Friday, August 24, 2007

Free Flowers

One day I saw a little plant growing in a corner of our yard. I did not plant it and thought that I would just watch it grow and see what it was. There was no reason to pull it out because it was in a new flower bed and behind some roses my husband had planted for me.

Well it grew and grew and started looking like a bean stalk. As it got larger I recognized it as a sunflower plant. Before it got too tall, I was able to cut some flowers off of it. Now it is about 12 feet tall...reaching for the sun and full of flowers!

Another reminder that God plants things in our life to make us happy. Sunflowers are a happy flower indeed!


  1. Sunflowers ALWAYS make me think of happiness :)

  2. So true, Becky. So true. I have many things God has planted in my life that bring me such happiness. Flowers are such a great remembrance of that!

  3. Greetings Becky! I just found your flickr pictures and viewed every one. And then I made you a friend on my contacts. I really had to because we both seem to collect and love the same things. The landscape pictures, little vintage birds, scotties, and many more... now I need you to come rearrange for me! Your rooms have the perfect flair that I love. I'll move a few things around here and then post some pictures on flickr for you to see. I love your blog too. Best, lucyellen

  4. I love this!!!! Just yesterday I was thinking about taking some photos of sunflowers as I just love em'. How neat that you didn't know what it was - what a great surprise! Love, Esther

  5. Hi Becky,

    What a lovely treat to get such a beautiful volunteer in your garden :) I too had one come up that I've left turned out to be cherry tomato vines! Okay, not nearly as pretty, but yummy indeed!


  6. Your site is charming...enjoyed my visit...sunflowers are beautiful! And is that beautiful vase~ milk glass...? I love buffalo china too, you have quite the collection! I am making the brown sugar walnut squares for sure, they sound delicious!!

  7. I love sunflowers and God did leave you a beautiful flower that reaches to the sky. We have a little yorkie puppy and I love him to pieces and your little one is to cute. Have a wonderful weekend. Sharon K

  8. Pretty cool that you didn't even plant it and it turned out to be something pretty.

  9. I love "volunteer" plants! And sunflowers are a favorite of mine. I thought all summer long, how I should have planted some.
    Thank you for the pretty pictures!

  10. hi
    that happened to me too,now I have a garden full of sun flowers.visit my blog,let me add you to my list

  11. I LOVE your blog! I'm so glad I happened upon it. I hope to come back later and go back through all of your old posts. There is just so much lovliness to see!

  12. I just stumbled upon your blog today and now i never want to leave! :)
    Your home is an AMAZING!!
    It's like walking through a comfortable place that you have been a thousand times before- It's so homey and inviting!
    I would love to know more about your paint colors and the red trays you have displayed in the laundry room. ( i have some just like them and always wondered about them)
    Thank you for sharing your *stunning* home with all of us!
    This is now going to be a daily rad for me! :)

  13. Hi Lisa and everyone else who has visited. It is so enjoyable to read the comments and be inspired by others as well! Lucyellen, please upload your photos - would enjoy seeing them I am sure! Lisa, thank you for the visit and warm compliments. What colors would you like? Just let me know. Have a great weekend everyone!

  14. What a lovely visitor to come to your garden and decide to stay!

  15. What a happy find. A bird must have been flitting by after visiting a bird feeder. I meant to plant some sunflowers for this season but forgot. Your bouquet looks beautiful.


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