Friday, September 21, 2007

Whoomp! Here it is!.....

I had my honey pick the winning name for me. There were so many names in one bowl!!! I was going to have Mr. Doogs pick, but he might have eaten one of the names and that would have been bad, very bad!! So, as his hand reached into the bowl, my anxiety shot through the roof. I have been so excited all week to see who won~~like Christmas morning excited! He handed me the folded up piece of paper and I held it for a second. As I unfolded it I could not look and handed him back the paper to read the name to me. I just wanted everyone to win!!!! .... a sentimental junkie I am.....

.....and the winner is........But first of all, I would like to thank everyone who entered and have to tell you that I am just amazed at how many sweet comments were left and at how many of you entered to win! I wish I had a gift to send each and every one of you sweethearts! I really do! your eyes haven't already found the bold PINK print (her favorite color)...the winner is........

LISA from A Thing For Roses!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations Lisa! Now all I need is your address so I can send you your goodies. :)


PS: I uploaded a few dance songs to get everyone ready for the weekend!!!! Happy Friday!!!


  1. Isn't she the lucky duck!
    You are so sweet to have a give away.

  2. Wow, I am doing a little jig to your music! Good thing this isn't a video blog or you'd be scared right now!

    Congratulations to Lisa! I am sure she will treasure your gifts!

    Ok, now, back to my little jig on my way out while I busta move...

  3. Congratulations to Lisa!
    I know she'll enjoy her gift!

  4. Congratulations to Lisa! You are such a sweetie :) ...putting arms in the air...Love the music...doing the cabbage patch over here...

  5. Ooo, Lisa's gonna love it. She's a sweetie so it's a good match. Blessings... Polly

  6. Congratulations from me too! She has really luck to get all these amazing things.
    Blessings, Anja

  7. How cool for Lisa!

    Congrats lucky girl!

  8. Aw shucks! Congratulations to Lisa though. Never sorry to see someone else enjoy such beautiful things.


  9. Congrats Lisa! Darn, I wanted to win :-(

    The music is fun!

  10. Congratulations Lisa!

    LOL at your music, Becky. I woke up at 3:3O and couldn't sleep. So now it's 4:50 AM. That music will get me hoppin ;-) Have a great Saturday! Hugs to Doogs.

  11. Congratulations to Lisa! She will get some lovely things. Oh and I love the music!

  12. Thank you everyone for the congratulations! I am so excited to win my very first blog giveaway! How fun! I want to do one too. I think I will do one at my 50th post which at the rate I am going will be pretty soon, so watch my blog for it! Thanks a million Becky! Can't wait to get my wonderful items!


  13. Congrats to Lisa!
    from all the way down in Central Qld, Australia,
    Maria :)


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