Friday, December 26, 2014

Scottie Christmas Mug Shots

Me:  Ok, Duhgall, look at Mommy…
Duhgall:  Ok. 
Me:  Now look over here.
Duhgall:  Okie Dokie.
Me:  Now turn to the right.
Duhgall:  I am already!
Me:  Do you have any scars, marks or tattoos?
Duhgall:  Say WHAT !?  Geesh, do I have to tell you about the freckles on by tummy?  That is a wee bit personal….don’t you think?
Me:  Ok, we are nearly done.  I need a shot to the left now. 
Duhgall:  Maw, you are really pushing it.  You have my best side and that is good enough.  I am done.  D.O.N.E. Do I get a treat for this torture?
Me:  Ok, now I know the only people who really smile for mug shots are the happy drunks.
Duhgall:  I’ll give you a smile, but I promise I wasn’t drinking.  Promise.
Me:  Yea, that’s what they all say. 
Duhgall:  Are we done yet?
Me:  Yes,  and thank you.  I love you , Mr. Dog.
Duhgall:  I love you back.
Duhgall:  I am FREE!  Santa bailed me out and off we go! 
Me:  Santa’s got your back….he really does!
Duhgall:  Paw, get me out of here.  She has gone mad I say!  And please take off this sweater!
Hoping everyone had a fun and Merry Christmas! 
Happy Birthday, Jesus, and thank you for all that you have done for us.  We love you!


  1. What a sweet dog you have...handsome too! I love your talk to your dog like I talk to also talk to Jesus like I's an ongoing conversation with all of them. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.

  2. Such a cute post, and that smile...made my day. I want to say thank you sweet friend for the beautiful card and very precious gift. You really touched my heart with such a memorable gift. I love her and will take good care of her. May God grant you and yours many blessings in the new year. Thank you again much for thinking of me♡

  3. What a sweetie! He is obviously an old hand at all this fashion shoot business. There is NO way these could be mistaken for mugshots!

  4. OMG he's so adorable - and I love that Santa sweater.

    Hope Christmas was joyful - very best wishes for the coming New Year.

    Hugs - Mary

  5. Such a dear to endure all that torture. Hope you had the merriest of days!

  6. What a cutie! I love his precious sweater and the look on his face. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas yesterday. Blessings to you and your family in the new year.

  7. Now that was cute! Cutest dog, cutest sweater and great photographs. I know it isn't easy photographing black dogs with brown eyes!

  8. What adorable pictures. Happy holidays

  9. What adorable pictures. Happy holidays

  10. sweet. Such a handsome Scottie.
    Pam...keeper of Bonnie and Kenzie...wheatie pie Scottie girls.

  11. great post! and to the right is his best side I think.. though that smile is pretty precious! I hope you had a delight filled Christmas! something tells me you did.
    have a great weekend

  12. He is Gorgeous!! I wish mine would sit down long enough to do something like this, but she is camera shy. Have a wonderful New Year xx

  13. LOL!! That is one tolerant dog. Love the sweater tho. Kit

  14. I love that sweet boy! What a handsome lad he is in his Santa sweater and how good he is to pose for his mother... and us! :-)

    I have been missing the little Scottie that lived across the street from us who has gone over the Rainbow Bridge. They are searching high and low for another pup. He was such a perfect "little old man". He used to ride on the lawn mower with my neighbor's yardman. So we all miss his funny little antics. He always reminded me of a soldier from the Queen's Highlanders.

    So glad that your cute, sweet Dughall is doing well.

    Earlier this year, Becky, I saw some ornaments that were blackboard Scotties, and I think they were at World Market. They were priced two to a package. And they also had cute Scottie tissue paper and bags. They might still have some.

    Wishing you and yours the best of this glorious season.

    Much love to you,

    Sheila :-)

  15. Cute post Becky, I think Doogs looks very handsome in his Santa sweater. Hope you have a great weekend.

  16. Hi Becky! I don't know if you remember me but we used to have regular contact and I stopped in to say hello and wish you a very happy New Year. I see your handsome Duhgall is still with you. How wonderful and how sweet he is in his Santa sweater! Our sweet Dagi passed over the Rainbow Bridge a year ago followed by a new kitten. I have not been able to get a new one after our experience.

    I have enjoyed stopping by for a visit to your beautiful home again.

    Wishing you a new year filled with great happiness!

    Hugs from Holland,

  17. Loving those Scottie mug shots Becky! Love the sweater too! Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year! xox

  18. Awe! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  19. Oh my gosh. Stop the cuteness! Your puppers should be the star of series of books!

  20. I was laughing out loud at your antics, Becky! And that talented Duhgall has the most beautiful set of choppers. hehe I'm finally catching up on blogs after the hectic holidays, and your post put a big smile in my day.

    Happy New Year!!!

  21. Becky that little one is so cute. I mean just a beautiful dog. Love the sweater. And the way your bench is decorated. Love it and you

  22. How wonderful to see you again, Duhgall! It's been ages since we've been to your blog.
    Happy New Year to you and your peeps!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly


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