Saturday, September 8, 2007

Cottage and Landscape Prints

Some of you may have already seen this picture before when our home was the July 2007 at However I am going to share it again with you (wink!!)!! On this wall is a collection of old cottage and tree prints. Most of these are from the 1910-1930's. The tranquil colors of soft muted greens, yellows, browns and red just all work together. When finding these old prints, most of the time they are framed in sweet little frames ~ some of which have old chippy paint and great engravings. As you will come to see, I also am fond of the Victorian Criss-Cross frames that are usually made from walnut and have carved leaves in each corner. You can see one on the wall, even though the old print of Yosemite Valley is difficult to see due to the lamp being in the way.

Old prints like these are often found at antique stores, flea markets and estate sales. If I had to choose my favorite one of all, it would be the largest one on the bottom. It is of a cottage that is tucked in amongst tall redwood trees that are covered in snow. When I saw it at Happily Ever After (that wonderful little shop I posted about a few days ago) my heart lept out of my skin. I just knew it would be perfect for my wall. I can just see The Three Bears and Goldilocks sitting inside, sharing a bowl of soup ~ that is my version at least.


  1. Great group of prnits! I have a buffet in my dining room that is very similar to the one in the background of this picture! I'll have to take a pic of that sometime soon.
    Thanks for the comments on my little box! I just bought it because I like it. I don't have one thing I have ever bought simply because it might be worth something! I have to either really like it or it has to serve a purpose! LOL That box and the emamel thimble are my favorite things from yesterday.
    Can't wait to see what you are going to give away!

  2. Your pictures look great. I love that they're prints of just houses you love. No personal attachment but that in itself makes it personal.


  3. Yup...I remember seeing it! I love your home, so many wonderful things to look at! Quite an inspiration...

  4. The lovely photos look terrific arranged there on your wall.. your home is so adorable looking. I shall now go do something about my house...

  5. Love your pictures, it was fun to see your wall of prints! I hadn't seen them before. I love collections like that.

    I also love your dog, sitting there on the chair with that look! :-) Such a sweetie!


  6. Oh yes! I saw your amazing home at Jennifer's and loved it!
    You are making me want to start a new collection...this wall of old prints tickles me :)
    Nice to find you!

  7. Hi Becky. You have a lovely home and your vintage prints are so cool on their own wall of fame! Blessings... Polly

  8. Becky I truly love your sweet collection of cottagy prints - and I LOVE how you enjoy your treasured "things" and that they bring you so much happiness! Your home reflects your joy.. and that is what it is all about.


  9. I adore your cottage pictures. I always have my eye out for them when thrifting, but I haven't found one yet.


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