Monday, October 15, 2012

Hello, My Name Is Becky And.....





Yes, I am a book junky.  My favorite books are the old school books, antique leather books, old prayer books and Bibles…. and the cuter the graphics on the spines, the better.  There is something about books dated from the late 1800’s through the 1940’s that tug at the old heart strings.  From the adorable drawings and graphics to the musty smell of the old paper - old books are one of my favorite things to look for while out shopping.

Throughout the house are stacks of them.  Some hold inquisitive gnomes (below) rest upon some old leather bound books and others are contained within the confines of an antique book holder (above).


They aren’t just for reading, but for decorating with, too.  Not only do they help with layering vignettes, but they add color and dimension, too.

Hooked on books....should have been a librarian!


  1. I love your old books. I collect them too. I just recently bought some old leather covered ones from Sweden. I can't wait until I move into my new home and place them on the mantel. My husband is part Swedish and I haven't shown him the books yet. I think he will be surprised!

  2. Charming vignettes you have created with your old books, Becky. If you were a librarian I just know you'd have the cutest library in town :).

  3. Love all books too!! You always decorate so sweetly with yours. I always wonder where they have been.


  4. Aren't librarians supposed to be QUIET? Or is that just for libraries? Can't imagine all the vignettes you would make from ALL THOSE BOOKS.
    I love old books too... especially the ones that belonged to my great grandparents. They are my treasures!!!

  5. I'm a book junky too! I have mainly history books, but also a huge collection of Sir Walter Scott, original editions that date back to the early 1800's. :)
    I love love love reading old books!
    I don't display mine though, as I have 2 young grand-daughters. Maybe when they are older I can display them like you do!

  6. We must be kindred spirits when it comes to old books because my favorites are just as you them....blessings

  7. me too, I LOVE books.......your house is so dog gone cute!!!

  8. My folks loved books!! I have so many, I just can't part with them!! I'm with you, books are so very special!!


  9. I love them, too! I surround myself with books old and new! But there's something about these old books that makes my heart sing! Happy Fall!

  10. Books are a great collectible. Your vignettes are all charming. Sally

  11. I love them too! Today I posted some old hymnals. They are so pretty.

    Just yesterday we were talking about books and the library. I have always thought I could be a librarian some day BUT talking and laughing are too much fun. :)I like noise.

  12. I'm with you about the books and I always tell my husband please stop me from buying another old book, but it never works.

    Lil Bit Brit

  13. Old books are such treasures to have!! Have a lovely week! xo Heather

  14. Becky I have a lot of my grandpa's books and I use them in the same way. I have his "Historical World War Two" books which have red binding so it puts a little pop of color. I have different size suitcases stacked with a few books on top and my jardiniere on top of that. I love old books
    too. I use them for things that need height when I am decorating.
    Your old books are really neat and I love your gnomes.

  15. Books do add a nice touch to an arrangement on a shelf, table or mantel. I like ones that speak to my heart, not just that they are old. As the saying goes...only have what you love...


  16. Hi Becky!
    I just knew you were a bookworm with your love for all things printed. What beautiful old books and what perfect building blocks they make for your charming little red toadstool and magical elfs. You have such a delightful touch with your creative vignettes. I am never disappointed when I stop by.
    I hope you have a great week, my sweet friend,
    Carolynn xo

  17. I love old books too! They were so much prettier back then.

  18. Now that's a library I'd like to visit! Little gnomes and creamware pitchers tucked amongst the books........

  19. I like old books too. I'm very fortunate to have a nice collection from my late mother. And I still can't resist picking up one here and there when I'm junking. I love the way you've used yours in your decorating!

  20. I love them too. You are a master at pretty vignettes. The books just add so much charm.

  21. Oh boy, you really struck a chord there! Love old books. I'm trying to collect a few of the Vademecum series from the Henry Altemus Company (Philadelphia?) from the late 1800's. The books are small (16vo I think) and have a color plate on the front cover. Did I say I also like small, old books??

    Enjoyed the vignettes!!! And of course I'm now your newest follower! Hope you'll stop in at Cranberry Morning sometime. :-)

  22. I love old books, too! I only have a small collection though. I love how you have yours displayed.

  23. I think books really warm up a space. I too love books and have a bunch of them! Mimi

  24. I'm glad you're the keeper of old books! ~amy

  25. Oh I loved this and me too. My special favorite is horse books especially childrens. I loved your post and you gave me an idea! Thanks for sharing this.
    Hope you have a great Friday and wonderful weekend. Planning an outing with the doggies? Take pics!

  26. I love old books too AND gnomes!! My gnomes are all outside though - my daughter thinks they're creepy :)

  27. I love old books too and right now, my GW outlet is selling books (not all of them old, most not) at 2 for a quarter! It certainly makes it worth pawing through the bins to mine "veins" of old ones. I have picked up so many in the last few months since GW outlet opened. I always want to read them, but haven't read many yet. I keep hoping.
    As always, love your posts.

  28. I love old books too, especially those written for children. There is just something so sweet and innocent about the graphics. There are some fabulous illustrators of children's books today, but I am still fond of the vintage ones. You have a lovely collection of books and I love the vignettes you have created with them.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  29. ME TOO! LOVE THEM! :)

    I think that sweet picture of Fiona is darling! :)

    Hope you have great weekend!


  30. i'm so glad there are some of us book lovers still out there!

    the older the better!


  31. Yes they do have a timeless beauty don't they Becky? :)
    I love how yours look here...lovely.
    Older books bring back memories of days gone by....I especially love seeing old children's books

    Deborah xo

  32. Hi Becky, I'm almost ashamed to show my face's been so long. My only excuse is that I get overwhelmed. Lots going on.

    I am also a huge fan of books and my little office is overrun with them. I am usually reading at least two at a time. One on my night stand. One by my favorite chair and one in the bathroom, of course! :)
    Right now I am heavy into English history.
    Lots of love,
    p.s. Just getting "Unto The Sons" ..Italian history. Love it!

  33. Hello! I am so behind in blogging too, work has been crazy! What a fab giveaway you are having but I can't leave a comment :) xoxo

  34. Oh, I just knew it. We are kindred sirits. I LOVE BOOKS. I collect vintage children's books, vintage school books - I have all of the Dick and Jane books AND OF COURSE I WORK IN A LIBRARY.

    Adore your blog.

    The Library Lady
    "Take surprise and delight in the little things"

  35. I JUST KNEW IT. A bookie. I too am a bookie. I collect vintage children's books of all kinds, vintage school books. I have the entire Dick and Jane series. I just love, love, love books. To top it off. I work at a library.

    I adore your blog.

    Diane - The Library Lady

  36. I love he too...the look, the smell...I have many, some being family items which make them even more special!

  37. Ugh! I KNEW it!!! There's more than one of me out there....and you're one of them! ;o) I ADORE old books!! My faves are very akin to yours - old leather bound ones; old children's books (especially old HALLOWEEN books), and old bibles....Why can't you live closer??? We could get into all sorts of good trouble together! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


  38. Becky..your header is just so sweet. I love it! I am about to bring out my tiny pillows! They always brighten my Valentines season...thank you again!
    My love to you,
    Mona :)


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