Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sweet Cheeks

fig and lottie

Precious children…

portrayed in photos found in antique stores.

Who are you?

Where did you come from?

What is your name?


Sweet little boy, with your rooster pull toy, why do you look so unhappy? You appear to be pouting, but why? Did you not want your photo taken?


And you, you little angel face, what is YOUR name?

I will call you Sarah.


I do not know…but you look like a Sarah to me.

I could just pinch your sweet little fat cheeks right now!

Hugs to all of you…

you precious little children of the past.

I will cherish your photos and hold onto them with love.




Pondside said...

So sweet - how could anyone let these lovely images go out of the family? Lovely to think that you'll care for them and treasure them.

Rebecca said...

I think that way too, Becky. I wonder who they were, where they lived...and many of them look sad. I think Sarah is a good name for the little girl. What a cutie. Have a most blessed week!

Waving from Our Back Porch,

Duke said...

What sweet photos! The antique ones are the best!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

My daughter always marveled at the fact that one could pick out their own ancestors in an antique shop if they were a mind to do so.


Carol said...

I love vintage photos, they always show an untold story of the past.


marie said...

I feel sad when I see these photos stacked up in antique malls...but it makes me happy to know that there are those who love to give them a good home!
There are several "instant ancestors" scattered about my home too!

I love that you have stories for them...and Sarah, well she definitely has pinchable cheeks!

Have a joy-filled Sunday Becky!

Denise said...

OMG....... those are just sooooooo cute and the way that you have displayed them is just so artistic! Good for you girl...... Makes me want to treasure hunt among the old pictures next time I am in the antique shops..........

Have a blessed Sunday..

Unknown said...

I love old photos! I always wonder why they are no longer wanted? Did everyone in the family know that they were being gotten rid of? I would have a fit if I thought that my cousins were getting rid of old photos.

Such sweet little people frozen in time. :)


Scrap for Joy said...

What sweet vingnettes. I have always thought that the vintage photos of children always looked so serious. Do you think it was because they had to sit still for so long while the photographer worked?
I love your little ironstone pieces.

Sunny Simple Life said...

I always think it is so sad that photos lose their families somewhere along the way. Nice though that others appreciate them and cherish them.

Vee said...

So often I come home with a little one. We're all His little ones now aren't we? Have a great Sunday!

Anonymous said...

I love old photos, also. So many unanswered thoughts to go with them. I also wonder why so many of them had such sober faces. Glad you took them into your home.

Elsie said...

Becky those are so sweet. I think the same way you do. I always wonder how they got to an antique store and what is their names and how old were they. The little girl looks like a Sarah. I love the little boy's hair, so sleek, they look so prim and proper and so darn cute. The baby is precious, makes you want to just smooch all over those cheeks.

JG said...

The photo frame with the little boy's photo caught my attention. My dad's high school graduation picture from '31 has that type of frame. :)

Unknown said...

What a wonderful post! I see photos like these in stores and I jsut get heart hurts for the nameless ones... I told my sons, please do not let that be the end of my family photos.....keep them safe and honor them, they ALL mattered! I think she looks like a Sarah too...:) Sandy

Alison @ The Polohouse said...

Love this post!!!!

Oh my Becky, I have thought those very same thoughts looking at old photos I have collected.

Funny though, my family has old photos, but the Matriarchs (my mom and great aunt) covet those old shots and are unwilling to share them!!!

So I have gone through old bins at antique shops and "collected" my own sets. I always threaten to frame them and set them out and tell people THESE are my relatives!!!!

Haven't done it.... but it is tempting! Instant ancestry!!!

LOL. Hope my mom doesn't read this! xox Alison

camp and cottage living said...

You do have to wonder what their lives were like.
What dear, sweet children!

PattieJ said...

I always wonder about the people in antique photos too....

Anonymous said...

Sweet!...and the playlist, is right on!

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Becky,
Aww, the children photos are precious for sure.It's kinda said that these sweet little ones photo's were just tossed aside by the family. But not to worry little ones in the photo's you now have a home with your "Aunt Becky".
I love the sheep...on Friday while Gary was working I took a drive over to Oakdale to the quilt shop and then stopped over to browse a antique shop and found a few treasures. I love Oakdale...
Have a sweet day and I hope all is well...Big hugs, Elizabeth

Deborah said...

Adorable photos from the past...xo

Deborah xoxo

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

These are adorable. I too love these cabinet pictures of little children. I wonder who they were, and what their lives were like. I also like the vintage brides from the early times.

sweetpea said...

becky, thanks for your comment! you are so sweet!

