Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Miss Lallee's Sweet Creations!

Some of you blogging gals may already know Lallee at Lallee's Cottage and that she crochets and makes the most adorable things and sells them on ETSY.

A few weeks ago I spotted an adorable child's hat, with a sail boat, that she had made. After finding out that she was making a matching bib, I ordered both. Shhhh....they are a gift for a sweet gal that is expecting her baby boy really soon......

On Saturday the box arrived and, of course, I had to open that puppy up right away. Nicely wrapped inside of crisp white tissue paper were the bib and the hat. I took them out and just smiled and giggled at how cute they were!!!!! My boys would have looked so cute in these when they were little tikes! Along with the bib and hat was the tiniest little Scotty dog that Lallee made out of felt and did teeeeennnnyyy tiiiiinnnnnyyy little red blanket stitches around the edge. Of course, that would be for me! Not that I like Scotty things or anything like that! HA!

Lallee, thank you, thank you, thank you for making these for me. They are the cutest and so well made! You are a perfectionist to the maxest degree! Ladies, check out her items. You have to see the tiny purse and the IPOD holder that she made. So girly, so pink and so cute!


  1. Becky...I love Lallees Cottage, she has the best things! I love the little hat & bib, they are precious!
    You have been tagged for the name game so please go to my blog and check it out. Thanks so much! Have a lovely day.

  2. LOL Priscilla - I will go over and see what I need to do. Silly girl!....xo, Becky

  3. How precious - really ! Love all the scotties in the pic..Love, esther

  4. Lallee does beautiful work, and she is just the sweetest too!

  5. Hmmmm, I will have to check out her stuff, they look absolutely adorable. My son would've been cute sporting those hand made items too! Who wouldn't? Love them! Lucky little babe who will get those as a gift...

  6. I replied earlier and it is gone! Anyways the bib and hat are soo stinkin cute! I would put it on my 9 yr. old but I don't think he would appreciate it very much. Why must they grow soo fast. Love your wee scottie as well. Oh and Becky you have been tagged by yours truly ...sorry there was nothing I could do. Go to my site for directions. xoxo, cherry

  7. Hi
    Catching up with my blog readings.Love the baby things they are beautifully made. Hope you are well Mary

  8. Thank you for your kind words, Becky.


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