Thursday, April 7, 2011

Got Bread?


Yes, the package of Stonewall Kitchen's Cinnamon Swirl Quick Bread still waits on the counter. Little chickadees, if you stare at it long enough, maybe it will bake itself! Orrrr….you could make it for me! Shhhah! …like that will happen….!

Have any of you tried Stonewall Kitchen products? They are wonderful! My favorites are the jams and jellies. Just so tasty and the packaging is pretty neat, too.



It’s a good thing!

And speaking of bread, everyone have their taxes turned in? Now the second question is: Got Bread?

I am taking a small break here for some much needed spring cleaning. I am beginning to feel like a sleep with a dust rag in my hand.

XoXo from sunny AND dusty California.


  1. Morning, Becky!
    I can just smell that bread baking. Going to check our local Nugget market for the brand. I don't think Safeway carries it. I have been thinking of buying a bread machine. Do you have one? Only problem is... well you probably guessed it! You bake it, you have to eat it. Just apply to the hips!!! I have been spring cleaning, too. So from one dust bunny to another, have a wonderful day and a wonderful spring!


  2. Pop that bread in so you'll have something to look forward to. I have tried that product and I agree. It's a good one. (I'm baking Paska today...I can hardly wait!)

  3. Enjoy your time away! And I love Stonewall Kitchen, so yummy!

    Kat :)

  4. yummmmmm....the cinnamon swirl bread sounds delicious. Now, if you cfan get those Chickens to make it.....You're awesome.
    And yes, my taxes are at the accountnt and I'm waiting for the call to see how much "bread" she's gonna need.....AY yi yi.

    PS: What did you say to your puppy about dating? My four year old "boy" hasn't asked about dating yet! :)

  5. I haven't tried that bread, I make my own which is just as easy, it only takes 90 min (see my side bar) Good luck with the cleaning, I have got to do that too! ;D

  6. Have fun cleaning -- I need to take a break and clean too, but that would be WAY too much work LOL!

  7. Enjoy your spring cleaning Becky and hurry back! :)


  8. Bread, we love the smell of fresh bread. We are in CA lady, welcome
    Benny & Lily

  9. When you are done, you can come and bake some bread and dust in my house!! Have a fun break, enjoy your clean house!

  10. That bread sound de-lish Becky!!
    Come on over for a visit..Im having my first giveaway!
    And bring some of that bread ..if you so desire :)

    Deborah xoxo

  11. Becky I will look for that kind of bread. I see you have my bread box.
    I made fresh strawberry jam this week and I need some bread to go with it. Let me know if those chickadees cook for you, I have some almost like that and maybe they will follow suit. I did the dust rag thang Monday ugh!!!

  12. Don't look up ....just keep dusting and moving north. When you get to the ponds please do whatever you feel is necessary to bring this house to an acceptable standard.
    Thank you!

  13. Oh that looks good Becky, unfortunately I have given up bread for Atkins for the moment:>{ We have our taxes done and back, which is a good thing with a looming government shutdown. Glad that's out of the way!

  14. Bread is always a good thing! Hey, if you can't get enough spring cleaning there, you are welcome here!!
    xo Cathy

  15. The flagship Stonewall Kitchens store in York Maine is amazing. They have samples of virtually everything ready for your tasting pleasure, plus they carry lots of kitchen/cooking related items and blue and white dishes from the UK. Their gardens are beautiful too!

  16. Oh it sounds yummy!
    Taxes? Bite your tongue ;0)
    Have a great weekend my "domestic diva" friend!

    Sharon & Max

  17. I've never heard of that bread, but I love anything cinnamon :-) It looks yummy.

    Thank you again for putting Jordan's photo on your blog. So many of your sweet followers have come by to say hi and are praying for him. He continues to improve daily. Bless you dear Becky!

  18. That looks like really good bread. You have a nice break and don`t let those dust bunnies get you. Love Kathy Sue

  19. so, did the little red hen bake the bread, do her takes, have a little fun? i hope so!

    happy weekend, sweetie


  20. ooooh! Bread.... good!



  21. I'm catching up on my bloggy visits today!

    We lurve bread!! I still have the bread machine my MIL gave us 10 years ago and it still bakes like a dream. I often use it for the dough and then bake the bread item in the oven. Our family favorite is buttery bubble bread, a recipe I got out of Taste of Home magazine years ago.

    See ya when you get back!

  22. So how loooong is your break?
    Just stopped in to say I miss you.
    I don't get to post because of the internet problems but I am visiting when I can!
    Miss you.
    Sherry and Daisy


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