Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sherri's Peach Long Cake

My dear friend and neighbor, Sherri, came over last week to show me this fabulous Peach Long Cake that she had made to take to a party for her grandaughter. It looked and smelled devine and I just have to share this amazing recipe with you all!
.......Made with fresh, ripe and oh-so-sweet California grown peaches.....
.......with a gooey cake like topping that was hot and bubbling - fresh out of the oven.
The recipe is from one of her favorite recipe books (she only has a zillion)
titled From Amish & Mennonite Kitchens.

Now you must note that my plate is empty........

sad face.... I said she made it for a party. Sherri is always thinking of her husband, Dennis, and she had made him his own individual sugar free cobbler, that of which I got a heaping and delightful piece of!

Thank you, Sherri!

Peach Long Cake

makes 10 servings

4 cups sliced peaches
1/2 cup sugar

2 cups flour
4 tsp baking powder
6 TBLSP sugar
3/4 tsp salt
1/3 cup shortening
1 large egg, beaten
2/3 cup milk

Sprinkle sugar over the sliced peaches and set aside.
Sift flour adding baking powder, sugar and salt.
Cut in the shortening.
Add egg and milk and stir until moistened.
Spread the dough into a well-greased 9" x 13" pan.
Arrange peach slices over the dough.

1/4 cup margarine
1/4 cup sugar
3 TBLSP flour

Cream these 3 ingredients together and place spoonfuls of it
over the peaches.

Bake at 375 for 30 minutes, until hot and bubbly.
Serve warm with milk or whipped cream.



The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Guess that is not my recipe...since there is only 1 R in my name~lol

Looks yummy.....and speaking of yummy~is that a dining room redo?

Looks like you found a lovely toile~rose chandelier(I still have not hung my yellow one!)

I am sooo ready for cooler weather and pumpkins :)

Stayathomemommy said...

That looks delicious will have to try it sometime! Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed day.

Jocelyn said...

Oh wow what a yummy recipe. Would love to get ahold of one of those Amish cookbooks :-)

Cal said...

Gosh that looks lovely. I love peaches. And I love trying new recipes ;> x

Holly said...

Yum! Thanks for sharing this!

Amy said...

Oh..not a good thing to show me when I started my journey to lose 5lbs. today. Looks so yummy though...I think I will have to try it with Splenda. I've never baked with Splenda before. I guess this will be my excuse to give it a try. Thanks Becky!

Kathleen Grace said...

Perfect timing! Peaches are in season here right now and cheap:>) Yay, this looks so good!

PamKittyMorning said...

Ohhh that looks tasty.

Rosemary said...

Sounds so good!!
I love fresh peaches.
Getting ready for big baby shower here, not much time to blog these days. I am coming up your way in Oct. Looking forward to a little R&R.
Chat soon,

Unknown said...

Woooo... Yum! Looks wonderful!


Julie said...

Yummy! I think that is one I must try.

Miss Jean said...

Next time Sherri comes over with a dessert "just to show" give me a call. I'll arm wrestle it from her!!

This is one recipe I have to try.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love a recipe that has ingredients that I have! Thanks so much! I go to Mennonite Girls Can Cook blog every day! Love them!

the wild raspberry said...

oh yummm....
with my new diet...i'd have to take the sugar~free version too
the woes of aging....

blushing rose said...

I don't care for cooked peaches, just fresh BUT DH is going to like this one. TY for sharing. Better yet, can we just come over for dessert? Chuckle.

TTFN ~Marydon

Anonymous said...

Oh, this looks delish. Can I come over and have a piece? I'll just take a small piece. :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

The Green Pea said...

Wow! that sounds so good. I love peaches........I will have to try to make that someday. sandi

Shelby said...

mmmmmmmmm delicious looking :) I may try it.

Anonymous said...

Is that who came over when you and I were on the phone?? That not only sounds delicious but what a great presentation. My mouth is watering and I will need a cup of coffee to go with that.


Osage Bluff Quilter said...

WOW I have that cook book. I saw Julie and Julia today, that movie will make you hungry both for food and your husband.

Donna said...

Yummy! I will have to try this recipe.

Anonymous said...

Good evening Becky, This recipe looks sooo good. It would go so nice with tea. Thank you for sharing. I will give it a try. I hope you are having a lovely week.
Charli and I are sending hugs your way.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Oh my goodness! My mouth is watering! Thanks for this scrumptuous sounding recipe. laurie

Susie's country cottage said...

That looks delicious. I love peaches. It is always nice to see something new to try!

Elyse said...

it looks so yummy but i am trying to lose weight so i must look away! have a big piece for me, okay?


Amber said...

this looks amazing!!! thank you for sharing it! :D

happy zombie said...

Words like "peaches" and "gooey"... I'm in! I have a brand new flat of peaches (they're sooooo good this year!) just waiting to be made into something gooey. Thank you, Becky! (and Sherri too)

Bumpkin Hill said...

yummmm, I'm so glad I found your blog. I'll have to try that recipe. Have a lovely day, Catherine

Mimi Sue said...

Sounds delish. Next week is Peach Days in a neighboring town. I'll be bringing home some yummy peaches. I'll be trying the yummy cake. Mimi

Duke said...

OMG, we are drooling!
Thank you for the recipe! Mom has been buying LOTS of peaches!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Jean said...

Becky, It looks wonderful. I wish I had some right now to go with my coffee.
Have a wonderful day.
Jean in Virginia

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

As Rachael Ray would say, YUMMO! I'm printing it, as we speak. Love peaches. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Looks delicious! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe...

If you get a chance, stop by my Blog for a visit! I just put up a new post.
Have a great weekend,

Karen said...

Mmmmmm, this looks so good, I'm going to have to put it in my "recipes to try" stack! Thanks for sharing! Karen

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

YUM! ~that sums it up~

Lallee said...

I am up way to early this morning and now you already have me hungry. That is not a good way to start the day! I wonder what time the fruit stand opens.

cathleen said...

Oh Becky! That looks so yummy. Thanks for sharing it.

Debbies-English-Treasures said...

Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe!
Just another one, that I Must Try...



Hi, I just had to stop by to leave you a comment to say what a wonderful blog you have here. Interesting and creative posts, along with great pictures - perfect ! Thank you for sharing them and best wishes.. have a great weekend..

Betty said...

I just happen to have peaches in the fridge and a dinner party to go to tonight. I think I know what I'll be bringing tonight! Thanks for sharing Becky!

Anonymous said...

That looks too yummy. Oh for summer and fresh peaches.


The Old Painted Cottage said...

Absolutely delish! Why is it that I always look at these things when I'm hungry? Okay, off to the kitchen now...


Bertie said...

Hey! I have that book!! I've made this with apples and it's wonderful, too.

Come on over and check out my newly decorated Parlor. I'm having a give away too.

Aunt May's Cottage

Dawn said...

Thanks for the recipe... I had visitors yesterday and made it .. wow it was a huge hit... I just used Apricots instead of Peaches....Yum Yum Yum... THANKS FOR SHARING

"Create Beauty" said...

YUM!!!! Must have some today!

Shabbee Chick said...

One of my favorite cookbooks is an Amish Cookbook! That peach cake looks yummy!!! Thanks for sharing it!