....and I can't get up! Man! I plum fell out of the land of blog for the past month. This new critter of mine, Miss Katie, has been "making" me take her on at least two walks a day AND I am gearing up for the retail rush that is peeking it's head up rather swiftly. Where has this year gone? I seem to be asking that same question each year, but really, 2015 has slipped by like a sneaky snake in the grass.
The highlight of my month was to get to see Pastor Joel Osteen at AT and T park in San Francisco. My sweet friend, Robin, had an extra ticket and she asked if I would like to go. When she first told me she was going to see Joel, my eyes lit up and she remembered my reaction. So when her other friend had to opt out, I was blessed with the invitation. The evening was perfect and the stadium had over forty thousand people there! It was packed! I looked around at all of the people there and had to think about how the rapture will look with all of the Christians going to Heaven. Chills ran up my arms at just the thought.
I am looking forward to meeting a blog friend this coming weekend and will share more about that later on. I'm not sure she will want everyone to know that she is away from her gorgeous home. And since I tipped on that....I also have to scratch my noggin' when I read Facebook posts of people who share that they are here, there and everywhere...and not home...at. that. very. moment. Geesh! It would be a perfect opportunity for someone to come and rob them. Maybe criminals aren't that smart..but then again, maybe they are.
So HAPPY SEPTEMBER to everyone. Time to pull out the fall decor! I'm finding a lot of scales these days to sell and have kept a few for myself.
And LORI, the sweet lady who left me a comment on my last post, I hope you had a beautiful birthday! Thanks for introducing yourself via the comment section and your sweet message left a smile on my face. :)