Friday, May 16, 2008

So Blessed, Scotty Style!

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a total stranger. She said that she knows how much I love my Scotty and Scotty things and offered to send me some things she was going to give to Goodwill. This person's name is Laurie and she reads my blog and wanted to share with me her things. She likes old LIFE magazines and had a few old ads that were of Scotty Dogs. When I received my envelope from her, I was literally blown away. The top picture is of a 1950's ad from a Life magazine and then there were several vintage cards with Scotty Dogs and old Black and White advertisements. But wait, there is more......
....adorable Scotty Fabrics and buttons, too! See the frame around the color ad? I had bought it that week for $2.00 at a sale and it was complete serendipity as it fit perfectly! Laurie, if you are reading this, I thank you very much and am enjoying my treasures!! You are such a doll! Laurie lives in Arizona and is a quilter. No blog yet, but I encourage you to share your talents with us gals who have a common thread! And speaking of common threads......
My sweet friend, Michelle (from I'm A Little Tea Pot) mailed this wonderful Counted Cross Stitch pattern and DMC floss to me the same week. Michelle has a love for stitching and saw these and was kind enough to send them to me! Love ya! Oh, and I got a sweet cookie cutter from Miss Linda (Somewhere In Time) last week. Michelle and Linda live close to me and are just such sweet women! I am just blown away from all the acts of kindness!!
Then there is kindred friend who has a wonderful collection of Scotty things. She had extra copies of these photos and shared them with me. Ok, Miss Jean, I have duplicates and will share them with you, too. Now we just need some frames!!!
Ta Ta, sweet friends! Till next post, be safe, be sweet and be happy!


  1. What lovely additions to your scotty collection! Aren't people nice?

  2. What a wonderful gift! You must be a special and very loved person to have so many thinking of you and blessing you like this! Scotties are such cute pups!

  3. What a lovely gift..all those scotties!;-)

  4. You just hit the motherlode of Scotty gifts!!! What a lucky girl! Course it's really easy to be nice to people who are as nice, sweet and giving as you are, Becky dear.

    Aw Shucks!!!

  5. By the way, Little Miss Maggie Noodles sends her puppy love!

  6. How nice is that?
    I love that! What a great post.
    Have a great weekend!

  7. There is so much goodwill out there.. and I am a firm believer in Karma ,Becky.. what goes around comes around and you bring love and kindness because you give so much yourself..
    Fabulous collection of Doogs lookalikes...
    Are any of your illustrations by Cecil Aldin.. He was a prolific British artist from the early 1900's who loved to sketch dogs..?

    Love to you dear friend.
    P.s Henny Penny asks if she can call you sometime!

  8. Oh how sweet~~
    you and doogs
    are so sweet too..
    Lovely gifts ..
    smiles, Deena

  9. Hi Becky,
    What a sweet person to do this and what adorable stuff, especially love the magazine ad. I love meet some of the kindest people.


  10. Hi Becky, what sweet surprises for a sweet lady. Neat, neat things for your collection. The pictures from Wave are adorable...I especially like the one of the Scotties with their backs, to the reminds me of a little dog I had who sat in the kitchen like that until she got her nightly ice cream.

  11. How wonderful! Such lovely treasures and aren't surprises fun??

    You are such a wonderful lady and deserve such blessings.


  12. how sweet! fun stuff! I love scotty cute!

  13. Oh what sweet gifts! LOVE that magazine cover!

  14. Oh what a lovely surprise!! Everything is so adorable (I am such a scotty nut--they are just the cutest and sweetest little things!)
    Smiles, Karen

  15. The creation of blogs has done many things. Some good and some..not so good. But what I find most refreshing is the continous affirmation that people are nice. (most people)
    Come to think of it, I think my parents still have an old Scotty print in their basement. If I find it, and mom says it's is all yours! :)

  16. Wow, how fun to receive so many beautiful things for so many wonderful ladies. Laurie is definitely a giver and I sure hope she does start a blog. Let us know if she does so we can give her a wonderful welcome!
    Patricia :o)

  17. You really received some wonderful things!!
    Hope you are having a nice weekend!

  18. Hi Becky! I am resting up after all my guests have gone home. It was fun and I overdid it but really wanted to show them Holland. I will be emailing you tomorrow with a couple of doggie advice questions and a photo. More news about that tomorrow. I hope you, family and dear Doogs are doing well?

    Hugs and kitty kisses ~
    Heidi and Dagi

  19. What a wonderful gift to receive.
    Blogland is a warm and caring place to belong to.

  20. What wonderful presents your received! So perfect for your scotty collection. I have met so many wonderful people through blogs....You are one of them and I am not suprised that you received these wonderful gifts.

  21. That was such a sweet gesture. It warms my heart to know we have friends out there that we don't even know but are generous in spirit towards us!


  22. How sweet! Whenever I see anything "scotty dog", I think of you. What sweet gals! It's fun to give away something like that to someone who will treasure it.

  23. I love scottie items too. I don't collect them, but always pick up cute, vintage scottie items for my shop and they are always a best seller. Love it when kindness pays a visit. Well-deserved. Do enjoy!

  24. What wonderful additions to your scotty collections. I had no idea that so much scotty paraphernalia even existed.


  25. You know I love seeing all these wonderful Scottie goodies! Sweet gifts indeed! I have one vintage card that I discovered in my mother's scrap book. My sisters agreed that I could take that one out. It's my most favorite of all.

    Hugs to you and Doogs!

  26. Becky,

    What sweet gifts for a most deserving lady!

    Michelle :)

  27. Wonderful! Enjoy...Pam

  28. LOve the scotty cute..

  29. How fun! I love Scotty stuff. And what a generous friend you are to share your scotty goodies with that sweet Miss Jean!

  30. What wonderful new additions to your Scottie collection. How nice of everyone to share.

  31. I know this is a very old post, but Ive just stumbled onto your blog via Daisy Cottage via pretty little things, and I just love it. Knowing your love for scotties, It triggered a thought in my brain that I've got a scotty pillow cover in grey wool with an envelope back that I could send you. I'm moving from a small flat to a smaller flat, and would rather it go to a good home than a strangers at the goodwill. I dont know if you would be comfortable sending me your address, but I would be happy to send it along if you would like.



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