Thursday, October 22, 2009

We'll Be Back, Thank You TINA and Meet Some New Friends

Before I start my post, do you recognize this pretty Texan? Why yes, it IS Miss Tina at the fabulous Cherry Hill Cottage Blog!!
Tina contacted me and gave me such a sweet surprise by telling me that she had chosen 10 of her favorite cottage blogs to put on
and I was one of them! What an honor, a joy and just a happy gift! (you cannot see me, but I am doing a little happy dance!)
Thank you so much, Tina!! This just made my day! Now if you have not treated yourself
to a dose of cottage charm lately, then I insist you visit Tina's blog. Her home is
amazing! Tina's sister, Kathy Sue (who happens to be a very good friend of mine, too) has one
of those adorable and perfectly appointed cottage style homes. It really must run deep in their Texan blood to have an eye for decorating - AND cookin.!!! I have made Tina's Chocolate Cobbler three times and it is FABULOUS!!! You must give it a try sometime.
~~~~~~ Thank you, Tina!! ~~~~~~ off to my lil' note:
Just doing what we love best.... (oh, and YES, that IS Fiona - all grown up)
...and that is to be out by the sea.
It is good for the mind, body...
...and soul! ...and we love all of the good smells, huh Fee?

Taking a wee bit o' a break...
but till next time, take a moment to hop on over to visit some
newer blog friends....

Lisa at Tarnished and Tattered

Donna at Sugar, Spice and Southern Life

Janelle at Sweet Bee Cottage
Amy at So Into Vintage. You may already know Miss Amy
from her fabulous eBay and ETSY site Vintage Home.

Lastly, we FINALLY got our computer running at "excellent" speed
again. Up till yesterday I was really relating to The Slowskies.....and that is NOT a good cute as they are.



  1. Congratulations Becky -- a very well deserved honor! Have a wonderful break -- the pups look fabulous!

  2. Without doubt, you have a beautiful and exceptional blog!

  3. Hi Becky,

    So nice to see you and Duggs and Fi - all enjoying the beach. It's hard to believe that Fiona is a fully grown young woman now - she grew up right before our very eyes.

    Relax and enjoy.

  4. You are so sweet to give me a little shout out! You have been my blogging inspiration for a long time now. Enjoy your time away!

  5. Congratulations on your blog being chosen! I went and looked and know all of those wonderful blogs! I do so enjoy coming to visit you! Now those two little fuzzy faces are just adorable!
    Be a sweetie and have a nice break,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Oh! The BEACH!!! Have fun sniffing about in puddles and running on the sand! I'll miss you guys...sniffies to Dugh n Fi!

  7. What an honor to be so singled out! :o) Your home is absolutely lovely - I can see why her choice was you. :o) I wish so much that her sister had a blog! I just love their tastes and decor! :o) Plus all of her yummy recipes complete with photographs! Can you tell she is a favorite blog of mine? :o) As is yours. :o)
    Thank you for posting the new bloggers to view. I will hop over there right now.
    Have a nice evening.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  8. Well that was sweet of Tina! I would pick you too! :)

    Have an awesome weekend!


    P.S. Just look at those sweet little fur babies. How do you keep from squeezing them to pieces?!

  9. Congrats Becky!! I can't believe how big Fiona is, she is all grown up now (; I also tried Tina's chocolate cobbler, YUM!

  10. hi becky!

    how wonderful!!! congrats.

    look at that little fiona go! and grow!


  11. Congratulations! You have a lovely blog. I have always enjoyed reading it. Thank you for mentioning my blog on your post. That was so kind. Have a good break and and the little "babies" are so cute!

  12. HELLO HELLO HELLO... Did you think I had left without saying goodbye! NOPE... I am back and in the blog world again and going to blog the winter away.. I pray you are well and smiling and enjoying the October time of year.. We have been on vacation in the Ozarks and it was beautiful... but I am ready to be home and back to the blog where all my friend live.. I found a little something for you and it will just show up one day on your step...:)

    Hugs to you and yours...

  13. Becky,
    You are well deserving of this award. Thank you for mentioning my blog and for visiting me. Lisa

  14. Becky that is just wonderful and so well deserved. You and the pups have a great break.

  15. I have a pomaranian and a chihuahua called Sadie Mae adn Misha Mae. We take them to the ocean a lot since we live on the Pacific Ocean in Washington State...way up close to Canada. The pups can smell the ocean miles away as we are driving to it. They run and play and get filthy! I love your two Scotty babies...Thanks for the links to other blog friends. Chat when you return!

  16. I agree the sea is magical... luckly i live about 500 yards from the beach. The sound of the waves...the cry of the gulls...the salty air...i couldnt be without it.
    Have Fun xxx

  17. I could not imagine a cottage list without YOU on it! Congratulaions! I made Tina's Chocolate Cobbler last night. OH MY GOSH!!!!! You were right! Now, have you tried the Heavenly Cake yet?

    Look at Fiona. She really is all grown up and looking beautiful. And Doogs is as handsome as ever. I see you were wearing a jacket on your beach outing. It has turned hot and muggy again here. UGH!

    Enjoy your break. We are overdo for a phone chat! Maybe next week?

    Love you,

  18. Rory & Fiona say have a wonderful time and enjoy the world so you can come back and share it with us.

  19. Hello, Becky,
    I only found your "Sweet Cottage Dreams" today, and I enjoyed my visit so much. Your little dogs are so cute! Congratulations on your special honor, too! Blessings to you, and if you have the opportunity come and visit me at Bunny Cottage. Vicki

  20. HI Becky,

    Thanks so much for the shout out! You & Tina have been my top inspirations for starting my own blog - thank you for providing such an inspiring and beautiful place to visit. And for sharing Mr D and Fiona. xo -amy

  21. No one deserves such an honor more than you sweet becky.
    What joy Duhall and Fiona must feel when they are on the beach...somany sweet smells to sniff!
    Fiona has grown into sich a ovely young lady...I see Kipper spying the screen...I beleive he is smitten!: )


  22. Hey congratulations! I agree this is a honor that you are very deserving! Great looking little dogs cute. I'm so used to big dogs...labradors...I would love a dog to sit on my lap without covering me! Big smile.
    I really enjoy your is wonderful for my soul!

  23. How wonderful! I love your blog and will enjoy the links to these other blogs! Have a great weekend!

  24. Hi Becky, I haven't been by for ages. Not blogging as much as I used to, but I wanted to catch up. Congrats on your honor. That's sooooo very awesome!! I cannot believe Fiona is all grown up. She's beautiful, her and Doogs make quite the team. I'm glad you took a pic of that spiderweb. I've been wanting to do that at work. There was a perfect one by a window and I never did get to snap a pic. It was a beauty too. Happy to see you again!! Have a great weekend! ~ Lisa

  25. Caongrats! you deserve it I love your blog and your dogs are sooo cute!

  26. Congrats on your blog being put on ~ that IS a "happy gift"!

    I received my pink hearts and I love them so much! I put photos of them on my blog. Here's the link if you'd like to peek at them.

    I hope you have a marvelous weekend!

  27. Congrats to you! By the sea is certainly a wonderful place to be! :) Peace & blessings, Tammy

  28. Oh your fur babies are so adorable!

    Please stop by and enter my Halloween giveaway.

  29. Hello and congrats to you. Sorry havnt been in your neck of the woods lately. I have been really slammed. The dogs are still just so darn cute!

  30. Hi Becky,
    Wonderful! what a great compliment and so true.Your blog is special and (right/write from your heart!.
    Come by "Home is Where the Heart is" and see how you inspired me.
    Have a great day in the valley.

  31. Congratulations on being mentioned as one of Tina's top ten (I know you are in my top ten:>)
    We'll miss you while you take a break, enjoy your time away. I'll be checking out the new friends list!

  32. Have a lovely break, your dogs are just precious, enjoyed your pictures so much!

  33. Hi Becky ... I've been "away" for a while, though I honestly don't know why ... I forgot how much I loved it here. :) You'll be seeing me again.

    Fiona has become a beautiful young lady! I love the pics of them both by the sea!!!

    PS. Your playlist always speaks to my heart ... thanks for letting me read your blog.


  34. Congrats Becky...I just looove your blog...I'm one of your new followers:) Have a FUN week!


  35. Hi Brenda,
    Definitely a very well deserved honor!

  36. Congratulations, Becky!

    Your doggies are so adorable.

    Barb ♥

  37. Just a note to say I have missed you! I have been out of pocket the past few weeks. Catching up on my blog and all my friends. Thanks for reminding me of Tina's chocolate cobbler. I had saved the recipe months ago and forgot it. I am going make it right now!

  38. Great for you Becky on your blog. It is wonderful and I look forward to visiting it. Lovely day by the sea!!

  39. Thanks, Becky for reminding me about the chocolate cobbler. I had printed off the recipe when Tina blogged about and then forgot about it. Well, today I made it and you were is absolutely, positively, divinely and fabulously DELICIOUS! Oh, and thanks for directing me to some new blogs.

  40. Congratulations!! You deserve it!! You have a beautiful blog. Hugs, Connie

  41. Hi Becky, I bet you are in a lot of people's top favorites! I'll try to get by the other links when I have a chance

  42. Morning Becky,

    Congrats!!! Well deserved indeed :)


  43. Congrats! And what sweet puppies those are.

  44. Congratulations Becky! You are so deserving and everyone on that list, including Tina, is such an inspiration!!! So happy for you!

    Love and miss you,


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