Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Doogie Update

I just got a call from the vet's office that Doogs made it through his procedure today, without having to have surgery! Are you thinking, "I thought it was yesterday?" Well, it was suppose to be, however the doctor was unable to get to him, so we had to wait for his expert hands today.

You have all been so very kind in all of the notes, prayers and emails for little Doogs. The object that was removed was a small wire - of unknown origin, so far. I had it saved so I could see exactly what it was. I do know this, it wasn't a sewing needle. Whew!

Now off to go and get my sleepy little pooch.....

Bye bye for now.


  1. I am so glad Doogs is alright! That was scary, I bet. Congrats on getting your ETSY shop running! I just peaked for a second and saw the cutest totes! I am sure they will sell fast....

  2. Oh my, your bags are so sweet. I love them!

    So glad Doogs is through his ordeal and all is well.

    :-) Rosie

  3. Becky,
    I'm so glad your puppy is doing alright! Poor little guy..

    Congratulations on launch of your ETSY shop. Your tote bags are just beautiful~I love them all!


  4. Yay for Doogs! Now I'm off to your Etsy shoppe! -amy

  5. Great to hear Doogs is doing ok. Bet you are feeling better now you know it's not a sewing needle!!

  6. I am soooo glad that Doogs came out from his procedure ok! You can breathe now Bec! :) Also , the Etsy shop rocks! Hugs!

  7. Oh I'm so glad he's fine! Smooch him for me.

    Congrats on opening your Etsy shop - I'm going to go take a peek now.


  8. Poor litle Doogie. At least the stuff my boys have gobbled down didn't require any type of procedure other than swallowing hydrogen peroxide. I do hope he was doing well when you picked him up and that he's happy to be back at home with you.

  9. Sending love and hugs to Doogs from Aunty Jean. I'm so glad he's on the mend and you can relax. You're bags are superb as always.


  10. Yay, so glad the worst is over for Doogs! I am sure he will be so glad to be home. COngratulations on your etsy. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your designs! One of these days I am going to own something you made!

  11. aaahh poor puppy. im glad it wasn't a needle.
    congrats on you etsy!

  12. Oh Becky that is such good news! Congrats on your shop, I'm off to peak before I fall asleep :)


  13. I am glad Doogie is okay. What a scare!

    I also love your new etsy shop. The bags are gorgeous.


  14. Wonderful. So glad Doogs is ok. He is such a cutie, he just can't be so sick.

  15. Oh, I'm so glad little Doogs didn't have to have surgery! Congrats on your etsy shop. I'm going to visit right now!

  16. Poor little Doogie! I am so glad they were able to get that bit of metal out without surgery. Hope he is feeling better now. It is always so hard when our little furry babies are not feeling well.

    Congrats on the grand opening of your etsy shop! Off to take a look! :)

  17. Becky;I am so glad Doogs is better.The Items in your Etsy store are just adorable.I hope your store is a big success.

  18. So glad Doogs is OK, poor little guy. It makes me wonder about Mr. Winston. He has had times of vomiting for unknown reasons, I never thought about the possibility of unidentified objects he could've eaten.

    Love to you both...


  19. So glad Doogs is OK.
    Congrats on the Etsy shop!!

  20. Oh, dearest doogs - what a relief! Was watching for an update! Now, off I go to the new shop.... congrats! Love ya lots! Esther

  21. So glad to hear your pooch is doing well.

    Congratulations on your new Etsy shop. I think you will be very successful, your bags are beautiful.

  22. I'm heading right over to Etsy! Happy about your Doogs. Blessings... Polly

  23. So happy to hear about Doogs! What a relief! Can't wait to look on Etsy.

    LeAnn :)

  24. Oh dear. Poor Doogs. I'm glad that he is alright. Scottish Terriers are such silly beasts but lovable just the same.


  25. Oh!! he's just so cute! I hope he's back to himself soon. I'm off to visit your Etsy now!

  26. I am so pleased Doogs is managing to sleep off his horrible experience, I am sure those doggy treats must have helped! Good luck with Etsy, I have taken a look, the quality of your items is superb. I shall keep looking in to see what else you are adding. x

  27. More hugs for Doogs and you!

    Your store launch if fabulous. I'm blogging about it today. Need to get to Bible study this morning and then take pics of my tote when sun comes up. Tune in later.

    Love ya!

  28. Oh, I wish I could make him some doggy-chicken soup and croon a little song to him, poor thing. May he be up and about soon!

  29. I am so happy he is just fine. Poor sweet Doogs and poor YOU having to worry so.
    Please give him a smooch from me!


    Oh yes! Your bags are just wonderful!!

  30. Thank God Doogs is okay and can come home again now. You are relieved I am very sure. It is awful to have a furbaby sick. I am so happy for him that it was done with surgery.

    Congratulations on your Etsy shop. I hope you have tons of success with it.

    Hugs and kitty kisses ~
    Heidi and Dagi

  31. Hey Beck!! Yeah - glad about Doogs being OK - whew!! I had a lovely time sitting with my mom ooohing and ahhhing at your new bags on Etsy - just lovely, truly lovely!! You coordinate fabrics so well - and your seamstress skills are impeccable!!

    Blessings to you in this new venture!!

    Hugs and blessings,
    Becky S.

  32. Glad to hear that your darling pooch will be home safe and sound.

    Congrats on the Etsy shop!

  33. I'm so glad the little boy didn't have to have surgery. Hugs to Mr. Doogs...

  34. I am so glad your little dog is doing better. I love your blog and will be stopping by again

  35. I'm so glad Doogs is O.K.and that he didn't have to have surgery.

    I can't wait to check out your etsy.


  36. Oh Becky, that is the sweetest picture of Doogs! I wish I could just kiss his head off! I am so happy that sweet little man is going to be OK. I have just gave you and Doogs an award, please visit my blog to pick it up. I am so happy I have you and Doogs to visit. Y'all make my day! De

  37. Yay for Doogs!!! Thank goodness!!!
    Congrats on the launch of your etsy store Becky! Your bags are absolutely gorgeous!!!

  38. OH MY Goodness.. I was out sick and Doogs needed me??
    Tell Doogs I love him and I am sorry he had this mishap..Tis good he is home

    Many hugs, Deena

  39. I am so pleased your little friend is ok, its hard when we think they are in pain, glad he is on the mend...

  40. So wonderful to hear that he is ok, that is the best! : ) I know I have to be careful, as kitties are bad about that too! Ok, I'm off to look at your Etsy. : )


  41. So glad Doogs didn't need the more invasive surgery. Thanks for the reminder of how diligent we dog owners must be to keep our canines safe.


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