Monday, November 12, 2012

And The Winner Is…..

…..ta da!!!….

Deanna, the cutie pie from Laurel Leaf Cottage Blog, wrote:
“Hi Becky! Sign me up please!! This is such a sweet offering!! I would love to win !! Thanks so much! ~Deanna”
And Deanna, you are the winner of the Farmhouse Laundry Room tid bits!  I hope you will have a ball with the old stuff!!  :)
Just drop me an email with your address over at!

fall giveaway
 Congrats to Deanna and thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway! 


  1. Congratulations to Deanna!

    Becky, I didn't enter your giveaway because I've been winning TOO many giveaways lately! But I wanted to take this opportunity to say how much I've enjoyed your blog and love your new design. Your blog was one of the very first I ever visited and I've been enchanted ever since. Some of my favorite posts are of your house decorated for Christmas and I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got up your sleeve this year. Thanks for all the inspiration!

    Vickie :@

  2. Congrats to the winner, Deanna!!!
    Lucky girl! Enjoy! You had a great turnout Becky for a great giveaway.

  3. Congrats to your winners! I'm going to miss that sweet little icon in my sidebar! ☺

  4. Great items!! Wish I would have won them. ;)

  5. Hurray for Deanna!
    Hope you're having a happy day Becky!

  6. Yay, Deanna! You won Becky's giveaway.
    What a sweetheart you are to share some of your treasures, my dear friend.
    Carolynn xoxo

  7. Congrats going to Deanna...I love her blog...good for her...I know she will enjoy the things you offered so much...thanks Becky for a fun give away contest..blessings

  8. Belated congratulations to Deanna on a positively SWEET giveaway!! Lucky gal! (Yeah, I'm almost done pouting...) ;o) Thank you, Miss Becky, once again for hostessing such a wonderfully generous giveaway. Hope all is well. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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