Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Last year my friend Wave asked if I would be a hostess for an antique club that she is a member of.  I hemmed and hawed and turned her down several times, but then caved.  I thought it would be a good motivator to get some things done in this old house of mine.  So.....last night I hosted the meeting. Though I was a bit stressed out over having the meeting and having every thing in the house "just so", the evening turned out to be lots of fun and I enjoyed having the ladies over.  Several of the gals in the group are friends of mine and others I know through the circles of being an antique vendor....aka Junker.  The program was to share items of affection, so I shared several of my favorite collections of linens and samplers and the ladies each brought something of theirs that they love and hold near and dear to their heart.  I loved listening to them talk and share.  To top the evening off, I served homemade cream puffs filled with lemon curd and delightfully sweet whipped cream.  It was a sweet evening!  

My sewing room is done!  I will share that soon.....  I LOVE having my own space to create and it is just wonderful.  Just wonderful.  I wanted to make a little something to have as a raffle for the club gals, so I made up one of my "measure up to love" heart.  The heart is made from an old sugar sack and layered with lace, an old measuring tape, buttons and a crochet rose.  Filled halfway with lavender and polyfill.  They are one of my favorite things to make and I have sold them in the shops for Valentine's Day.

Pardon my absence...all is well.  Just absorbed in stuffkies here.  I've also been playing in the yard and planting annuals.  This is my favorite time of year and I'm taking advantage of it.

Till next time, toodles.


  1. It does sound like a lovely time. I'm glad you had fun :)

    Instead of digging in the dirt today, I'll be doing laundry. Fun fun LOL


  2. Oh, I wish I could go outside and plant! We have snow though. I love your sweet hearts!

  3. Oh to live where I could plant annuals this time of year~~~sigh~~~~

    I love this little heart you made for your raffle. It is beautiful!!! I am wondering if you are like me, and can't stop at just making one of something?

    You're so great to host the meeting! Things like that stress me out and I always find crazy things to do in the house where no one in their right mind would look. Once Dale came in and saw me cleaning behind the refrigerator and said "you really think someone is going to pull that out and look? You need to get a new set of friends" So needless to say, I don't do much hosting :)
    Please got a little dirt under your fingernails for me.
    big hugs from here...

  4. Love your sweet heart! Sounds like a fun time and I'm so happy you had such a good time. Happy Wednesday to you, hope you're enjoying this gorgeous weather we're having:-)

  5. I love the little heart. The meeting sounds like fun.... and I can't wait to see your new room

    Amy Jo

  6. That sounds like a fun gathering with like minded souls. Your hearts are beautiful. I look forward to seeing your new sewing room. I know wonderful things will be created there!
    Always nice to hear from you, but by all means, enjoy playing in the yard.

  7. Love seeing your sweet hearts! I'm sure everyone loved the evening at your beautiful home.

  8. Your evening sounds like it was great fun!
    The heart is lovely...I look forward to seeing the room it was created in!

    I've been "playing" in my yard too! Shoveling snow!! :)

  9. Now that club would be right up my and tell. Does hosting the event mean you can be a guest at the next three years of meetings? If so, than all the work would be fine with me. I very much like the heart idea and you did yours to perfection. It is a great idea for all of the old tape measures I find. I'm saving this post.

  10. Love, love that heart you made. Sounds like you had a great time.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  11. It sounds like a fun evening, Becky! Decades ago, I attended an antique class where each participant brought a favorite antique and the instructor gave us the history and value of each item. I wish classes like that were still offered.

    Your very own sewing studio!! How perfect for you!

    It's -25 and a long way from planting time here. I'll be planting my flowers the day after Memorial Day. Boo! Have fun digging in the dirt!

  12. Ohhhhh, I love the hearts!!!! Sounds like a fun evening!!!
    Can't wait to see your sewing room!!!!!
    XO Kris

  13. What a gorgeous heart. Can't wait to see your sewing room.

  14. Cream puffs? Lemon curd? Whipped cream? And to think I missed it! :-( How yummy it all sounds! That heart is the cutest thing.

  15. the most beautiful heart in your home last night was YOURS. and how wonderful that you had such a nice time! i am sure all were enchanted with everything and you! how i wish i could have been there! and your handmade heart is exquisite and so precious! and so you beckers...


  16. I forgot to mention how lovely your sweet little sugar sack heart is! Love it!

  17. Oooh, love that heart, Becky! I just ordered some measuring tape ribbon to use, mainly for some needle books I am making, but how great it looks on your heart, too.

    It sounds like you had a fun evening. I guess it's good to be social every now and then. I know I am not, but I think I would have enjoyed something like that.

  18. Love the heart! Rustic and so pretty. :) Kit


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