brings back fond memories
of the wonderful aroma as it baked in my mother's kitchen.

For a good recipe, try Paula Deen's.....just click here.

What is your favorite comfort food? I would love to hear about it!!

~~My family would like to sincerely thank all of you who left heartfelt words for Jordan's birthday post. Your comments are all very comforting to us.....thank you......~~


  1. Rice pudding!!! Love it! This looks so delicious, I'll just have to make some soon!

  2. I love anything Paula Deen makes. I have all of her cookbooks.
    I have eaten at her restaurant in Savannah ... yummy!

  3. UMMM! My hubs is a bread pudding guy. I made Paula's recipe that is made with krispie kream donuts...

    Can you say TO! DIE! FOR! OH! MY! GOSH!

    Have a sweet day!


  4. I'll send you an address to send what you don't finish... love me some rice pudding! Take a look at what we fixed this past weekend.

  5. I'm not sure that cookies qualify as "food", but my favorite is homemade (my mom's recipe) Chocolate Chip Cookies. Since my mom is gone, it's nice to make cookies and remember the memories of us baking together.

  6. mmmmm...comfort food:) makes me feel and warm and cozy just looking at it!

  7. Rice pudding is quite comforting but my favorite comfort foods are baked pototoes with lots of real butter and, of course, chocolate!

  8. My favorite comfort food is your Chicken Divan recipe. Having it for dinner tonight! It is soooo good - LOVE IT.

    Next door to Becky Up the Hill

  9. Oh man, I want some of that and our oven is broke! Chocolate chip cookies would be comforting, but they have to be warm. Actually anything sweet and creamy and good like that is comfort food to me. I try not to comfort myself too often though! lol

  10. A baked potato or mashed potatoes - both are comfort foods to me!

  11. Forced to eat lumpy runny pudding at school it spoilt me for any and I cant bring myself to try it now, when my mum used to cook it I had to leave the room before she took it out of the oven! Hope that didnt sound rude yours is lovely I am sure. I have your recipe for the peach cake you did a while ago on my desk and waiting for the chance to try it, only problem I have is finding good peaches the ones you get here look lovely but are hard as bullets and go off before they go ripe! Could you make it with tinned peaches or is it not the same? My favourite comfort food is shepherds pie, carrots and gravy, lovely on a winter evening good british stodge. Jane xxx glad you like the necklaces if there are any left I will put them in my etsy shop next week.

  12. This looks so wonderful.

    Your post below was so touching. God bless you, Becky, and your family.

    Barb ♥

  13. My comfort food is homemade Mac & Cheese. Also any soup.

  14. Any Paula Deen recipe has to be good! We didn't have rice pudding when I was growing up, but tapioca was served frequently. That would be my idea of comfort food, or anything else with sugar as an ingredient ;-) Bread pudding comes to mind. Dangerous thoughts I'm having now!

  15. The rice pudding looks delicious.

    I'm easy though - my favorite comfort food is popcorn with lots of butter shared with Scotties.


  16. I love rice pudding as well, but I make mine on the stovetop.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  17. Hi Becky, I know it's been quite awhile but something nudged me today to pop in here and say hello, how are you? :> Rice pudding is definitely comfort food. One of my faves? Homemade chicken & dumpling soup w/ buttermilk biscuits, mmmmm....

    Read your post on Jordan's b-day too. Bless you & your family as you remember & celebrate his life, xo

  18. I know I would love this. Thanks for the great recipe! Take care!

  19. I have never had rice pudding. My favorite comfort food is probably pot roast or turkey! YUM!

  20. Oh my word, rice pudding. Now that looks mighty good! That Paula Deen is one smart cookie.

  21. Your rice pudding looks delish...must try next week...

    My comfort food? Either Mashed Potatoes and Gravey or Goulash...

    Happy Weekend ~Natalie

  22. yum,anything sweet is my comfort food....Barb

  23. That looks WONDERFUL! I have never made rice pudding...... Maybe I should try...... YUM!!!!!!!

  24. That looks so good, but unfortunately, my favorite comfort food is chocolate, and my hips show it! laurie

  25. My favorite comfort food? I would have to say potatoes. Anyway they're served. In a casserole, baked, mashed, soup, chips :-) I'd have trouble giving up potatoes, that's for sure. This looks great though.

  26. That looks yummy..I've never tried to make it..maybe I should?


  27. I absolutely love homemade rice pudding. As a child my mum always used to make it when we had a glut of milk! My favourite comfort food is bangers and mash with a good helping of baked beans!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  28. Homemade Macaroni and Cheese...yummmmm

  29. Yum! I haven't had rice pudding in AGES!! It would be easier to ask what's NOT a comfort food for me, but for today, I think bread pudding with raisins and carmels sauce would do just fine.
    Patricia ;o)

  30. Mmmm! that looks so good!
    Comfort foods hmmm let's see, the list is long. But one I love yet rarely make anymore, because it's so fattening is pan fried potatoes. My mother made them often.
    Fried in a black iron skillet, Yummy!

    Have a beautiful weekend!

  31. Looks good but I think that would be almost all of my weight watcher points~lol

    I cannot remember if I have told you about an event that I am hosting.....a few of us shop owners~web shop owners....Etsy,etc.

    We are getting together to have a 2 week shopping event on my Flea market blog.

    There are some great vendors so far. I am limiting it to 20 and am hoping for at least 10 participants.

    All the details are on my MAIN

  32. Oh...does chops and salsa count as comfort food~lol

    My Moms fried chicken,potato salad and biscuits....not to mention her pinto beans, stuffing,fried okra...LOL

    Now I am starving!

  33. I love rice pudding! So wish I had some right now.

  34. mmmmmmmm......comfort food......lemme think....ok I've got's roast chicken with HER stuffing, mashed potatoes with HER gravy and, making me hungry already sweetie!!!!

  35. Just checked in to see what's new! Gotta try the rice pudding. Thanks for posting it. Also just want you to know (belated) that my heartfelt thoughts and a prayer are sent your way as you remember Jordan this week, ....and every day. God bless.

  36. Oh the rice pudding looks so good. My Daddy always made the rice pudding when we were kids. Sadly I never got the recipe from him. I will have to try Paula's recipe!

    My favorite comfort foods are beef stew and chocolate cake.

  37. Yummy, I love rice pudding (and bread pudding). Going to your link to place ingredients not in my pantry or fridge onto the shopping list.

  38. Hi Becky!
    Rice pudding is my comfort food too! I did a post about it a few weeks ago. Love love love it.

  39. I will have to give this a try... I haven't ever had Rice pudding baked!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!