Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Little Old Cottages

A few weeks ago I was visiting Anna's sweet blog and enjoying the photos she shared about her visit to her local antique store. Each photo had wonderful treasures and my teeth nearly fell out of my head when I saw this picture. Any idea what I was salivating over? Clue: They are really hard to find, very Mary Engelbreit looking.....
....well, here..let me help you out...
This little cottage picture!
Isn't it wonderful? So I emailed adorable Anna and
she voluntered to go to the store, call me with the price and mail it to me!!
We spoke on the phone and she is as sweet and kind on the phone as she is on her blog!! You have to see her adorable daughter, Addy. Addy has THE prettiest blue eyes!!
Anna, thank you so much! I haven't found a place for it just yet, however I am sure it will land on one of the walls.

My little red roofed door stop goes nicely with the vintage tinted and embroidered cottage piece. Now if only I had a real old cottage like this....ahhh...dreaming of my sweet cottage.......


  1. Becky, What a sweet cottage print for such a sweet, kind lady.Did you see Mary Englebreit's new home photos? I was a little disappointed. I didn't think it was as warm and inviting as her other homes. I absolutely loved her last home, and I can understand that it was too big with too much upkeep.
    Well you have a great evening figuring out just the right place for that new print.
    Jean in Virginia

  2. Becky what a cute picture.
    Thanks for the nice comments on my blogg about the quilt I made Parker.I got the inspiration for the quilt from the tote you made and sold on your blogg last year.When I saw that fabric I fell in love with it,and when we found out Paker was on his way I knew it had to be in his quilt.The little cowboys in the quilt remind me of my daughters Grand Father who Parker is named after.
    Best Wishes

  3. Oh sweet Becky, how kind you are! Thank you so much for the loving words. My heart did a little jump when I saw it AT YOUR HOME :o) It does go very well with that doorstop. I totally agree about it looking very Mary Engelbreit-ish. I am very honored to be able to do that for you. Enjoy it!


  4. Adorable! And so you. You have really good eyes to have picked that out of a photo with a million things in it:>)

  5. Cute picture! I definitely has the M.E. feel.

  6. I tried picking out your special something in the photo, but couldn't find it until I read your "hint." You have great eyes!That must be one of the funnest ways of shopping I've ever heard off! I love it! Very cute. Anna sounds like a sweetheart (I can't wait to visit her blog next).
    Patricia :o)

  7. It took quite an eye to spot that picture in the photo. It's wonderful! So glad you got it.

  8. Oh! I love it! I'm a big fan of Mary Engelbreit too. That definitely has a ME look to it.

  9. Oh!
    So nice of Anna to do that for you!
    She is a real sweetie, just LIKE YOU ARE!
    I`m not surprised that you fell in love with the cottage picture, I HAVE TOO!
    Kisses Kisses
    Debbie Moss

  10. Wow! it is fabulous! How nice of them to get it for you. How helpful many bloggers are!...Love it...Pam

  11. How darling! If anybody is the epitome of Mary Engelbreit, it is definitely you!!! I mean after all didn't she design her scotties after your Dughall.......LOL!!!


  12. Oh how adorable! Hey . . . . that WAS some game wasn't it?? OMG, I've got my 85 year old MIL here convalescing for a few weeks and she was going BONKERS! Dear Gawd, hope I have that much energy at 85 * she is the ultimate Sox fan * woohoo!!! Did your guy watch it?? I was getting worried there, especially after a 10 run first inning * GO SOX!! XOXO P

  13. Oh Becky, what a sweet little cottage picture! I just love love love it!!!


  14. Hello sweetie,
    THANK YOU SO MUCH, for your Birthday Wishes for my little boy...
    I read it to him and he just giggle!
    Lots of Kisses Kisses
    From, Debbie & Cheeky Daniel!
    All the way from ENGLAND!

  15. Your right that is the cutest little cottage picture, I love it and it is so cool that she went and got it for you! Don't ya just love blogland!

  16. What a wonderful print. I love the crewel work embellishments on it. How did you spot that on such a small photo? I cannot get any detail enough to even see what it is. Your doorstop does look great with it. I am sure you will find the perfect spot.

    Hugs and kitty kisses ~

  17. What a nice blog friend to do that for you!! It's so cute!

  18. Bloggers are a sweet bunch, I've found. Generous of their time and advice and spirit. Dedicated to one another. And so very friendly!

  19. Hi Becky,
    Thanks for visiting me..I didn't know that little scotty silhouette could earn me so much $$$. I CAN'T tell you how cheap I bought it...Isn't it so nice when you can buy something without
    "leaving" home :) Have fun with your new picture!
    Warmly, Deb

  20. Becky,
    What a nice story..about a nice blogger! Your cottage print is adorable. I hope you have fun finding a spot for it.


  21. Becky,
    Love it!! I would have picked it too!
    I have a thing for all things
    cottegie (sp?) or all things Irish as you know :)

    My doggies Buddy (the budsters) and
    Baxter (the incredible bat dog) send their
    love to Duhgall.


  22. That is a knockout cottage!!! I am so happy it landed in your cottage.


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