Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lazy Days And Sundays…..

Duhgall and Fiona 2-18-12 Nothing like a relaxing day to catch up on some snoozing. There’s a chill in the air outside, but Duhgall and I are as snug as a bug in a rug – or more like behaving like lounge lizards up in mom’s “granny chair.” But she doesn’t care…just throw our favorite softie blue blanket up and we will burrow into it like it is a cloud. Oh soooo soft….

IMG_4877 Life is all G-Double O-D good.

Right Duhgall?


Well, looks like brother Duhgall is in REM sleep and chasing squirrels around dream land. If you look rather closely, his Groucho Marx eye brows will twitch every so often. (He really gets into it!!)

Sunday…a day to relax. Yup, us Scotties have that ALL figured out!

Arroooos and tail wags from us couch potatoes,

Duhgall and Fiona.



ScamperingScotties said...

they are such beautiful dogs.

Into Vintage said...

These two are the cutest! Looks like they have the right idea for a chilly day. Hope you're all enjoying your weekend. :-)

xo -amy

Schnitzel and the Trout said...

So sweet....I love the posts on the owners of the house!!!!

Buttercup said...

Can learn a lot from these cuties!

wendy said...

They are the cutest doggies !! They look comfy indeed.

Ok...I have to tell you I am still laughing hysterically at your comment on my last post. You love Adam from Maroon 5...his tats (ummm, shhh, secret..I have 2 myself...but they are in places only seen by hubby)
And you kissed Huey Lewis LOVE IT !!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Cute! A nice lazy day
Benny & Lily

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

They are so adorable! I always enjoy seeing them!


Elsie said...

Fiona is like, oh really do you have to take another picture mom?
We are so trying to be lazy and enjoy our Sunday. Too cute those two!

Debby said...

So cute. What kind of camera do you use. The pictures are so beautiful.

Deserae said...

They are so precious! All of my boys are currently taking a nap in their big boy bed!!! LOL
Happy Sunday :o)

Duke said...

Looks like a great way to spend a Sunday to me!

Love ya lots,

Teresa@magazineyourhome said...

Oh how precious they are! My Golden Retriever would love to romp with them.

Pondside said...

Rory sends a tail way in Fiona's and Duhgall's direction. More than that would require a change of position and I don't thing he's quite ready to move!

Lallee said...

Precious snugly babies--I want to pile in with them.

Connie said...

Oh how I would love a dog to love and care far. BUT my husband is not fond of animals in house so I won't be getting one anytime soon.
I'll just enjoy your beautiful dogs.

camp and cottage living said...

So good to see Duhgall again!
He and Miss fiona sure have the life of leisure. But as you say, it is Sunday. I'm sure they know that's a day of rest!

Char said...

Wonderful pics of the dogs.