Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tis A Crime….

Oh gnome! Oh gnome!

As I was cruising through the antique store the other day, I spied this sneaky little gnome in the case! Did he steal some apples from Farmer John’s tree and was running as fast as he could before his misbehavior was noticed? If he would have been caught, he certainly would encountered a very angry farmer and be charged with a misgnomeaner, indeed!



I ask myself why I am so drawn to these quirky little gnomish beings. Could it be their short and squatty bodies, their big ears or their pointed noses? Whatever it is,


I am smitten! Call them pixies, elves, gnomes – there is no misgnomer there! A very talented fellow blogger, Monica (The Happy Zombie), loves them so much she designed her own line of fabric that came out last year. If you like to sew AND love these happy and quirky little people, then you may want to click over ON THIS LINK for some fabric love!

…hi-ho, hi-ho……..

hi-ho, hi-ho, hi-hoooo!

(and PS: the sneaky Pete and the tin somehow followed me home…I don’t know HOW they managed to do that! ;) )


  1. You've gmone and done it - got me laughing so hard, tears almost rolled down my legs....Love it! (And glad you're giving refuge to that gnome on the run....) Have a wonderful week ahead! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Aaah, yes, you gotta love those little people with their pointy hats and big beards. I have a wonderful book on gnomes and the images on that tin look just like a couple of illustrations from that book.

  3. He certainly looks like he is up to something Becky! Misgnomeaner, oh dear, you crack me up:>)

  4. Cute. Have a good week. Are the kids dressing up? Woof.

  5. Becky that is the cutest post. I love those little people and I will have to check out that fabric.
    Thanks for sharing and I still think you should write a book. I'd buy it, you always make me laugh.

  6. Our daughter dressed our grandaughter up as a gnome for an early Halloween party. I can hardly wait to see the pictures! I agree, they are charming in a goofy way. Sort of like sock monkeys. :@

  7. Though I loved Amelie, I am not a gnome lover. I guess that I will just have to trust your good taste and judgment. The little apple bearer gnome is kinda cute, I must admit.

  8. Have you visited my friend Jackie at Once Upon a Fairyland? She is the friend or maybe mother to all gnomes :)...blessings

  9. Aren't they adorable? I love the look of these little guys too. Your little one on the run is especially cute.
    Have a great week :)

  10. Hi neighbor! I love,love,love the cottage ornaments you are making! You creative queen! Please enter me in your giveaway! Love, Sherri

  11. Bonsoir , quel joli blog , j'adore vos chiens . My scottish terrier is 'Ebony' . Kiss . Mimi


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