Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas ‘Round The House & Merry Christmas Wishes!


Now that Christmas is all up, I can tend to other seasonal things – like baking cookies for family and friends and spend time enjoying the season. This year’s decorations are pretty much the same as last, except for a new rusty old black scale that, for now, is the base for two bottle brush trees. Below is the Scottie tree that sits next to the “great wall of Scots”. The tree holds many sweet gifts that many of you have sent to me over the years – and you may even recognize them! Enjoy the little tour…..P1010005l























Our family wishes you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a bright New Year!!!


A note to friends:

I know that many of you have lost loved ones and have had health issues or hardships over the past year, or so. Each day I think of you….Claudia, Pat, Lallee, Shelley, Donna, Nancy, Karen,Penny, Kathy, Debbie, Denise, Shelia, Cynthia, Amy, Susie Q, Sharon, Pam, Jean, Laura, Alice, Melinda, Linda…and so many, many more. I pray that our Father’s love touches you and sustains you through this season and the upcoming year – and really, for always and forever.

For those of you who have lost a loved one, it takes time for healing and some days are better than others, however the memory and the love that is held deep within our soul is what can keep us going. For me, it is the promise that God gives to us that someday we shall all be together once again. This is the food for my soul. Could there not be any better gift than that? I really don’t think so!! This beats chocolate cake any day!! So when I get down and feel really blue thinking of my precious angel Jordan, I just remember that even though he is with us in spirit, there will be a day that Heaven’s door will open wide and he will be there to give our family the biggest hug that one could EVER give. That thought puts the biggest smile on my face and fills my heart with pure JOY! I just want to do a little happy dance thinking about that!!!

Be sure to light a candle for Jesus this season and wish Him a very, very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thank Him for all of HIS GIFTS to us that He gives each day.

May God Bless you and keep you….

always and forever,


See you next year! I am taking a break to share the time with family and friends. There are cookies to be baked, presents to wrap, dogs to play with, movies and books to catch up on, a mound of laundry that is going to sprout legs soon and a yard that needs some serious tending to. Oh hubbbbbby!

Till then…….



  1. Your decorations are divine. I always enjoy how you display your items. Have a blessed Christmas. Enjoy your blogging break. I'll look forward to see you return in 2011.

  2. Becky,
    Everything is beautiful!
    I feel the same way about Amber as you do Jordan. We will all meet again one day. No matter how bad some days are I know we will all be reunited again and that makes me smile too.
    Although I don't always leave you a comment I always read your posts. I put the "Faith" ornament you sent me last year on my tree the other day and thought of you.
    Have a Blessed Merry Christmas.

  3. A lovely post from a very lovely lady! Bless you and yours this Christmas Season. Many thanks for sharing your life with us.


  4. Enjoy this special holiday season! God bless you! ♥

  5. Your home is full of happy little elves, Scotties and love Becky. Your Jordan is waiting for you and celebrating with Jesus. Your faith is so beautiful. We can't forget our loved ones that have gone ahead, but you are so right that we will see them again and hold them in our arms. Many blessings to you. Have a good blog break, and a happy Chhristmas. I look forward to seeing your posts again soon!

    Love Kathy

  6. Becky, your words touched my soul. Thank you!

    I love your beautiful decorations and when I'm missing you in the next week, I'll be back to visit again. Enjoy your time away and may you and yours have the Merriest of Christmases.

  7. Merry Christmas Becky!

    Your decorations look scrumptious! Love that scale with the bottle brush trees ~ it's a great addition!

    What an encourager you are ~ your special note is beautiful! A hug from those we love waiting for us in Heaven! So much better than any kind of dessert that I can think of!!

    Enjoy your break, and your cookie baking and your present wrapping and all that other stuff!

    P.S. Happy Birthday Jesus!!

    "God's best to you [Becky]
    Christ's blessings on you!"
    Philemon 1:3 The Message

  8. Very touching post Becky. Thinking of you this Holiday Season. I'll miss you.

  9. Hi dear all your sweet decorations....thank you too for your kind words....your faith in Christ just shines through this post. What a blessed hope we have as his children....a promise of his second coming and being reunited with loved ones gone before. I am sending you many Christmas blessings and a very Happy New year....blessings,Shelley

  10. What a perfect Christmas post!
    Enjoy your holidays!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  11. What a beautiful, beautiful post Becky! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  12. Merry Christmas dear friend. Stay warm and dry ;o)...

  13. We love you guys so much. It does my heart good to know that Jordan and Paul are just waiting for us to join them.

    I am seriously going to have to have a Scottie tree next year. I'll start collecting now for it. Save me some caramels!!!!

  14. Becky, Thank you kind friend for being so thoughtful. Your words are truly comforting. Wihing you a joyful and blessed Christmas. See you next year! Peace. ~amy

  15. Thank you for your sweet post. And for the blessing of knowing that all who personally know the Christ Child will one day walk the streets of gold with their loved ones. Wishing you a very blessed Christmas.


  16. becky...beautiful thoughts. there is a poem "I carry your heart with me" by e.e. cummings. 'i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)'.....So true, love our boys.
    Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year...

  17. Merry Christmas. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures and thoughts.

  18. Your Christmas decorations are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    Most of all thanks for your wonderful post on "Faith". I know that our son Paul is in heaven today and will be there to greet us when the time comes. I don't know how parents who don't have this Faith get through the death of a child.

    We celebrate the Season with fond memories of all those Christmas's past. We honor our son's memory each Christmas by taking our family on a Christmas light tour in our motorhome. Paul was our Holiday light expert and we remember him as we tour the brightly lit nieghborhoods.

    Merry Christmas.

  19. Becky I love your decorations.
    They are so beautiful. May you
    and your family have a very
    blessed Christmas and a very happy
    New Year. I hope you enjoy your
    blogging break. See you in 2011.

  20. We just love your Christmas decorations.
    Benny & Lily

  21. Your home and your heart are both full of loveliness. Special blessings to you and your family this holiday season. ....And of course special holiday wishes to the pups as well! Lori L

  22. Your decorations are delightful! Merry Christmas!!

  23. Your home looks beautiful but it doesn't nearly compare with your heart. What a lovely blessing you have given. I recognize some those names and have them in my heart as well. I, too have loved ones being tended by the Shephard awaiting my homecoming and oh, what a glorious time that will be. Until that day I have family and friends to enjoy to the fullest right here on earth. Have a wonderful, blessed holiday. Patty

  24. Becky your house looks wonderful! Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas!


  25. Becky, what a beautiful post! You touched my heart with your kind words. I'm so happy that you loved your little surprises. Enjoy this special holiday season with family and friends. I know your sweet Jordan and my friend's precious son, Daniel, are celebrating with Jesus in heaven! Your faith is such an inspiration to others. Guess what? I see my oncologist on Friday and that will be my "graduation day". I won't have to see him any more. Praise God!!!! We are bracing for an ice/snow storm that is supposed to hit overnight. Have a joyous holiday season. Merry Christmas my sweet friend. Love you and your blog friendship! Love & blessings from NC!

  26. Everything looks just beautiful! Have a wonderful break and a Merry Christmas. See you next year!


  27. OH Becky! I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! Many Many Blessings!!!!


  28. Wow, I felt as if I were in a Winter Wonderland...your decor is just stunning and I love all of your sweet little bottle brush trees.

    Blessing to you and yours my dear,
    Deanna :D

  29. Thank you my sweet friend.. My tears still just roll down my face each day.. I took flowers to mom and dad yesterday..... I stood there looking at the beauty of the day and trying to control my grief. All we have is HIS promise...... each day I thank HIM for that......

    I so miss them.... but you know that feeling......

    Merry Christmas my sweet friend.. and a New Year filled with Jesus..

  30. Beautiful home and beautiful and poignant post, Becky.
    I pray you have a calm and bright and blessed Christmas!!

  31. Dear Becky,
    Your post was so beautiful and touching. Thank you! God Bless you and your family. Happy Holidays.

  32. Hi Becky,

    Your home looks fabulous and simply stunning! Such a sweet loving feeling of Christmas! I hope you have a beautiful Christmas Becky! And you are so right about seeing our loved ones again, I feel my Dad around me all the time and I know he's here taking care of me still. He's my guardian angel , until I see his smile and feel his warm hug again.

    Have a wonderful ,loving, holiday break my sweet friend!

    Love , Cyn xo

  33. Your Christmas decor is so pretty! Love all the little vintage touches I knew I'd see at your house!

  34. Becky,
    You never fail to lift my spirits.
    Enjoy your break, and do all the things that make you happy.
    Wishing you and your family a blessed and Merry Christmas!

  35. So beautiful...everything about this post...bless you sweet Becky!

    Deborah xoxoxo

  36. Becky, It is always such a treat to tour your warm and welcoming home especially at christmas time.You have a wonderful and blessed Christmas, sweet Becky.
    Merry Christmas,
    Jean in Virginia

  37. Dearest Becky
    You have been much in my thoughts of late and never more so than at Christmas which is always a time for reflection and remembering loved ones. Sending love and hugs to you and your family and furry friends..
    Enjoy your days till your return.
    Much love
    Michele xx

  38. It's always a joy to visit your bloggy-house and this season is no different. By the way, I lurve your butter dish, it has that retro vintage look.

    Your encouraging words are a excellent reminder that our time here is short. Blessings to you and your precious family.

    See you next year!

  39. Hello Sweet Becky~
    You, your home, and your words always fill me with light and and a feeling of peace. Thank You so much for sharing your Christmas.
    (Please stop by and see the first gingerbread house I posted the other day. I couldn't help but think of you when I put that picture up!)
    Lots of Hugs,

  40. Dear friend, this is a difficult time for many of us and thank you for remembering us as we remember you.
    God bless and keep you and we'll see you next year!

  41. Lovely!Enjoy your holiday. Hugs! P.S. last day to enter my giveaway today

  42. Your blog is so pretty. I love your tree and all of your house decorations. It looks so festive and warm. I also so those bristle trees and the deer on the shelf. I am a new blogger and would love for you to stop by.
    Happy holidays to you and your family.

  43. Merry Christmas Becky! As with your decor, you express yourself so beautiflly with your sentiments at the end of this post.You are truly one of a kind.
    Enjoy your break.

  44. Christmas Blessings to you and your family, From my mountain to yours Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  45. Wishing you a very blessed holiday Becky.

    Much love,

  46. Becky,

    I so needed to read you blog today. We lost my mom in September. I was just telling someone today that this first Christmas without her here is hard, but I keep telling myself they must be having some kind of wonderful birthday party in heaven. It IS a comfort to know that we will be together again. Thanks for your words, they truly are encouragement to me today.


  47. Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year!

  48. dear becky
    your decorations is wonderful!!!
    i wish you and your familiy a wonderful christmas and a happy new year!!!!
    bear hugs regina

  49. It's all beautiful Becky! I think you missed a surprise on my won a giveback! Send me your address so we can get it to you!

  50. Thanks for sharing your beautiful home with us, and thanks also for your shining example of faith.

  51. Dearest Becky ~ Your sweet blog has carried me through some very tough times over the past couple of years. I want to thank you so much for your kind heart and Godly spirit. I am wishing you and yours a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  52. hi becky,

    your decorating is always so pretty with sweet touches of humor.

    thanks for the inspiring words, too.

    warmest wishes for continued merriment, good health and of course, treats!


  53. Beautiful post! Thank you for reminding us not to take the people we love for granted. Your home is just beautiful all decked out in it's Christmas decorations. We had some of those little pinecone elves when I was a little girl too. I wonder what happened to them. I should ask my sister...Mimi

  54. Becky, everything looks darling!
    Did you have a white Christmas? Of course not. We at least got rain..and for that we should probably be grateful. Think of the beautiful Spring we will have.
    Hugs and love,

  55. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Your home looks so warm and festive. I love the little vintage fire truck.

    Happy New Year! La

  56. I have been by but haven't left a message. I just bet your house was so lovely. From what you've shared it looks like a Merry Christmas place! Wishing you a very Happy New Year. Daisy wishs your 'kids' a good year of many bones and rawhide!
    S U in '11!

  57. My God Dawg Momma put my picture on her blog!@!!!.....I love you very much God Dawg Mamma Becky!
    XOXOXOXOXOX and a big AROOOOOO from me and my brother G-dog......
    and a lotta love from our human Ma and Pa!!!!!

  58. and sweet blessings to you dear.

    Happy new year,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  59. Hi Becky,

    I just wanted to stop in and wish you a very blessed new year. I have made the decision to stop blogging, but I'll be by now and again to visit you.

    Big hugs,


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!