Sunday, August 26, 2012

Layering With Reflections


As I shared in the last post, I love old mirrors and have fun adding them to places around my home.  When displaying my collections, I like to layer and stack and add a bit of the unexpected, such as the “496 CPC” pin that was hooked to the rim of the transferware bowl.


These are the mirrors that I had to work with, one plateau, one hand held mirror and one square mirror with a rustic wood frame.


The photo below is  what the little vignette looked like before the mirrors.  Though I like it, the pieces are on the same level.  Adding the plateau mirror (of which I found in the Pacific Grove Antiques store) brought the bowl up and the mirror adds a bit of reflection for light.  In addition to loving mirrors, I have a “thing” for metal, too.  Case in point….


….this vintage clock was a find when out junking last month.  These old pieces are just fun to have around the house and I really like the “salute” on the face.  The metal clock and the cast iron plateau mirror are a good contrast against all of the white that is in the cabinet.


The square mirror below was a $3.00 estate sale find.  The silvering is worn on the back which causes the striations in the glass.  Great patina, I must say! 


The placement of the mirror against the platter gives more dimension to the grouping and reflects the chandelier, too.


Even the little creamers sit at different heights by adding old butter pats underneath them.  They now can show off their cute little profiles without having to be clumped all together.  It kind of looks like they are giving us a little modeling pose and some attitude now.  :)

The photos below are other some ways that I have used mirrors in my decorating.  Layering mirrors against each other is a lot of fun.
Using large mirrors on walls can make a small space, like our foyer, appear larger.  And having a mirror in the foyer allows for those “last checks” before heading out the door.
Even putting a mirror behind something and partially covering it up is ok in my books, too.  It just adds one more layer of texture and light.

I’d love to hear how you like to use old mirrors, too!
Till next time…..


  1. I love to see how you have used your mirrors and that you have elevated things to different heights. I think that makes a big difference in the overall appearance. It looks great. I have a lot of mirrors in our house in various areas and uses- xo Diana

  2. Becky - Beautiful post. Love all the ideas.


  3. We do have lots of mirrors so that we can enjoy more light. I really enjoyed your discussion of vignettes. Hopefully, I will remember what I've learned.

  4. Gosh, I have never used old mirrors before, but you have given me some good ideas.
    I love all the wall hanging pictures of roses in your house.

  5. So pretty! You are the queen of vignettes. We have lots of mirrors to because I just love the way the light bounces around. :)

  6. Becky I love your mirrors and how you use them. I have them all over
    the house too. Most of them are antique or vintage. I do have a long old buffet mirror hanging in
    the foyer and yep you right I use it for last minute checks. I have
    a large one leaning against the wall with another one in front of it in my guess room. I love mirrors with patina. They just have so much character.

  7. Love your use of mirrors, but I really love that pillow in that last picture. Is there a story about the pillow??? Sally

  8. On a recent house tour I saw a mirror set into the opened frame of an ornate victorian purse. It was beautiful! Love those pretty little creamers :)

  9. Love your layers and collections. Great old clock and I am on the hunt for one that works for the guest room. Lot of them don't work. That pillow in your last picture is just like one I saw last year at the antique mall and I didn't get it and when I went back it was gone. So cute for Christmas.

  10. Love your ideas on how to use mirrors!! Thanks for sharing!!


  11. hey girl....... your pictures are so warm and inviting...... I do not have any old mirrors but looking at yours I think I might start collecting some here and there........ Sending you much blessing.....

  12. Love how you displayed your mirrors...they all look great and are so pretty.


  13. Always beautiful, Miss B! Here in the often-gloomy PNW, I use mirrors to reflect daylight wherever possible -- every little bit helps here!

  14. Hi Becky,
    So pretty!..I love it when candles are lit and the light is reflecting in the mirror. Me too, I love mirror's and the frames they come in.
    Hope your week is restful. Sending you big hugs, Elizabeth

  15. I like to use mirrors where there isn't as much natural light as I'd like. I have mirrors on my dresser and side table to hold the bits and pieces that gather there, and to reflect a little brightness.

  16. Such beautiful post full of prettiness! xo Heather

  17. You are gifted in displaying items around the house. I, on the other hand, am fairly challenged in grouping items. I have found some lovely ornate plaster mirrors and I paint and hang them in the bath. I wouold have never thought to use them like this!

  18. I thoroughly enjoyed this peek into how you create your lovely vignettes. You add things that I would never think of and the finished product is so beautiful and so interesting.
    I have a feeling I will now be scouting the thrift shops for old mirrors :).

  19. I thoroughly enjoyed this peek into how you create your lovely vignettes. You add things that I would never think of and the finished product is so beautiful and so interesting.
    I have a feeling I will now be scouting the thrift shops for old mirrors :).

  20. Your home is just beautiful. So lovely that anyone would feel comfortable there. I especially love the three flower pictures on the wall in your foyer. Oh, my!

  21. Lovely vignettes Becky. I use mirrors vertically and horizontally as trays - my cottage is small and as you say they help expand the rooms.

    I have a growing collection of butter pats - I just love doing things with them!

    All very beautiful.
    Mary X

  22. Love your style, love your accessories and your layering talents so much, Becky!!!


    That mirror was such a find!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!