Monday, January 19, 2015


Good morning!  I’m up early today because I have a “to do” list to accomplish as our revamping project is nearing the end.  As I shared previously, we – hubby and I – decided that the two bedrooms (that were our children’s rooms) need an update.  New paint, new flooring and a little cottage flair to make them sparkle.  I am taking the smaller bedroom to use as my “creative” space and the larger bedroom will now be the guest bedroom.  Colors have changed and the little guest bedroom (shown below) will be my office.  But for now, I am waiting for the sun to rise so that I can finish painting the door trim.  I like natural light when I paint, otherwise I tend to miss spots. 

 Coffee is made and I thought I’d cull through some of my photo files on my computer.  Most of the snaps are from the house and some of my favorite collections and a few things that I have sewn.  The large angel on the wall was from one of my favorite stores in Pacific Grove, Ca.  And, of course, there are the scotties….((heart))….Duhgall and Fiona.
madonna and child soft glow setting


I also want to say thank you to all of you who were so kind to leave a comment on my post for Fiona.  (((( hugs ))))  So many of you have shared your story about losing a cherished friend and my heart hurts right along with yours.  Us bloggers may never have the chance to physically “meet” each other, but we sure do get to come and know each other through our words written, photos shared and stories told.  Some people may never understand the connection, but I am forever grateful to all of you.  I am thankful our paths have crossed.  So thankful.  Have a sweet, sweet day and be safe, warm and cherish each minute.


  1. Hey gorgeous! I remember so many of these beautiful photos, how long have we been blogging now? For me it will be 8 years next month! I can't wait to see your creative space if you choose to share it. I need to paint the spare bedroom I am using right now and figure out how to make it mine, so that will hopefully have a good start by Spring. Sending hugs!


  2. Look at you, you darling girl!!!!!!!!!!!
    I loved every snap in this post. The clocks are amazing! and I am so crushin' on the quilt you made. The fabrics are so pretty. Just reading that you are in the middle of painting a room makes me feel lazy...I have been putting off a fresh coat of paint in the living room ever since I put the Christmas decor away, but doing everything else instead. In the summer I said, 'I'm going to wait for winter'and now I'm saying, 'maybe spring'. I don't know why I dread it so much.
    You and I have the same fabric on our sofas. The red with cream flowers. I have had mine for several years and still love it although mine is now under a slipcover. It was wearing pretty thin after all the kid's abuse :)))
    I am so sorry about your dear Fiona. What a special pup.
    sending hugs your way...

  3. Great photos. Hoping to come to LA this summer and am hoping we can figure out a way to connect.

    Have a great day!!


  4. Oh you have the neatest collections!

    And I am so excited for you and your changes to the two unused rooms...a special clean creative space? Oh be still my heart.

    I am anxious to see what you do with the spaces, yay, onward we go, huh?

  5. I love your pictures Becky! I especially love the vintage sheet quilt!! Have fun redoing the boys rooms. We are so thankful to have a guest room now that our children are grown. It's been like a revolving door these past couple of months, but it sure takes the sting out of empty nesting ;-)
    Hugs, Jocelyn

  6. I love all your photos! I wanna live there! That angel is gorgeous, I have a smaller carved mermaid angel and I adore her also. Hugs! karen...

  7. Yikes. So many beautiful photos. I found you because you were the commenter preceding me over at Ranger 911. I thought I'd pop in and check it out. Such a cute blog with so many cute pictures.
    Katie @ Let's Add Sprinkles

  8. Well, you look just stunning behind the camera! Loved all the photos, especially that sofa.

  9. I've always loved your home and I so enjoyed seeing these new glimpses. The new re~done rooms are going to be awesome..keep us posted! :)

    Jane xx

  10. That photo of you at the bottom is just adorable.
    I'm sure I commented on your loss of little Fiona. ..the thing is, it seemed it was just yesterday you brought her home as a tiny pup and introduced her to her brother. I remember he was not too pleased but it wasn't long..that they were great friends.
    Your home is SO cute..and those little houses. So sweet. I need to get busy on Valentines tomorrow. At least finding my decorations. I did put the front door wreath up. It's good to know you are alright.
    So very much has happened since we met. We've both had tragedy and survived. I don't think either of us will ever get past it. Never.
    Much love to you.

  11. What eye candy you've shared with us, Becky! Did you make the sweet little quilt hanging over the cabinet door? So cute! And you are just as cute as all your collections in your selfie!

    I know your rooms are going to be charming when you're done and I can't wait to see them! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your sunshine!


  12. A beautiful post. Your home is so comforting filled with vintage cherished things. And how fun it is to see you at the end of the post.

    I look forward to seeing your newly transformed rooms.

    I am grateful our paths have crossed too.


  13. Your Scottie dogs are just gorgeous!
    I love your pictures!

  14. That bluebird lamp is killing me! Oh my goodness! I'm sure you understand that I'm drooling at the moment.

    I love your style my friend. I know that were I to walk in your door, I would feel immediately at home. Though you'd try to get me to sit down and have some tea, I'd be up and about looking at everything and exclaiming and sighing and just generally loving everything.


  15. Love all your pics , I love your vintage sheet quilt because if you remember I bought some fat quarters from you and found some here so I made one too. That's how much I liked it. I can't wait to see your results of you rooms.

    I tried commenting on your Fiona post, but not sure it went through. I'm having internet trouble.

  16. So pretty! everything! Happy to see that you're blogging regular again. And very sorry to hear of your sweet Fiona's passing. You have had more than your share of grief and heavy heartache the past few years. I hope and pray this new year will bring happiness and joy to you and your family. I can't wait to see the bedrooms makeover. Love to steal ideas from talented creative minds like yours. ;-)
    Sweet blessing's,

  17. Love all your photos...they truly tell the story of who you are and what you love.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  18. omg, you are as cute as a button !!!! love your hair !!! and, as always your home is so charming !!! simply love it and can't wait to see the results of your updates! Having grown up with wired hair fox terriers, I love heart goes out to you !!!

  19. Is the framed JOY OF A ROSE for sale? O am named Rose and would love it! Is the little silver bird also for sale?????

  20. I love all the "snaps" of your beautiful home!
    We recently turned a bedroom into a playroom for our's a bright, very colorful, space! It was such fun to create a space just for them.
    Enjoy your updates...I can't wiat to see them with your "little cottage flair"!!

  21. I have kept your last two posts open on my computer and have looked at them several times. Everything about your style just speaks of home to me. Thank you for the enjoyment your blog brings to me.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!