Monday, June 25, 2012

Old Oils


One of my favorite collections are my antique oil paintings of flowers.  I purchased the antique oil painting of roses (shown above and below) in March and wasn’t quite sure where I would end up putting it.  When I brought it home, I leaned it against an old window on top of a cabinet.  It was ok there, but it just didn’t seem to flow with some of the brighter colors in the room.


I removed two antique sheep pictures that were hanging on the wall and replaced them with the roses.  I think it looks best on the wall in the dining room.  The colors of the painting actually are similar to the chandelier,


which is one of my favorite finds of all time.  Sometimes it just takes awhile to find that right spot for newly purchased things.  My poor walls, they have been patched so many times because I am always moving things around.  But that is ok, that is what keeps things fresh.

Till next time….


  1. I love vintage oil paintings of flowers too. I love the new space you found for yours.

  2. I like that you "sat" with it a bit waiting to see where it really belonged. I think the painting is lovely...such soft colors nicely aged.

  3. It looks perfect there. Such a warm and welcoming space. We are busy going in quite the opposite direction right now. Baby Bee and I are spray painting some wicker furniture lime green and aqua. It's for our clubhouse. No boys allowed! (except Daddy and Sam our cat)

  4. Amen, sister. Keep it fresh and patch those holes! Love the painting.

  5. What a beautiful painting. I love old florals too.

    Amy Jo

  6. I always enjoy these little snippets of your lovely home, Becky. You have such a knack for finding the perfect spot for your pretty things. The painting and the chandelier are gorgeous.

  7. Love the painting. It all has such a great cozy feeling.

  8. I just love glimpses of your house! Always so much inspiration to see.

  9. What a lovely place to call cozy and your paintings make up a collection to be admired!

  10. Becky, your home is so warm and inviting!!!

    Sometimes it takes me awhile to figure out where something will go and then one day the lightbulb goes off, LOL


  11. Becky I can see why that oil is one of your favorites. It is beautiful and you did find the
    perfect spot. It looks really good there. I also love your french grain sack pillow. You have the best eye for buying and decorating. You are good girl!

  12. This painting is perfect in your dining room Becky. I really love the muteds colors and calm feeling of this room:>)

  13. Great painting...that was a wonderful find!! It looks perfect there!!

  14. What a great painting. Old florals are really neat.

  15. Beautiful obviously have a gift for decorating.

  16. I just hung an old oil in the guest room - I love old oil paintings of roses, and this was one such. Yours are lovely.

  17. Gorgeous painting! I love to move things around, too, but my plaster walls aren't quite so forgiving.

  18. Love the picture! And I love your red floral chair!!


  19. The painting's new home is perfect. It does go beautifully with the chandelier and it also looks great with the baskets and pillow down below.
    I do love the display on the cabinet gives me an idea for a similar spot in my house. Thanks for that!!

  20. Oh how I can relate to the "re-patching"....I do it all the time too! What a gorgeous new addition!

  21. Your home looks so inviting. Love the rose picture.

  22. I love your home, where did you get that red floral chair? I have searched every where for one, I have looked new and used. I want an ottoman to go with it too, I have the perfect place for it in my living room. Hugs, Lynn

  23. Becky ~ my Mom's walls have so many holes in them they look like Swiss Cheese! She hates to patch so I am always carrying around a tub of spackle when I go over there. Love your paintings and the red print fabric on your club chair! Perfectly charming!!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  24. Oh I think your right. I like it better. Funny about the walls. I know what you mean! I am always moving things around! I noticed Lynn's comment I love your chair too. Reminds me of my favorite chair that is still in storage! I am glad to be back visiting you again!
    Have a good week.

  25. Beautiful picture Becky...I love what you did to your little ink bottles as well. My son left this morning and is back in CA. at Camp Pendleton for infantry training. It was a wonderful 10 days he was home with us. I loved the weather while I was in San Diego for his is getting so hot here in Texas,wish I could have brought some home with me :) Blessings dear friend.

  26. Becky...LOVE your reminds me of Bessie Helstrom's works. I have one, and am keeping my eyes scanning for another that is of peonies in an aqua lovely. Yes...constantly moving twigs in the nest...(on the walls!) to bring in an "even BETTER" work of is true that sometimes we have to give up some things that we really LIKE in order to keep a treasure find that we absolutely LOVE! and so the "padiddling and shuffling" begins, to get everything in its rightful place. When a new feather is nestled into the nest in just the right spot, your spirit and "eye" just know it, yes? :-) - All delightful eye candy. I, too, like your pop of red in that chair. Enjoyed my visit today. Glad I popped in!((hugs))

  27. What a beautiful painting, Becky! It is so perfectly in keeping with all your other design elements. I agree...It needed to be featured in a more prominent place.
    Your home is so cozy!
    Blessings from up north,
    Carolynn xo

  28. You do have a knack for not only finding these gorgeous pieces, but the perfect spot to!

  29. Becky, Your home looks so darn cozy and welcoming and the addition of these oils enhance it all the more! :-) Sue


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