Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cottage Style Ornaments & A Little Giveaway


This year I am participating in a Christmas ornament swap that is being coordinated by our friend Cindy (Rick-Rack & Gingham Blog). My first swap, too! It sounded like so much fun and I cannot wait to see what everyone else is making! The ornament had to be a house, hopefully with some gingham and polka-dots, and had to represent our own blog AND have the blog name on it somewhere. Oh, and it has to be cute on the back. No pressure Ok, that sounds doable!


Because I love the old 20’s and 30’s artwork with red-roofed cottages – and there is one on my header – these little ornaments had to have a red roof. I pulled out some favorite red fabrics, buttons and vintage trims from my neglected and stuffed fabric cabinet stash.


This one has a bunting under the gables. Each ornament is different in its own way – on the front…


…and on the back. To get in the name of my blog, I made a tiny little label to sew on the back. (Love that fabric copy stuff!)


A little bo-jangles and red and white twine finishes them off. I have shown five finished ornaments here, so I have a couple more to get done and mailed off to Miss Cindy this week.

A few more hot tamales to keep my energy up for all of this sewing…



Oh, oh, the bowl is getting low….



Yup, all gone! But wait, there’s more!

More what? Well, let’s see….hot tamales…and a chance to win a little ornament.


In memory of my Jordan’s 28th birthday, I will be giving away an ornament to two people. Just leave me a comment with your email address included in the comment – that is all, plain and simple – and I will announce the two winners on Thursday.

Till next time….



  1. Your ornaments are absolutely adorable. All the little embellishments are just perfect.

  2. Hey, hey! I am the first to comment! First I want to say that I love your ornaments and thought to myself that I could make something like them except that I don't have all the decorations that you used! So hopefully I can win one - thanks for the chance!

  3. Your ornaments are adorable! I love to make houses! I am sure they will LOVE them! mycupoftea@woh.rr.com

  4. Oh no, I forgot my email address for my comment, which is the first... micheletimms at gmail dot com

  5. Becky, you are so creative, it comes through even with your tamales & buttons! I really love your little houses, couldn't be any cuter! I love the 1930-40's too, we just bought a little 1937 home and I can hardly wait to get my hands on it! (julieharward@gmail.com) ;D

  6. These are so very dear. I love the tiny little buntings. Blessings on this anniversary...what a sweet way to honor it.

  7. How sweet! You create the most darling things. Hugs, Ann ann.handley@comcast.net

  8. Love your sweet little cottages! susanm1958@msn.com

  9. Love your sweet little cottages!!susanm1958@msn.com

  10. Sweet little house that would have a good home here;) Hugs on this day.

  11. They are the sweetest little houses, would love one to come and live with me in France!

  12. Oh, such cute ornaments! Someone is going to be happy receiving one of your little house ornaments.

  13. They are the sweetest ME kind of ornaments ...cuter than even she could design. I wanted to ask if I could buy one and then...lo and behold...I might be able to win one. What a sweet way to honor Jordan's Birthday.

  14. Your ornaments are darling. I know they are small but you can tell a lot of work went into them! Fantastic job!! I'd love to have one!



  15. How sweet of you. I know how hard birthdays and holidays can be when you miss someone. Thanks so much for sharing your precious creations with us! Hugs! Diane ♥
    lavenderdreamstoo at gmail dot com

  16. Your ornaments are so cute! I love the 2 tone ricrac which I have never seen before.

    My prayers are with you as birthdays and holidays can be hard. My father and uncle were firefighters and my youngest son, Jonah Spencer, has wanted to be a firefighter since he was 2. They were both deceased before he was born so I guess it must be genetic! He is now in high school and has never wavered from that goal. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  17. thinking of you on jordan's birthday! your ornaments are just gorgeous-love the colors and fabrics you used.


  18. Love your little cottage ornaments! I contemplated joining Cindy's swap ... wish I had now.
    All the little details on your cottages are adorable :)

  19. Thank you so much for a chance to own one of these adorabe ornaments.
    Thinking of you as you honour your dear son's birthday.
    laura84watt (at) gmail.com

  20. Adorable ornaments made by a beautiful woman. You are so talented and so very very special Becky.

    Love you,


    p.s. I emailed you back just in case you havent gotten to it. :)

  21. Oh My Goodness!! Those are the cutest ornaments I have ever seen! Love them to pieces.

    Thank you for the chance to win one...my email address is lavenderhillstudio(at)att.net


  22. Eeeeek! You know I love houses and red roofed houses are the best! Love these and if I don't win I'll have to try my hand at one:>) Too cute Becky!

  23. Oh Becky. Those little houses are so precious!! :o) You did a lovely job.
    My heart and prayers are with you tomorrow. {hugs}

  24. Those ornaments are so cute! You did a wonderful job!!Hot tameles...huh...I eat sixlettes to keep me going!!

  25. I am so happy that I am in Cindy's swap......so I'm not entering this giveaway.....just wanted to say how sweet to remember your son on his birthday.

  26. Hi Sweet Becky - How adorable are these!!! They are so you. I would love to have one for my tree and to remember your sweet Jordan.


  27. HI Becky! Oh, these little ornaments are just so precious! They look like little vintage cottages. Love them and I love your sweet little tags on them too.
    You're the most creative one.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  28. Your ornaments are adorable Becky. Love your sweet touch of creativity.

    Jocelyn @

  29. Happy, happy, birthday dear Jordan.... What a sweet way to commemorate it....and what sweet little cottages you have created....I would love to have one to remember Jordan's birthday by as well.....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (rbentley 1 at aol dot com)....

  30. HAPPY HEAVENLY BIRTHDAY JORDY. Your cottage ornaments are adorable, great job Becky.

  31. They are adorable little ornaments Thinking of you during this time dear Becky...many blessings

  32. Every last little cottage is darling from rooftop to cellar! And made with love, I can tell.

    I just know that somewhere Jordan is smiling at his mom's crafty ornaments with that special smile sons save for their moms <3

  33. You did a fantastic job! those are incredible and so different. You definitely hit the nail on the head. Kit

  34. Oops! I forgot my email Kitchyken@aol.com and you are a darling for doing this give-away. Hugs, Kit

  35. Oh I love them! I kept scrolling down to see if you were going to sell some! Thanks for sharing! ardmoregal@live.com

  36. I just downloaded a tutorial for these houses/or similar ones, yesterday! I love them... but love yours more! I am thinking of your special man and sending him special birthday prayers.

  37. Adorable ornaments! Trying to make all new ornaments for this year. Love to have one of your cute houses! Oh, and I am glad you didn't mistake one of those buttons for a Hot Tamale!

  38. Becky your ornaments are just about the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. I'm telling ya girl you out did yourself on these.
    Sooo darn cute and yes I would love to win an ornament. Please count me in. I think that is so sweet of you to honor Jordan that way.

  39. Such a sweet post ... in more ways than one :).
    Your little houses are so adorable. I love all of the cute details.
    Thank you for the opportunity of entering your giveaway.

  40. Red and white, of course I want to win one! Your attention to detail is amazing. I have to ask, is that HAND stitching on the rick-rack?! Wow,I LOVE that detail!! And I've never even seen red and white twine before.

    Even if I don't win, I enjoyed just looking at such "eye candy". Thanks for sharing.


  41. I had to pin these little beauties! Adorable!

  42. Happy Birthday dear Jordan. What a sweet gesture in his memory Becky. The ornaments are adorable, so YOU! The little banner one reminds me of the banner I have in my trailer! Have a wonderful evening!

    Love ya,

    beehive cottage@rocketmail.com

  43. How sweet are these!!!! I would love to have one hanging on my kitchen peg! Also red and white!

  44. I love the ornaments. I always find your blog inspiring. Thanks.

  45. How precious!! These are truly you! I would love to have one of these on my Christmas tree.

  46. Dearest Becky, Of course you like little red-roofed houses-they are the color of your heart. And the houses represent the "Wonderful Home" that your precious son now resides in. I hope you know what a blessing you are to all your "fans" out here in Blogland. Thank you so much for sharing the heart of your home. Sincerely, Cathy Robinson. vrrcar@yahoo.com

  47. Dearest Becky, Of course you like little red-roofed houses-they are the color of your heart. And the houses represent the "Wonderful Home" that your precious son now resides in. I hope you know what a blessing you are to all your "fans" out here in Blogland. Thank you so much for sharing the heart of your home. Sincerely, Cathy Robinson. vrrcar@yahoo.co

  48. Dearest Becky, Of course you like little red-roofed houses-they are the color of your heart. And the houses represent the "Wonderful Home" that your precious son now resides in. I hope you know what a blessing you are to all your "fans" out here in Blogland. Thank you so much for sharing the heart of your home. Sincerely, Cathy Robinson. vrrcar@yahoo.co

  49. Those are the sweetest ornaments I've ever seen :) smith.kristined@gmail.com

  50. I love red and white and cottage, how perfect! Thank you for your generosity.


  51. Becky
    I think one of your sweet cottage ornaments would look perfect on my Christmas tree and year round!
    A sweet way to celebrate the day
    Jordon was born.

  52. These are so sweet! Perfect for my tree! Hope to win these! I love home made wonderfulness! Shannarjones9@yahoo.com

  53. Happy Birthday to Jordan...how sweet of you to share gifts in his honor.

    Your houses are wonderful and I would love to win one. Thanks so much for the chance!


  54. I LOVE these! I've been thinking I need to make a pillow for my grandgirl's bed and these would be so cute. (only bigger, of course) And a happy birthday to Jordan. Who, I'm sure, is watching over you on his special day. Mimi

  55. Becky,
    What a sweet little cottage. I'm loving the logo on the back!! Very clever and cute. Generous of you to offer one to your 'fans'!!
    Blessings to you as you work through your anniversary. Know that you are loved, even by those that don't actually know you (odd as that sounds!) and you are in many prayers. V

  56. No wonder you are such a hot tamale... you are what you eat, after all!
    Gorgeous houses, oh my goodness. Love and adore the jingle bells tied on with baker's twine. Love the bunting and the fun fabrics, too. You have been blessed with such an amazing talent. I know God smiles when he sees you create something beautiful. HUGS, Jules

  57. I Love the ornaments you made, so cute.
    Please count me in on your give-away.

  58. The ornaments are sooo cute! You are so clever and talented.

  59. Oh dear Becky... reading your son would be 28 now... pfewww... Everytime I think about it I get a little emotional...
    But... I love to participate your gorgeous give away... Seeing the pics of those cute little houses make me smile and happy!
    You're the best! (Keeping my fingers crossed!!!)
    Hugs, Elly

  60. Your little ornaments are just adorable -- I love that there is so much red! And Happy Jordan's Birthday to YOU -- I've always loved my children's birthdays and felt like they were my birthday. Wishing you many happy memories of your beautiful boy on his birthday. XOXO.

  61. The ornaments are very sweet. Thank-you for sharing your talents.


  62. First.. Happy Birthday Jordan!!! Second, you are SO talented! I am crossing my fingers to be a winner of one of your beautiful ornaments!


  63. Hi Becky, Happy Birthday Jordan, I share his birthday and I don't think I will ever have another Birthday and not think of him. Your families story has been with me, in my heart. I have two sons and my first born was born the same year. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers today and every day. Your houses are just beautiful! so cheerful and fun. Hugs, Terri

  64. So cute, as always! Even without the label, I would have know they were yours. I'd love one to hang in my sewing room.

  65. Those are darling!!! I love me some hot tamales too!!!!!
    Hugs to you.

  66. I simply love your ornaments and would love to win one. my address is connievugt@altelco.net
    Connie (what a special way to remember your son. )

  67. I love the ornaments. They are absolutely adorable. Enter me! Patty

  68. Becky, I so admire your talent and style! By the way I'm the one that bought your chenille ornaments!!!

  69. oh darling Jordan....sending birthday wishes up to the heavens for you.

    Your little houses are divine!!

    Thinking of you and sending you lots of love, Emma xxx

  70. I love the blogging world!! First time visitor...thanks so much for the opportunity and it is very nice "meeting" you!! :)

  71. Becky,
    I love the little cottages and would be honored to have one. You are an incredible seamstress and I have admired your work over the years that you have shown on the blog. Please enter me into your drawing. Thanks & God Bless!
    Katie Harley

  72. I agree with Jean - even without the label I could tell you made them. So very sweet!

  73. I love these sweet little cottages and love your sweet blog. Thinking of you on this day. ewvaughn@hotmail.com

  74. Those are adorable! Count me in! stitcherylove [at] yahoo [dot] com

  75. Becky, I am so glad you shared your ornaments!!I am participating in the same swap and like you haven't been doing tags and swaps for very long. Your house are darling!! I have been struggling with what to do, feeling a little pressure to come up with something wonderful and creative. I have created two different ones. Still not sure which to choose. I better decide soon!! What a wonderful way to celebrate your sons birthday.
    Please don't count me in on the give away, since I'm getting one of your darling houses already.

    Love your blog!!

  76. Hey Becky, Love those cute little houses. But love your fur babies more,they are too cute. Blessings to you.

  77. These ornaments are so cute!! I love the things you create. I have a weakness for Hot Tamales too, my husband frequently picks me up a box of them because he likes to indulge my weaknesses :)
    I hope you're doing well. I haven't been in blog land much lately. Jordan found out there is more infection in his leg, so he's had yet another surgery with one more scheduled in the coming week. Keep him in your prayers. My brother says he's been in a lot of pain. Thanks for all you've done in getting his message out.

  78. I love your little houses!
    Can you tell me what 'tamales' are please??

  79. Becky, I have a bribe for you......
    I will send you hot tamales if you will create a sweet cottage ornie for me :-)
    These are too darn tootin cute!
    I would love one for my cherry kitchen christmas tree.

    Happy Birthday to your dear sweet Jordan! You know he is smiling down upon his momma every day!

    Hugs and Blessings Lovee,

  80. Oh my! They are beyond adorable!!
    Sweet thoughts to you on your son's birthday.

  81. Oh Sweet Becky, I absolutely adore these!!! Perfect, perfect match for your blog!! And, the little scotty label!! Squeel!!! What a sweet giveaway to honor your sons BD. I would loveto have one of these! I hope I am not too late!


  82. thinking of you today. Blessings.

  83. Hello Becky!! I would like to win that adorable cottage :) ..but I live in Finland...so maybe I live too far :( But thank You for Your lovely blog....You are very talented!!!!!

    just in case ... :)joponoma@hotmail.com

  84. Your cottages are so darn cute...I'd even buy one if you had them to sell! I just love all little houses.
    My thoughts are with you and your family in memory of your son & may God reassure you that he is always close. tamiam@socal.rr.com

  85. Those are soo cute! I would love to win one! Hugs,

  86. Oh fun and how cute. Please enter me and Daisy.
    Hugs, Sherry


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