Thursday, September 6, 2007

More yet of Happily Ever After

The picture of the tea cups hanging from the window is dark, but I wanted to show you how cute of an idea this is!!


  1. What a darling shop...I could spend all day here. I agree the hang teacups are a cute idea.

  2. Oh, thank you Becky for sharing ! It's a wonderful shop.

  3. What a charming shop, Becky! I can see spending a lot of time in there. (too bad it is so far from Texas!) Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving comments. I hope you do get to experience Canton sometime - but make it in the spring or fall - it's HOT in Texas in the summer!
    I'm going to post my 'name game' answers today. The last couple of days got away from me.

  4. Oh gosh, how I wish I could come visit! What an adorable shop! I guess it's a little far for a day trip! LOL!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!