Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Back!

Spring back and what do I see? A carpet of pink flowers looking at me.


Beautiful blooms layered against thorns and leaves, ironic that something so lovely could cause one to bleed.


Outstretched branches showcasing the best of the best, combating elements and all of the garden pests.



You like a little hair cut every now and then, as this pushes new growth out over and over again.


Step inside the old garden gate, you may even be visited by a butterfly if you sit and wait.


Now spring forward and open the door, a brand new garden awaits outside for you to explore.


For every sweet flower, large or small, thank you for your beauty that captivates us all.






Take the time to smell the flowers.

Happy Spring!

Addendum: These are flowers from my yard from last spring, hence spring back. I cannot wait for them to start blooming again....if only it would stop raining here! So girls....I am in the same boat with you who are anticipating a showcase of flora!!


Debby said...

Happy Spring as well. Beautiful roses and I love that Irish music playing.

Pondside said...

That was SO beautiful. I am longing for colour. My cousins from California were here this weekend and they really felt the cold!

Blondie's Journal said...

Beautiful post for the first day of spring!! :-)


Kris said...

Your roses are lovely. I have them lining the entire outside of our front yard. But no climbers. I love climbers1!! Oh those darn aphids!!!!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh my, I remember a time when I didn't stop to smell the flowers. Life wasn't nearly as much fun!

ornamentsbypink said...

Your pictures are beautiful! What a sweet post! I love roses can't wait to see mine blooming! (if it ever warms up here) still freezing..
Happy Spring to you

Cottage Touch said...

ah man your teasing me, spring flowers won't likely come out for another month here

Freckled Hen said...

Happy Spring to you, too. Your pictures are stunning!
Hope you are well,

Two French Bulldogs said...

Benny & Lily

La said...


Your post makes me smile.

Susan said...

Your roses are gorgeous!! My roses have not started blooming yet!

Vee said...

Those are blooming in your garden now? They are beautiful and another way for me to enjoy spring where there are some roses...right here.

Lori Lucas said...

Wow. Are those flowers in your yard? We are not that far advanced in our springtime yet, although we do have daffodils and pear trees that are beautiful. It won't be long!
Also, your poem was adorable. Was it after "Brown Bear, Brown Bear"?
My children were raised in the town where (Bill Martin JR) the author of that and other famous poems was from. He (Mr. Martin) is their favorite son. The schools did so many fun things with his poetry through the years.
Enjoy the beautiful weather. Lori L

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh Becky, so beautiful! Pink roses are my favorite and I can't wait until mine bloom this spring! Can I admit I had divine inspiration on what to use to make your Sophies Bloomers bag while I was in church this morning? I can't wait to get what I need and get started:>)

Duke said...

Your roses are just beautiful! Happy spring!

Deborah said...

Spring is here!!!
At long last Becky!!
Thank you for so greeting spring with such lovely roses...breath-taking!!
Cant wait to see those here...xo

Deborah xoxo

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What gorgeous colors! I can just imagine how wonderful they smell! ♥

Unknown said...

Beautiful! :) I can almost smell them!


Elsie said...

Beautiful,Beautiful,Beautiful Becky. Happy Spring to you to.
My Lady Banks rose bush is blooming
as well as my Knock out roses. My
Wisteria is beautiful right now.
I love Spring!!!

Denise said...

Oh I love roses...They were my Mom's favorite... I am going to plant a rose garden this year just for her... Yours made me want to stop and smell!


Connie said...

Beautiful roses....... Hopefully I will see ours bloom this summer.
Happy Spring to you!

AnneMarie said...

Beautiful blooms! Not long now! Happy Spring to you! xx

GranthamLynn said...

Oh how pretty. Thanks for 'springing back' and sharing these lovelies. Have a great week,

Stitchfork said...

Hopefully those beauties will be blooming soon!
xo Cathy

Elyse said...

hi becky!

here in new england, spring is off to a typical beginning: sunny and warm yesterday; snowing today! (hang in there, crocuses!)

happy spring ~*~


DBR said...

Beautiful post Becky!

Love you.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Oh how beautiful! Yipee for Spring!

♥I am having Springtime Giveaway over on my blog....come on over and join the fun!♥

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky,

I can't wait for my roses to start popping! My tree peony is full of buds waiting to bloom. Can't wait. With all this rain I haven't been able to get out and do very much in the yard. Did manage to fertilize and everything is so green and lush. Really enjoyed your wonderful pictures and soon we will all be enjoying our gardens. Have a wonderful day!

Susan Freeman said...

Hi Becky! What beautiful flowers!! Belated Happy Birthday to dear Duhgall!!

Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley

burlap+blue said...

Hey! For some reason the email I keep trying to send to you is coming back to me....Anyway, Thanks so much for reminding me to credit the images...they are from Country Living....I wish I knew the homeowners, what an amazing sense of style! And the fact that the linens reminds you of your own guest bedroom makes me want to see your home:) I'm sure it's just as fabulous! Do you have pics up on your blog?? Thanks for commenting! xoxo

Stephanie said...

So so pretty!!!!!!!! I am looking forward to spring blooms around here...but it may be a few more weeks...we're supposed to get 4-6 inches of snow over night :(

Skoots1moM said...

please tell me they smell as sweet as they look...
i sooo miss roses with their rich smells

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Thanks for the reminder how beautiful Spring is in CA! More rain coming! :)

Love ya Becky!

Mimi Sue said...

Beautiful roses! So looking forward to some color in our garden. Mimi

Priscilla @ Homegrown Delight said...

I'm new to your blog. Your roses are incredibly beautiful! You seen to be enjoying spring. I'm waiting for the snow to stop! Have a great week.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I want a pink rose bush. Are they hard to grow?

Julie Harward said...

These flowers melt my heart..and I am sure I can smell them! Nothing as magical as a rose! ;D

Susie Q said...

Spring is trying to spring here but old man Winter came roaring back today! I so loved your pictures!

Lululiz said...

Beautiful photographs of very lovely blossoms. I am so longing for my few roses to start flowering, but I still have a long wait.

addie373 said...

What beautiful pink roses!!! Gorgeous! Do you know the name of it? I would love to find one for my garden.
Happy Spring!!!
Wishing you sunshine and rainbows.