Monday, March 5, 2012

Morning Delights


Every morning we have a routine and one of them requires tossing the little red ball around for Miss Fiona. She loves nothing more than to chase her ball or chew on her orange chew toy. In fact, she will sit for the longest time just staring at her ball and hoping for me to toss it for her. I love this little girl! She is so intense!

Ok, Fee, let’s play some ball now!


  1. Rory, too! He brings the ball and then sits in front of it, trembling for us to throw it. If we don't throw it fast enough he moans - so funny!

  2. I have just read your last post and looked at the photos of farmhouses.I have been to indiana twice and remember how different your buildings and homes are to England.
    I love how american people use the colour white externally! I think us English are nervous of using white outside, i wonder why?
    We do not build many wooden dwellings either and a porch out the front of the house, WOOH, never seen one in England, again i wonder why?
    Maybe its because we are an island and land is limited, i really do not know. I loved indiana, i loved America, my mum lived there for five years and twenty years later she still feels homesick for the states.
    My choice would have been the first farmhouse, but they are all lovely. I notice you can still get a good property for your money compared to England,in England at those prices you would only get a two bedroom property in a good area with no land or a three bedroom property in not such a nice area and still not much land.
    We spent 15 yrs renovating 3 houses one after another to move up the property ladder and get a good size home with land in a lovely village, i tell you it was hard work. Best wishes jackie x

  3. I miss those special times with our dog so much. Some day...when we are through traveling so much, we will once again have a dog in our lives...maybe even 2. Love your sweet dogs. They really don't need a voice, do they? They are easy to read.

  4. Trying to use the Jedi mind trick on you

  5. S
    Fiona sure sounds fun! Were's that big brother of hers? Napping, I bet!

  6. My daughter's dog Remy will do that. We will say "Get Green Ball Remy!" and he will find it, no matter where it is. Then he places it at our feet and won't give up until we play a game of fetch.

  7. She's a cutie with a lot of personality!!


  8. Your Fiona sounds just like mine Becky:) They love their balls!

    Thanks for sharing.

  9. I love all the little habits of a pet's daily life! How cute! xo Diana

  10. I have that same exact chew toy but mine is a periwinkle color, Miss Fiona!

    Love ya lots

  11. So adorable Becky!!!!
    You had me laughing with delight...she is the cutest little gal.
    They have a way of enlarging our hearts, don't they? :)
    Love to you Becky...Bella just had her groom today,
    and I can't stop touching her "softness".

    Deborah xoxo

  12. My Molly has a monkey and I'd better have plans to play keep-away with her every day or else. Fiona is so cute and she really does have her eye on the ball.

  13. I'm convinced Fiona has the spirit of Michael's Maggie! So cute with the concentration expression.

  14. Becky that is so funny...poor baby.
    I would love to be able to read her mind. I know she is saying "come on mom pleeeeaaassseee
    throw my ball". That is so sweet and she is such a pretty girl.

  15. I've tried to teach Charlie and Abi how to chase a ball and bring it back. Charlie will run up to it, then turn around and come back...

  16. Awww, what a sweetheart I hope she had plenty of play time!

    Kat :)

  17. Happy Monday Becky...I missed you Thrusday (sad face), I was not feeling well. I dropped by the shop on Sat. with Big G...
    to pick up the bowl. Today was beautiful! and looks like Ms. Fee enjoyed her day too..(doggie rubs behind the ears for the sweetie's)
    XO Elizabeth

  18. I am in love with those dogs. Whe know when our standard poodle is bored as she grabs her ball and drops it in our laps.
    Our house is so teeny though that there isn't many places to throw it for her.
    She is used to and Prefers being outside since we live in the country and she has fields and fields to run around in.
    Right now we are snowed in. We must have almost a foot of snow that has come down since Saturday night. Snowed all day today.

    You make me giggle. I think I sense a little "rocker gal" in you. You like Lada Gaga.
    and....didn't you say you kissed Huey Lewis (was that who it was)

  19. What a cute dog and I am sure she isn't spoiled...


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