Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Old Things


One of my favorite things to collect are old cardboard and paper covered books. Nicely worn spines, tattered covers – all in shades of black and brown. Stacked imperfectly one on top of the other. Add a pair of old reading glasses and their black case on top of the stack to finish the vignette.

P1010078l P1010068p Another favorite collection are small old Bible and prayer books with black covers. The two in this photo are recent finds – both are prayer books – one in English and one in French. It’s ok that I don’t speak French, right?

The antique metal boudoir lamp is another recent find. It is so dainty and pretty with creamy flowers and apple green leaves, which pulls the colors from the chandelier and table in the dining room. The little light actually flickers and adds a special touch to the room at night.



Oh dear…..I spy a burnt bulb in the chandy!

Stop on over to visit Miss Kim at Savvy Southern Style! See what the other gals are Wow’ing us with today!!


  1. Everything is just lovely Becky! I love that white mirror! Have a great week, Marcia

  2. Special things that "speak to us" in our homes, is to me what truly makes the world go round!

  3. It has such a dream like beauty to it. I can imagine opening a favorite book with a nice cup of tea and idling the time away in there. So pretty!

  4. Sigh.....your home looks so peaceful... I love your old book vignettes and the beautiful chandelier.

  5. I love old books! And I saw a pair of old reading glasses at an antique shop recently. I've debated about going back and picking them up ;-) I think you've convinced me.

    Jocelyn @

  6. I am loving that mirror and light. What a beautiful shot of a very pretty room.

  7. What great photos!! Love the books stacked with glasses on top!


  8. I love the old books! I need to work on changing some things up in my home...some of my vignettes! ♥

  9. Everything looks so pretty in your home, Becky! I never would have noticed that light bulb!


  10. I love old books too, and your vignette is very pretty.

  11. I always enjoy an opportunity to see your lovely home. Such beautiful vignettes.

  12. It looks so lovely and peaceful there...what a great place to be!

  13. Hi Becky,
    Very pretty! I just remembered after seeing your vintage glasses. My Mom still has her very first pair of glasses from when she was a very little girl. I think I'll ask her about them. I love children's little glasses they are so sweet, my sister has been wearing them since she was 2years old. The adults glasses were so round in the "olden days" lol
    I love your chandelier its very romantic..
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  14. I love the little lamp, so unique and I bet it's really pretty at night. You do such pretty things in your home:)

  15. I love those two topiary forms that you have on the table! Everything looks absolutely beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration.

  16. Great finds and very beautiful vignettes Becky!
    I wish you a wonderful rest of the week!
    With love from my cotttage to your's
    Caroa xoxo~

  17. Becky you certainly have the same taste I do. I have a lot of my grandfather's books from the 20's and I also have a collection of old eyeglasses all on display.
    My favorite are spectacles that have a chain with a hairpin on the other end. You wear them on your nose and put the pin in your hair so you don't loose them. Cool huh. I love all of your pictures, your home is so beautiful and I love your vignettes.

  18. This looks so wonderful. I really like the chandelier and the mirror.
    Have a wonderful day.

  19. Such lovely images Miss Becky!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  20. Lovely!! I love old books myself. I have a stack of Bibles from four generations of my family stacked with my mother's eyeglasses on top just like yours!
    I would never have noticed the light out on the chandy. Strange how you notice things once you take a pic :)

  21. Everything looks wonderful! I love the pile of books and the mirror is beautiful. The little light is very pretty too.
    I just (finally) got all my Christmas put away and I haven't put the regular stuff back out yet. It's a very clean slate around my about coming and helping me decorate!?
    : )

  22. I love new old things, and all of yours are so special. I'll be right over to translate the little French book if you make the tea!

  23. Love me my old books - and en francais - even better!!! You have some enchanting spaces my friend....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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