Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Let’s Talk About….


you and me, baby!  Well, it IS the eve to the most romantic day of the year after all!  But before I get into all of that, there has been a bit of commotion going on at SCD’s.  Some talk about spending a lot of time with Mr. Janome.  I don’t know what that is all about, but the lady of the house has been yanking out all of her vintage sheets to make lavender filled heart sachets.  Yes, they make for quite a place to relax on, and the lavender is making me a bit sleepy, too.


I have to admit, the vintage sheet fabrics do have the sweetest floral prints on them.  They are super soft to touch, too.  They’ve been soaked in Oxy Clean to remove the yellowing, washed and rinsed with Downey fabric softener.  Ok, now don’t be telling any of the other gnomes that I am in touch with my softer side….I would not hear the end of it.  Before I take a little snooze-ola, here are the hearts that have been laying around the house lately.


All stacked up….makes me think of the story, “The Princess and The Pea.”


Shades of pinks and blues….


…and hints of orange and yellow…all on a crisp white background.  Summertime fresh!


Little vintage buttons and a piece of trim tied in a bow finish the hearts off.  I hear they were fun to make, too.  Just give them a little squeeze and oooo la, la….the lavender smells so good!

Well, I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and all of the clan here at Sweet Cottage Dreams send their love and best wishes!

And that includes me, too.  Guess the lazy fella didn’t know that I was within ear shot.  What are the other gnomes going to think about all the fuss over those hearts?  Guess I will show him a little love today and keep it to myself.  But man, my belly hurts from laughing so hard!


Till next time…..


  1. Hi Becky,
    A very Happy Valentine' Day to you and those you LOVE...
    I love your hearts! You make such pretty hearts, I love my love note heart. Gary and I leave each-other notes in the pocket. I am going to leave one of his Valentine cards in there tomorrow hehehe, don't tell him where its going to be.
    Big hugs, Elizabeth

  2. Your hearts are so pretty and I'm sure they smell good also! Love the old vintage sheets.

    Great job!!


  3. They are all so pretty and lavender....ahhhh! Happy Valentine's day my friend!

  4. Your hearts are very cute with their dainty flowers, and Mr. Gnome has found a fabulous resting place, sort of like a feather bed for him.

  5. Becky, these are so pretty, and of course they smell so good! No wonder a certain someone has been resting comfortably on them.

    Happy Valentine's Day to all!

  6. Have a great Valentines Day. Your hearts are really pretty.

  7. your hearts are lovey!, And using vintage sheets.... Great idea!


  8. Happy Valentine's Day to you too! What a cute post, so full of beautiful fluffy hearts.

  9. Lol, I can't tell if the gnome is relaxed or on the make! The hearts are adorable, I love how they turned out , especially the ones the gingham backings:>)
    Happy Valentines Day Becky!

  10. Hi there. Again, I have not been getting your updates! I wondered where you had been. But it must be a problem with blogger. Those are the sweetest hearts I have ever seen!!!
    xo Kris

  11. Cute post Becky :) Very pretty little hearts you have made,and I bet they smell wonderfully....have a blessed Valentines Day dear friend.

  12. Oh, the sachet hearts are so pretty. The fabrics are beautiful. They say lavender promotes feelings of relaxation. Happy Valentine's Day to you also :)

  13. This made me laugh! I love those knomes and I love your heart pillows, so pretty!

    Amy Jo

  14. They are so, so pretty. Using the vintage sheets is a wonderful idea.

  15. Nice hearts and would be soft and cozy. I like the old sheets too they have some sweet prints. In fact I have bought them before to make little girls dresses. There is a lot of fabric in them!!

  16. Oh Becky those hearts are so sweet!
    I keep a bottle of lavender linen spray in my guest room but I think it would be even better to place a lavender heart under the pillows on the guest bed! {If I only had the time to sew}


  17. Precious hearts made by precious you! I love them...
    and you.


  18. I'm not sure how I missed this post, but Happy (belated) Valentine's Day! Oh my goodness, only you could make a little gnome look sexy lounging in his Downey infused florals. You are a nut! (And I love nuts!!!)
    I'm pretty sure I read your entire post in the guy from the Old Spice commercials voice... xoxo jules


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